NBA 2K12


so mies ist fußball nicht :smoke: und er regiert fast überall außer in den staaten. ;) spud webb sollte jedem echten nba fan (egal ob jung oder alt) ein begriff sein, da die meisten auf dunkings stehen und auch in der history sich ein wenig umschauen. außerdem zeigt die nba sehr oft alte ausschnitte zB. an all star weekends mit den alten duellen zwischen wilkins, mj, etc. und ein webb ist auch meist immer dabei. damals war das natürlich beeindruckend bei seiner größe, aber es gibt reichlich streetballer mit änlicher größe die es heute besser können. auch wenn nate robinson 3 bis 5cm größer ist als spud webb, finde ich seine dunkings viel spektakulärer und schwerer von der ausführung.

ach ja, earl boykins ist 1,65cm groß und kann/konnte auch dunken. soweit ich weiß, hat er zu seiner zeit in milwaukee mal einen put-back dunk gezeigt?! finde leider kein video im web dazu. in seiner college zeit habe ich gelesen, hat er auch mal gedunkt. korrigiert mich, wenn ich falsch liege.

ps. es heißt contest, nicht kontest. ;)


Achievements in NBA 2k12

Earn every achievement in NBA 2K12.
Get drafted as a lottery pick in the NBA draft in My Player mode.
Purchase 3,000 skill points in a single transaction in My Player mode.
Complete all 3 in-game objectives in My Player mode.
Purchase Michael Jordan’s dunk package (His Airness) in My Player mode.
Make a donation to the NBA Cares global community outreach initiative in My Player mode.
Be named Player of the Game (in an NBA game) in My Player mode.
Become a starter in the NBA in My Player Mode.
Land a contract that pays at least $10M per season in My Player mode.
Earn an 80 overall rating in My Player mode.
Be named an NBA All-Star in My Player mode.
Make the Hall of Fame in My Player mode.
Make a game winning shot with no time left on the clock, in a non-simulated game.
Record a triple double with any player, in a non-simulated game.
Record two double doubles with any teammates, in a non-simulated game.
Record 5 or more in 5 different stats with any player in a non-simulated game.
Make 15 or more 3-pointers with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Record 10 or more blocks with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Record 10 or more steals with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Record at least 5 blocks and 5 steals with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Hold the opposing team’s FG% below 40% with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Record 10 or more rebounds and assists with any player, in a non-simulated game.
Start the 4th period losing by 10 or more points and win with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Do not allow your opponent to lead the game at any point with any team, in a non-simulated game.
Pull off a successful 4-point play with any player, in a non-simulated game.
End the 1st period with a 15 point lead or greater on the Hall of Fame difficulty setting.
Hold the opposing team to 0 points in the final two minutes of regulation, in a non-simulated game.
Score at least 48 points with Kevin Durant to set a new career high, in a non-simulated game.
Create a My2K Account.
Play an entire game using manual substitutions, in a non-simulated game.
Join an Online Association.
Win 5 NBA Today matchups.
Win the championship in an Online Association.
Win 5 games in a row in The Association mode (playing all 5 games).
Earn the NBA’s best record in The Association mode (at least 30 games played).
Win an NBA Championship in The Association mode (playing every playoff game).
Win the MVP award in NBA: Creating a Legend mode.
Get the Sprite Slam Cam replay after a dunk with LeBron James.
Create a 2K Beats Playlist.
Win one online ranked match.
Win 3 ranked matches in a row.
Win 5 ranked matches in a row.
Win 5 ranked matches total.
Win 10 ranked matches total.
Complete 5 of the NBA’s Greatest challenges.
Complete 10 of the NBA’s Greatest challenges.
Complete all 15 of the NBA’s Greatest challenges.
Play a Team Up Game.
Share any file type through 2K Share.

bin mal gespannt was unter einer "online association" zu verstehen ist.
Hier noch ein neues Gameplay video und der Jumpshot vergleich von James und Dirk. Da hat 2k super arbeit geleistet!:thumb:


Der Typ, der beim Gameplay-Video spielt, hat aber auch zum ersten Mal einen Controller in der Hand, oder? ;)

Das ist ja grauenhaft.. :laugh2:


Wenn der Online Association Mode das ist was ich denke, dann wäre das schon klasse. Es ist keine wirkliche Herausforderung, gegen den CPU zu spielen. Man kann Superstars für den letzten Schrott zusammenkaufen, bzw. man ertradet sich jedes Jahr den ersten Pick durch realitätsferne Transfers.

Generell hoffe ich das die Spielerentwicklung nun dynamischer abläuft und Spieler auch schlechter werden können. Nicht das man im Jahr 2020 20 Spieler mit 90er 50 mit 80er Wertung hat, so dass 3/4 in der Free Agency landet, weil der Salary Cap jedes Teams überlastet ist.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


NBA 2K is built on a foundation
of gameplay and presentation elements that become more refined with each new
title. The new additions in NBA 2K12 are sure to be
welcomed by the basketball purists. But with a special attention being made to
star-player mannerisms and animations, signature style may be stronger than

The first improvement NBA 2K players
will notice is the overall polish. Menu colors are vibrant, and the main menu
highlights NBA players with in-action still photos. These photos blend realism
with the fictional NBA 2K world. Beautifully sculpted
in-game player models come to life in pregame introductions. Wade and LeBron
might be casually holding a Spalding ball, or Dirk and company might be standing
in front of the camera with their mean muggin’ game faces on.

The graphical elements during introductions highlight superstar player models with a
sponsored backdrop; the overall feel strikes me as a pay-per-view heavyweight
bout, showcasing the world’s best in a tale of the tape. It’s a nice platform to
show off the improved player faces and also the considerable detail made to the
tattoos. Shading and lighting of the tattoos, coupled with the improved skin
tones, were things that caught my attention from the start.

Gameplay Elements

NBA 2K12‘s gameplay feels more refined. I felt more in control than in the
past, partly due to less clunkiness in the animations. Moves were tighter and
more crisply executed; this makes it easier to branch from one animation to the
next. The dribbling attacks happen in a smaller radius on the court, resulting
in more control of your athletes in a given space. This will allow moves in the
lane or post to be executed in a more precise fashion without unintentionally
dribbling into crowded areas on the floor.

The post-up button has been moved to Y/Triangle, which I am not a fan of so far. It just does not feel
practical to use your “shot stick” thumb to press the post-up button before
returning back to the right stick. The dual-trigger post-up was inherently
natural in my opinion because it allowed for a gamer to hold both triggers to
initiate the post-up maneuver. From there, you could continue to hold down one
of the triggers and initiate into a variety of moves. On the bright side, drop
steps were harder to execute with the improved defensive mechanics that allow
gamers to cut off certain angles. I was only able to pull off one drop step in
my time with the game.
NBA 2K 12 (4)

Beyond that, I was also unable to determine what button the
“signature gather” was mapped to now, which tends to be one of my favorite
mid-range moves. I was not able to confirm different control schemes, but I’m
optimistic last year’s scheme will be an option.

Some other random
things I noticed include subtle nuances that have been added for casual dribbles
and mannerisms. The game also allows users to add up to 16 plays in a playbook
to any particular player on the floor. If Kobe is your guy, he can truly be the
focal point now. Another addition I loved was the tweaked in-game coaching
strategy mapped to the directional pad. Players can instruct a basic offense to
set screens for shooters or to space the floor rather than run specific plays.
This allows the game to flow while running a core offensive system on the fly.

NBA’s Greatest

Dr. J steps on
the court laced in optical white Star Player high-tops with the bravado of a
world-class baller. His history was made, and it is now in the hands of everyone
to remake and remix it.

NBA 2K12‘s Greatest
mode is a digital basketball hall of fame featuring playable basketball tales
from the greats around every corner. This mode has me beyond excited to play
through these classic challenges.
NBA 2K 12 (10)

Each era of the NBA is represented dating back to Mr. Logo
himself, Jerry West. Animation sets change between eras, shifting from
fundamentals of the ’60s to the flash and uptempo hoops of the ’70s. In my brief
time with Ewing and the Knicks, I was able to witness some hard fouls and the
ruggedness of the NBA in this era. However, I do not know yet if it was just
this game I was playing, or if it was a purposely installed theme in the game.
(One can only hope eras will be presented in the game in such a way.)

The legends are true representations, each with his own personal style. (This game
mode is most likely where we will see a ton of new animations.) Julius Erving’s
body frame appeared and felt unique to his game. His larger than life wingspan,
and his maneuverability in the air allowed him to attack the rim at ease.

Bill Russell’s thin frame provided a skill set to rebound and defend
over anybody on the court, with considerable touch around the rim. A player from
a more Cousy-era has a fundamentally sound dribble game and fundamental shot
while rocking uncomfortably tight shorts.
NBA 2K 12 (14)

In the old-school Celtics/Lakers game, the Celtics play on
old school woodgrain courts with no advertisements in the arena — just folding
tables in place of a scorer’s tables. The commentary had a filter over the
voices, authentic to the sounds of the generation.

Final Thoughts

In my short time with NBA 2K12, my excitement level has increased. There seems
to have been a focus on distinguishing each player and his skill set, which is a
welcomed addition. I hope this focus will lead to more exciting matchups on each
end of the floor because it would only enhance the strategies that could be
built and executed.
Quelle: NBA2k4life

das rad wird sicher nicht neu erfunden, aber sonst klingt es ganz gut:thumb:


Achievements in NBA 2k12
-Land a contract that pays at least $10M per season in My Player mode.
das find ich geil! Endlich gehts auch ums gehalt :D

-Get the Sprite Slam Cam replay after a dunk with LeBron James
verarschen? :D doch nich mit DEM, mit MJ23 hätte es sinn gemacht aber warum mit Mister Ichkannalles?


sieht nett aus. Wobei dieses Bild könnte darauf hindeuten , dass es keine echten Rookies im Draft 2011 bzw. im NBA2k12 geben wird. Ich kenne jedenfalls keinen Jason Mills oder Joe Patterson die im Draft gezogen worden.


sieht nett aus. Wobei dieses Bild könnte darauf hindeuten , dass es keine echten Rookies im Draft 2011 bzw. im NBA2k12 geben wird. Ich kenne jedenfalls keinen Jason Mills oder Joe Patterson die im Draft gezogen worden.

Nein, gibt keine echten Rookies, da sie noch keine Verträge unterzeichnet haben - ist zwar schade, aber werden wir mit leben müssen :)