Orlando Magic - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen


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• The Orlando Magic have expedited their pursuit of former Timberwolves coach Flip Saunders, but it's doubtful the Magic would be willing to pay the $8 million a year Portland Trail Blazers owner Paul Allen is expected to offer Saunders... :jubel:

Das wärs natürlich, sollte Mischbrod Flip nach Disneyland holen und RDV Flip soviel Kohle zahlen, könnte man der Offseason sehr entspannt entgegen sehen.


So, es gibt wieder einiges an Neuigkeiten.
Penny Hardaway will scheinbar einen Buyout von den Knicks, um dann bei uns zu unterschreiben. Nachdem wie er dieses Team verlassen hat hoffe ich mal, daß es da keinerlei Möglichkeit gibt. Das wäre ein Schlag ins Gesicht. :mad:

Laut einer Zeitung in Cleveland ist die Verpflichtung von Musselman so gut wie sicher.
"Technically, Eric Musselman is still in the mix for the Cavaliers' coaching job. Based on the conversations he's having with some of his associates in the league, though, it certainly sounds like he's got his sights set on being the next coach in Orlando, which has been rumored for months anyway."

Laut einer Zeitung in Minneapolis, sind wir ganz dicke mit Flip Saunders im Geschäft.

Die einen sagen Muss wird's, die anderen Flip - versucht hier jemand die alle gegeneinander auszuspielen, um die Preise hochzutreiben? :mad:

Jerome James hat sich auch zu Wort gemeldet:
Here Jerome James was asked about what he will tell other teams as far as the type of player they will get if they sign Jerome James versus if he resigns with the Sonics, since during his career he has vanished on and off the court and never living up to his potential...

"People are going to ask that question of what Jerome James are they going to get, and I understand that," James said. "And all I can say is, look here, I love this team to death. Love them and will give all that I got for them. Now I go somewhere else and who knows, that will all have to build again. ... "

Na, irgendjemand Interesse an seiner Verpflichtung für die MLE? :D

Unser Insider hat was neues von der Coaching-Front berichtet:

"The Next Head Coach announced....
What?!?! I know a lot of you will say what the F am I talking about, but there is a consensus building amongst the 3 amigos that has them dragging out the coaching search until after the draft.

The thought process is apparrently like this. After reports this week of an impass as far as the CBA goes, there seems to be less of a rush in hiring a Head Coach. The Magic really want to put feelers out to Larry Brown and Tward is very insistent on giving Carlisimo a shot. Furthermore, they really want to see how the Skiles situation plays out and can not talk to him until after June 30th. So as for now I am hearing we will be a waiting for an answer.

I guess it will sort its way out in the end, but it is becoming a situation of which team needing a head coach will blink first. Honestly, I do not think it is that bad of a decision if they wait. That way come draft time there is less of a chance that the draft picks, either good or bad get hung on the new coach.

The one thing about it is whoever you bring in as a coach right now, they are going to want a say in who gets drafted. With the track record from last year you have to like the possibility of Otis, Tward and Weis making the selections on their own. They have spent all year compiling tapes and background on the guys in the draft. They have developed a plan on how they want to draft. So a new coach could interfere and disrupt the group.

Personally although I wuld like to know who the next head coach will be, I would rather not have one until after the draft. Because this way if they pick the next Jerryl Sasser we know exactly whose neck to choke.

Now watch as soon as I let this information out the Magic will have a HC tomorrow...lol...Well this is the latest from what I heard today and thought I would share it.

I bet it will come down to how long the Magic can wait. The one thing I am sure they do not want to do is set the high water salary mark for coaches."


P. S.: Der verdammte Insider lag wieder richtig, hat die Nachricht gepostet, bevor auch nur irgendwas davon an die Öffentlichkeit kam. :ricardo: panik:


So, hab nochmal zwei Sachen gefunden von Jerry (Insider):

"Just got off the Phone with my Bro. He said that Weis's decision to step down was 2 fold. First the Magic were approached by 2 NHL teams about talking to Weis about being their GM. Second, Saunders and Jackson both said in their initial interview that they would seriously interested if they were in a gm/Coach position.

According to my brother, this is the major reason why it has been so hush hush. It is also the reason why he has seen the coaches agents at RDV but meeting with Tward and Otis. Weis was not going to make any annoucement until he had a head coach and GM secured. He gave his word apparrently to RDV that he would see this thing through since he was the one that fired Davis.

My bro has no true indications other than speculation as to who the next HC/GM will be. HOWEVER, he said there was a serious buzz around RDV today in preparation for the press conferene they were going to call tomorrow. Apparrently RDV is coming to town. The decision has been made to throw the house at Jackson and or Saunders. Apparrently Jackson wanted a more "Pat Riley" like deal with some ownership. That may be the sticking point with Jackson's deal.

It all heated up this week when RDV gave his blessing. Apparently everything is in the bag for whoever is going to be the next HC and it was to be annouced AFTER Weis stepped down.

My brother said the Magic were not prepared for this story to get leaked and it is believed it came from the new hc/gm's agent. Accordingly, last week it was suppossed to happen but after the impase with the CBA, things cooled off. RDV made the decision either Friday or over the weekend to move forward regardless of the CBA in fear of losing the coach they think they have. This was due to an impending leave of Larry Brown from Detroit. RDV apparrently has his relationships in Michigan with the Pistons owner and was told that the Pistons are expecting Brown to step down after the season and retire from the NBA for good. Apparrently he has a serious health concern that he has been advised needss to be taken care of shortly after the season concludes.

The Magic did not want to be in competition with the Detroit Pistons for a GM/HC personell.

My brother seriously thinks it could be Saunders. But quietly hoping it is Jackson. He said at RDV they are still very mum about who the successor will be, due to being caught off guard. More to follow if I hear anything later tonight."

Knappe 90 Minuten später dann das:

"A couple things just revealed to me....

Before I type you must know I am in a bit of a shock....

The Magic did not plan to have a press conference tomorrow on Weis, but it looks like one will be rushed and put together.

Chris Ford was/is considered by the magic for th GM position as well.

A few cards are still left on the table in the GM/Caoching offers/search and the new HC/GM will definitely not be annouced until after the lottery.

Apparrently something still need to be ironed out in an impending deal the Magic think they have with their new HC. Which is why they did not want to jump the gun in making the annoucement about Weis leaving.

I have found out a few other unbelievable things which I am not really in the position to leak on here and I hope you understand. I feel confident that all of the right things are being orchestrated behind the scenes at RDv. Whether this means an immenent annoucement about the GM/HC time will tell.

My brother found out somethings tonight based upon TV reports, he called one of his closest frineds within the Magic organization. I think I will be able to say more in the next few days maybe the day prior to when I know something is 100% for certain. I actually fear saying much more on here could possibly hurt possible ongoing negoiations. I am not trying to put myself on a pedastal for any reason. I have just found out that many newspaper reporters read many online forums for information. And since some of you know who I am and my name I do not want any leaks coming back and attributed to me."

Interessant dabei übrigens - vor knapp 10 Tagen hat er im Forum gepostet, daß Jent von Twardzik und Smith aus dem Coaching-Rennen genommen wurde. Jetzt ergibt das so langsam auch ein Bild. :ricardo:


basketball.de Mitarbeiter
Da überschlagen sich ja die Gerüchte und Neuigkeiten binnen zweier Tage. Und eigentlich kann es jetzt auch nicht schnell genug gehen, denn ich denke, jeder Tag wird zur Vorbereitung zur nächsten Saison dringend gebraucht. Dass Weisbrod geht, kann eigentlich nur heißen, dass ein großer am Start ist und aller Voraussicht ist es tatsächlich Saunders. Für einen Chris Ford oder Brian Hill wäre Toasti garantiert nicht zurückgetreten.

Wenn das so weitergeht, kann man endlich wieder den Samen der Hoffnung gießen und schauen, ob etwas draus wird.


Die PK läuft gerade live bei 740theteam, werde später oder morgen mal ein Recap posten. Sehr interessant bisher, Otis Smith ist absolut sympathisch, und Bob VanderWeide sagt, er würde den Coach gerne innerhalb der nächsten 24 bis 48 Stunden bekannt geben.


So... Weisbrod hat gesagt, er hat sich dazu entschieden, den Posten zu verlassen, nachdem er mehrere Angebote aus der NHL bekommen hat. Er hat gemerkt, daß sein Herz diesem Sport gehört, da er drei NBA Titel für einen Stanley Cup tauschen würde. Er wurde NICHT dazu gezwungen, die Position zu verlassen. Jetzt erwähnt er gerade die Spieler, die für Coaches attraktiv sind: Howard, Nelson, Hill und Turkoglu. Na wer fehlt?

Achja, spätestens am Mittwoch wird FLIP SAUNDERS der neue Coach werden! Soviel hab ich jetzt rausgefunden.


within a mile of home
Fro schrieb:
So... Weisbrod hat gesagt, er hat sich dazu entschieden, den Posten zu verlassen, nachdem er mehrere Angebote aus der NHL bekommen hat. Er hat gemerkt, daß sein Herz diesem Sport gehört, da er drei NBA Titel für einen Stanley Cup tauschen würde. Er wurde NICHT dazu gezwungen, die Position zu verlassen. Jetzt erwähnt er gerade die Spieler, die für Coaches attraktiv sind: Howard, Nelson, Hill und Turkoglu. Na wer fehlt?

Achja, spätestens am Mittwoch wird FLIP SAUNDERS der neue Coach werden! Soviel hab ich jetzt rausgefunden.

Und meinst du, den fehlenden Spieler versuchen sei dann zu verscherbeln?


Ich weiß überhaupt nicht was ich davon halten soll, zumal Francis als Weisbrod's Spieler gilt. Er hat jedoch ZWEIMAL diese vier Namen genannt, und ihn rausgelassen. Es könnte also was im Busch sein. Werde mich mal umhören bei 2-3 Leuten...


Die letzten Infos, die ich jetzt noch habe:
Die Offer an Flip ist raus, sein Agent hat das Angebot im Großen und Ganzen angenommen, ein paar kleinere Sachen müssen noch geklärt werden. 99% sind also schon in trockenen Tüchern, es müßte schon sehr viel schief gehen, damit es nicht klappt.
Er wird jedoch NICHT den Posten des GM übernehmen!


Chadblog on Weisbrod

Ice too thin for Magic GM

Excuse the metaphor, but it looks like the hockey guy got iced.
GM John Weisbrod stepped down Monday as the GM of the Orlando Magic. According to the team, Weisbrod is leaving the team in order to pursue opportunities in the NHL.

This shouldn't come as a big surprise. It sure didn't take long for both Weisbrod and the Magic to realize that he belonged in hockey, not basketball.

Weisbrod's rise and fall lasted about as long as Hootie and the Blowfish's career. The "hockey guy" projected supreme confidence when he chucked Tracy McGrady just months after taking over the team. Weisbrod wanted to remake the Magic in his image -- a tough, no-nonsense, team-first type of squad. He believed that players should care more about the name on the front of the jersey than the one on the back. To him, McGrady was the antithesis of all the values he held dear. But he knew his career really hinged on that move.

"I said from the start this was the way I'd do it and I'd either be a hero or they'd run me out of town," Weisbrod told me in training camp.

After a solid start to the season for the Magic, the Magic stumbled badly. He made a disasterous trade for Doug Christie, giving up Cuttino Mobley. He fired head coach Johnny Davis and replaced him with rookie head coach Chris Jent. By the end of the season, a team that looked like a lock for the playoffs in March was back in the lottery.

Now, the future of the franchise has never been in more doubt.

Two solid first-round picks, Dwight Howard and Jameer Nelson, plus the reemergence of Grant Hill are the only things giving Magic's fans much hope at this point. However, all three of those things could have happened with Tracy McGrady still on board.

Now Magic president Bob Vander Weide has his hands full this summer. The team says that for the time being, director of player personnel Dave Twardzik and director of player development Otis Smith will lead Magic basketball operations.

With Weisbrod's radical overhaul suddenly in doubt, will the Magic have to tear it back down again and start over from scratch?

There's a feeling among some in the organization that Steve Francis needs to go. He has a lot of talent, but there are GMs who wonder, as Weisbrod did after acquiring him, if he has any business playing the point.

The team also needs to get younger at center (Kelvin Cato and Tony Battie are dinosaurs who don't really fit their style of play) and add a big, athletic two guard who can play defense (obviously Doug Christie hasn't panned out). They can probably get the two guard they need via the draft. The big man? They may have to use Francis and either Cato or Battie as bait to land him.

Vander Weide also needs a new head coach. Weisbrod called interim head coach Chris Jent the "crown jewel" of the franchise. However, no one seems to want to give the crown jewel a big extension.

They've made a strong push for Flip Saunders in the past few days. Other candidates include Eric Musselman, Chris Ford, and P.J. Carlesimo. Of the four, Musselman seemed like the best fit with Weisbrod's personality, but now all bets are off.

The bottom line for Weisbrod's short tenure is whether the Magic are better off than they were when he took over the franchise. Right now, it's tough to argue that they are. McGrady looked dominant in the playoffs. Rookie Anderson Varejao (who Weisbrod just gave away to Cleveland) looks like one of the steals of the draft. Even Drew Gooden turned things around in Cleveland this year. Meanwhile, all three of the guys that Orlando got from Houston are on the outs. Mobley is already gone and Francis and Cato could be on their way out this summer.

It's starting to look as though Weisbrod essentially gave McGrady away. No one can survive that. Especially not the hockey guy.
posted: May 23, 2005 9:10:09 AM PDT


Meine Telefonrechnung wird immens hoch sein, wie es ausschaut hat Saunders in letzter Sekunde doch noch zurückgezogen und es wird jetzt wirklich Hill, also Plan B.


Fro schrieb:
Meine Telefonrechnung wird immens hoch sein, wie es ausschaut hat Saunders in letzter Sekunde doch noch zurückgezogen und es wird jetzt wirklich Hill, also Plan B.

ist Hill jetzt gut oder schlecht?


Es ist in der Tat Brian Hill. :wall: :kotz:
Irgendwas ist auf der Zielgeraden noch vorgefallen mit Flip... :cry:

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AlmostBig schrieb:
ist Hill jetzt gut oder schlecht?

Sagen wir es mal so...so gute Bilanzen wie unter ihm, hatten die Magic nie wieder. NBA Finals, Nick Anderson an der Freiwurflinie :cry: ...

Alles andere verschweige ich jetzt absichtlich! :laugh2:


retired :(
Fro schrieb:
Meine Telefonrechnung wird immens hoch sein, wie es ausschaut hat Saunders in letzter Sekunde doch noch zurückgezogen und es wird jetzt wirklich Hill, also Plan B.

flip flop... :D

ob hill der richtige mann ist? ich bezweifel es...

das team um shaq und penny damals war ja quasi ein selbstläufer...

edit: an nick "playoff hero" anderson erinnere ich mich gerne zurück... :p