
  1. P

    Nordic Combined Videos

    Does anybody own any recording of Nordic Combined World Cup from 1997-2005 years? Very hard to find... If so, please answer. Every competition would be precious : Rolleyes:
  2. P

    First website with skijumping memes!

    If you like memes, you'll probably like our site! Enjoy :D:
  3. P

    Skijumping competitions - TV broadcast

    At first, sorry to write in English. Don't know a single word in German. Ok, going back to the topic, i know that here are some old fans so i'd like to ask if anyone know or at least remember if any of following competitions had the TV broadcast: - Trondheim 90/91 - Bollnes 90/91 - St.Moritz...
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    Looking for some old competitions! IMPORTANT!

    As i said some time ago i'm collecting ski jumping records and my goal is to collect everything from 90's. I know that there are many people having tapes or dvd's. I'm missing following ones: -Planica 1990/1991 -Bad Mitterndorf 1990/1991 -Zakopane 1995/1996 -Lahti 1995/1996 -Falun 1995/1996...
  5. P

    Ski Jumping Videos

    Hello Sorry but i don't speak German so i'll write in English. Is anybody here who has ski jumping videos on Vhs or Dvd from 1994-2000 years? I'm looking especially for skiflying videos but every competition from this period would be very valuable for me. I can make a change. There must be...