hallo zusammen ich wollte mal fragen ob ihr wißt welche high school ligen es gibt, welches die beste ist ud ob ihr gute high schools kennt??
danke im voraus
danke im voraus
welche lincoln?
habe mal bei wiki geguckt und es sind so viele aufgelistet
Practice becomes a centerpiece of the Notre Dame schedule, because half of the school's 60 students are basketball players recruited from out of state. Ten foreign exchange students from South Korea and a handful of locals make up the rest of the student population.
There were two reasons that Renardo Sr. moved his family from Jackson, Miss., to Lakewood, Calif., in '06: Better basketball, and "the same thing O.J. [Mayo] said [about USC] -- more marketing." "Mississippi is a small pond," says Renardo Sr. "I love it as my home, but you have to go to a bigger market to get [Renardo's] name out."