Tips for an article about ski jumping



First of all, if this isn't the right place I apologize, I'm not that good yet at finding my way on the forum :zunge2:

Since about a month I am writing some news for a Dutch site, about different sports (but my main thing is wintersports). Since the Olympics are this winter, they want to start writing "Specials" like they always do when the Olympics are near. These specials are bigger articles than usual, usually 4 per month, so one per week. The goal is to have every month one about the city of the Olympics (Sochi in this case), one about a Dutch athlete, one article about some Olympic history and one article that can be about anything Olympic.

Now they asked everyone if they can write one or more articles, and my thought went to ski jumping history. The main idea I have now is to try to write something about arguably the best ski jumper ever, Birger Ruud, and his brothers. It is not very easy to find things about them on internet, but my book "History of ski jumping" will help.

Now my question is this: Many of the people on this forum know a lot more about ski jumping than I do, so I would really like to know if someone has any idea's about things I could put in my story of the Ruud brothers, things that maybe aren't so easy to find on the Wiki-pages of them.
Also it would be nice if someone knows another interesting story from the past that has a connection with ski jumping and the Olympics (it can't be about the 19th century unfortunately, because there were no Olympics yet).

Of course I am trying to think of as much as I can myself, but since there are people here who follow the sport for many, many more years than I do, I thought it could be useful to ask it here :)

Again, if this is not the right place, please let me know :up:

Oh and if someone knows a really nice topic about the history of some other wintersport (cross-country, Nordic combined, alpine skiing, biathlon etc), I would also like to hear it, so I can do some research on it.

Tschüss (yes the rest was too hard for me to write in German, but as always, I will understand 95% of the German answers) :zunge2:


Es gibt ein paar spannende Biografien zu Birger Ruud, aber die sind meine ich alle nur auf Norwegisch. Zumindest die ich habe. Neben den Ruud-Brüdern könnte man dort eventuell auch allgemein die Kongsberger-Periode rein nehmen, die Springer von dort haben ja von 1925 bis 55 oder so eigentlich alles dominiert z.b. Petter Hugsted wäre da zu nennen...

Allgemein kenne ich jetzt aus dem stehgreif nur kuriose Olympiageschichten, wie das Anders Haug erst 50 Jahre später zum Bronzemedaillen-Sieger erklärt wurde (1924 Chamonix) oder die Geschichte wo die Japaner den sicheren Mannschaftssieg verloren gaben (1994 Lillehammer)