Frigo unter Dopingverdacht


Moderator Radsport
12.07.2005/ Dario Frigo ist vor dem Auftakt der 11. Etappe der Tour de France am Mittwochmorgen wegen Dopingverdachts verhaftet worden. Der Italiener vom Team Fassa Bortolo wurde gegen 7.30 Uhr von Beamten aus dem Teamhotel abgeholt und zur Befragung auf ein Polizeirevier gebracht. Im Auto von Frigos Ehefrau waren zuvor Drogen gefunden worden. Der 31-jährige Frigo war schon 2001 vom Giro d'Italia ausgeschlossen und für sechs Monate gesperrt worden, weil man damals in seinem Hotelzimmer Dopingmittel gefunden hatte. Er lag bei der Tour auf Rang 52 der Gesamtwertung.


Tja,... Frankreich im Juli war ihm schon immer zu heiß.


Moderator Radsport
Nach seiner ersten Sperre war eh nie mehr der alte. Und es ging eh schon immer weiter bergab.

I doganieri e la polizia avevano arrestato ieri la moglie del ciclista che aveva nella sua auto 10 dosi di Epo. Frigo stava partecipando al Tour de France.

Hans A. Jan

zu gut für die 3. Liga
Ach, der Schlechtwetteritaliener mal wieder. Überrascht nicht wirklich, da er nie wieder an seine ´Glanzzeiten´ anknüpfen konnte. Nun wohl lebenslange Sperre, also 1 Jahr im Radsport :rolleyes: !


Moderator Radsport
Statements seines Anwalts und seines Vaters von

Frigo 'completely depressed'

Dario Frigo's lawyer tells Le Monde the Italian rider felt pressurised to consider doping by his team's demands for results, but that the products his wife brought to France might not be 'effective'.

Dario Frigo’s lawyer, Marc Dereymez, has spoken to Le Monde today about the case that the Fassa Bortolo rider will have to answer following his and his wife’s arrest earlier this week on suspicion of “aiding and assisting in the use and importation of doping products and contraband”.

Dereymez confirmed that the medical products found in Susanna Frigo’s car last Monday when it was searched on the autoroute near Albertville are in the process of being analysed, but admitted that “they can be considered as doping products”. Dereymez said it was not yet certain that the products were EPO, but revealed that “the products were made two years ago and you have to wonder whether they were still effective.” In short, he said, they were doping products but may not now work, and this needed to be verified.

He confirmed that the products were for Frigo’s use alone, but that he had not used them or tested positive. “He was totally dependent on gaining results. During this Tour he realised that he might need these products,” said Demeyrez, adding that telephone taps that had been done on Frigo would back up the defence that the Italian rider was not planning to use the products. According to his lawyer, Frigo did not even know that his wife was going to bring the products to France.

Demeyrez described Frigo as being “completely depressed” following this week’s events. “Professionally, he is dead. Cycling was his whole life. He will now be out on the street. Dario Frigo has been receiving treatment from a psychiatrist for some time. Burdened with terrible pressure by his team, he hadn’t had any results for a year. They undermined him, like they do all riders… When you are submitted to this kind of constant pressure it is difficult to resist [doping].”

The French lawyer said he had been particularly surprised by the condemnation Frigo had received from his team, notably team boss Giancarlo Ferretti. “It’s scandalous to drop someone in this way, to throw someone to the lions like this. It’s the rule of hypocrisy… When demands are made on rider for results, you can’t try to ignore what happens in the cycling milieu. It’s because his team were demanding results from him that he considered using products – to remedy the situation.”

Demeyrez also admitted he thought that the French customs may have received a tip-off about Susanna Frigo’s apparenty illicit cargo, although they have denied receiving such details.

Frigo's father: I lost Dario to doping

Rosello Frigo, the father of Tour de France outcast Dario, fears that his son could go the same way as Marco Pantani or Frank Vandenboucke. As he told La Gazzetta dello Sport.

The father of Dario Frigo has opened his heart to La Gazzetta dello Sport about how doping changed his son into a ghostlike figure with whom he “has had no contact for five years.”

In a sensational interview, Rosello Frigo revealed his fears about his son’s wellbeing almost a week after the Fassa Bortolo rider and his wife were placed under formal investigation for “assisting the use of doping products and contraband”. Frigo’s wife Susanna was arrested last Monday after police near Albertville in the French Alps found vials suspected to contain EPO in the boot of her car. Frigo was rounded up the two days later, hours before he was due to compete in the second mountain stage of the Tour from Courchevel to Briançon.

Although Frigo is rumoured to be “in hiding” on the French Riviera - in accordance with the terms of his release on bail on Wednesday - his father doesn’t know his exact whereabouts. “I don’t know where he is, what he’s doing, with who…But he’s my son and he’s in need at the moment. I don’t know why our relationship broke down. The day after his wedding, after the reception, we went home. From that moment on, it was total darkness.”

“Dario has a very weak, fragile character,” Frigo senior continued. “I’m afraid. I fear that the worst is still to come because cycling is his life. Jimenez, Pantani, Vandenbroucke: these are the most tragic examples, but how many riders have problems with depression? Do you know about the side-effects of human growth hormone? I think that the drugs Dario took contributed significantly to changing him.

“Susanna, his wife, knew that Dario was taking this filth. Why did she help him? Why did she act as his accomplice? Because she’s so impressionable that she should almost be locked up.”

In contrast, Giancarlo Ferretti, the Fassa Bortolo team boss who branded Frigo a “villain” on his arrest last week, deserves disgust, not pity, said Rosello. Ferretti claimed on Wednesday that he had recently asked the UCI for authorisation to cut Frigo’s salary “to try to distance him from the team.” Authorisation which had been refused.

Rosello’s reaction: “I’d like to speak to Giancarlo Ferretti, look him in the eyes. Just him and me or, if he prefers, with witnesses. I want to ask him if he knows the meaning of the words he used. My son has made a mistake, but he isn’t a villain […] If he knew something about Dario, why didn’t he say so? Maybe my son was a useful guy to have around. Why did he re-sign him after he was caught in 2001? Did he have a debt of gratitude to repay because Dario had covered up for some bigger names?”

Earlier, Rosello had spoken of his own love of cycling, which Dario inherited – “the one regret in my life,” according to Rosello. Passion quickly became an unhealthy obsession, this time inherited from a sport forever striving higher, faster and further. Rosello recalled one occasion when his exhausted son pulled out of the Coppa d’Oro amateur race and was forced by his team manager to climb the feared Roncola pass twice as punishment at 10 o’ clock at night. “I have reason to believe that that was when he first discovered doping,” Rosello Frigo told La Gazzetta.

Later, when Frigo turned pro’ with the Mercatone Uno-Saeco team in 1995, he was all but ridiculed when he announced that his doctor was a local GP. “They said: ‘Go where we tell you, because you can’t fight a war with water pistols’,” Rosello said.

“I said to him that I was firmly against doping. In reply, he said that us fans were very good at applauding the winner. The first time he went to the Tour, he begged me to bring him drugs. My wife was furious...

“When you start to dope, you buy yourself a one-way ticket[…] It’s been proven that some of the most atrocious illness can be caused by doping. Write it in big letters: ‘Boys, stop this! Appreciate the value of your health and stop playing at hurting yourselves’.

“Cycling was the first sport to introduce serious dope-testing but now the tests are a farce. You only have to look at the average speeds, how they climb mountains. No, ladies and gentlemen, it’s impossible to go that fast. And how can you explain why these boys are always ill? One virus after another, glandular fevers…

He continued: “Dario has made mistakes and it’s right that he should pay. But he isn’t the only guilty party. I don’t want to hear any more talk of riders who are whiter than white on the TV. It’d be better if they said nothing. I’ve had enough of hypocrisy. I used to watch races on the TV for news of my son. Now I won’t even have that. I’ll know nothing about him any more. I have a wonderful wife and daughter. Otherwise I’d take a pistol to my head out of shame. But everyone should be ashamed – everyone who’s complicit with this system.”

Signor Frigo launched one final plea: “Please help us to find Dario. We aren’t monsters. We are honest, respectable people and we’re not ignorant either. Dario, I want to speak to you. Alone, or if you want with your mum and your sister. Tell me where I went wrong.”


Sicher, Darios Vater macht sich ganz dolle Sorgen um seinen Sohn. :kotz:

Deshalb gibt er der Gazetto auch so ein Interview in dem er Frigo als:

"very weak, fragile character," beschreibt. Das wird Dario enorm helfen und ihn sicher sofort mit seinem Vater in Kontakt treten lassen. Tut mir wirklich leid für Dario so einen Vater zu haben der noch zusätzlich Druck aufbaut über die Medien.