Zum Glück ist dieser Lockout beendet. Freue mich auch schon wie verrückt, das es Weihnachten endlich wieder losgeht
sehr spannend wird auch was die teams mit der amnesty-clause anstellen.
ich sag mal gilbert, rashard, baron, rip, KG, TD, jamison (falls er nicht retired hat, mir ist irgendwie so als wär da vor dem lockout mal was gewesen), brandon roy...vllt sogar iggy oder elton brand...
Teams dürfen ihre gecutteten Spieler ein Jahr lang nicht verpflichten.
Howard Beck
NBA teams will indeed play two preseason games. Same opponent both games, one in each arena. Pairings TBD, but likely geography-based.
Gibts schon was neues zur Altersgrenze?
Gibts schon was neues zur Altersgrenze?
And some more great details leaked from the new prospective CBA agreement. First of all, non-tax teams can make trades now where the salaries are only within 150 percent (plus 100K). Why does that matter? It used to be 125 percent. You know what that means? More trades. Also, the whole “trade a guy to a crappy team then wait for them to buy him out after he doesn’t show up so you can re-sign him again” acquisitions are out. Once you trade someone in-season and he is waived, you cannot pick that player back up until July 1 at the earliest
Pre-Season besteht wohl aus 2 Spielen gegen das selbe Team, jeweils einmal in jeder Arena, werden wohl Mannschaften die nicht so weit auseinander liegen aufeinander treffen
boycott avatar und dann direkt zum preseasongame gehen wollen![]()
Report: NBA to have five games on Christmas Day
The NBA’s season opener has apparently gotten bigger.
What David Stern said would be a triple-header has now grown to be five games, according to the New York Times.
The first game will be on TNT, followed by two on ABC and two on ESPN. The league will announce the details of the five-game opening day on Friday. The first game will begin at noon Eastern, followed by tip-offs at 2:30 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.
Expect the first game on TNT to be the Celtics vs. Knicks game from Madison Square Garden. The two ABC games will be a finals rematch of Dallas vs. Miami followed by the Los Angeles Lakers vs. the Bulls. All of those were scheduled Christmas Day games prior to the lockout.
The other two games are unknown, but expect the 10:30 p.m. start to be a West Coast game.
One other bet is that you will see big names and matchups as the league will want to make as big a splash as possible. My gut would say the Thunder would be in there somewhere and that the late game will include Blake Griffin and the Clippers. But that’s just a guess.