
  1. H

    Weltcup Innsbruck - Vierschanzentournee 03.01. - 04.01.14

    Ich lese auf Twitter (@TirolWetter): Im Süden jetzt verbeitet Schneefall. Im Norden zieht der Föhn langsam an und erreicht bald Sturmstärke! #4hills #innsbruck #4schanzentournee That doesn't sound good..
  2. H

    Weltcup Innsbruck - Vierschanzentournee 03.01. - 04.01.14

    The speaker in the stadium said that they were a little bit more optimistic than in the morning, so maybe instead of 10% we now have 20% chance to have a competition tomorrow... Anyway as long as nothing official is there yet I'll just go there and see what happens.
  3. H

    Live Thread Innsbruck

    I am standing around 1-2 meters from the snow, around the 130 meter mark :D:
  4. H

    Live Thread Innsbruck

    Gestürtzt, aber er ist ok. He had a very strong wind suddenly.
  5. H

    Weltcup Innsbruck - Vierschanzentournee 03.01. - 04.01.14

    Nothing is official right? I think I'll just go to the Schanze in a half hour and see what happens...
  6. H

    Wer gewinnt die Tournee?

    Schlierenzauer ist nicht richting in Form. Das passiert. Aber natürlich soll er nach Sochi gehen, er hat Talent wie keine andere im ganze Weltcup. 1 good jump and he is back in the top-3.
  7. H

    Live-Thread Garmisch-Partenkirchen - VIERSCHANZENTOURNEE

    Schmitt will be shared 5th with Hayböck with both going to the final, right?
  8. H

    Live-Thread Garmisch-Partenkirchen - VIERSCHANZENTOURNEE

    What if one lucky loser is better and they share the 5th place? 31 people in the final then?
  9. H

    Live-Thread Garmisch-Partenkirchen - VIERSCHANZENTOURNEE

    I see everyone survived the fireworks last night? :up: Gutes rutsch ins neue Jahr allen :D:
  10. H

    Wer gewinnt die Tournee?

    Für mich auch die einzige wirklich logische erwartung. Stoch und Bardal die um den Sieg kämpfen als Favoriten, und Schlierenzauer natürlich auch. He is simply too good and has too much talent to NOT be with the top favourites. Jedes Jahr.
  11. H

    Live-Thread WC Titisee-Neustadt 2013

    I know, but if it is "only" that, ok. If it's some broken bone he can forget Sochi.
  12. H

    Live-Thread WC Titisee-Neustadt 2013

    Gehirnerschütterung is what many people have after a fall right, with the brains? I hope it is "only" that, because it will heal by itself and a lot faster than something like a broken bone..
  13. H

    Live-Thread WC Titisee-Neustadt 2013

    Let's hope we can enjoy the second round and have the result as first priority, because that would mean we already got news that Morgenstern is doing ok. It didn't look like that though...
  14. H

    Live-Thread WC Titisee-Neustadt 2013

    Oh no that's not good..
  15. H

    Winter-Universiade Trentino 12.12. - 20.12.13

    Finland :party::party:
  16. H

    Die ungleichen Zwillinge - (III. Buchbesprechung)

    Ich warte noch.
  17. H

    🇬🇧 Skispringer aus Großbritannien

    Exactly. By the way, I'm pretty curious now, so I sent a mail to the British Ski Federation, asking if they really are "effectively banned from any FIS competition", as James put it. I think I already know the answer though, but just want to be sure :zunge2:
  18. H

    🇬🇧 Skispringer aus Großbritannien

    James on Facebook... Is it just me, or does he sound like a bitter, frustrated man more and more? On a personal mission/vendetta against the big bad FIS.. To popular, really?