
  1. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    Enough people, but I don't see the extra value of showing live how he gets into a helicopter...
  2. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    2 more years and the Finnish jumpers have to ask if they can train with the Estonian team :idee:
  3. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    Herr ARD, I don't care about the pope, please let me watch ski jumping :)
  4. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    Dilemma, see him win and die happy or not see him win and keep living :ueberleg:
  5. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    We always laugh about the Kazakhs, but at least Zhaparov qualified himself for the competition :)
  6. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    No better way to come home after work :cool:
  7. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    For kirsten:
  8. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    Wasn't paying attention and just now I see the standings in the Probedurchgang :irre::irre: Vince gewint das ganze Ding :up:
  9. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    Kasai, Bardal, Stoch would be ok for me :up:
  10. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    1. Freitag 2. Neumayer 3. Wank According to Dieter Thoma :D:
  11. H

    WM Predazzo 2013

    Congratulations Germans :up: I hope the Olympics will be a little bit more interesting though :zunge2:
  12. H

    WM Predazzo 2013

    Shame that Edelmann wasn't able to land it... Frenzel das war ein sehr sehr tolle Ergebnis :up:
  13. H

    WM Predazzo 2013

    There we go again with the wind...
  14. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    Yeah I thought he would swim the 100 free...well was I wrong.
  15. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    Commentator told that Fettner is a ski jumper...I already got that feeling when I saw him jumping on ski's...
  16. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    Vlad auch toll :up:
  17. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    Nori :up: :up:
  18. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    Did Kornilov lose his helmet? ;(
  19. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    Still don't understand how Koudelka was top-10 of the world last season, and not even consistently in the best 40 this season :hmpf:
  20. H

    Live-Thread - Predazzo (WM) 19.02 - 02.03.2013

    In an extremely short time they went down from world class to a level where you seriously have to ask if it's useful to compete in the World Cup instead of only Continental Cup.... It won't go back up that fast, but I'm sure there will be great times again :)