

Teddy Atlas, From the Streets to the Ring - A Son's struggle to become a Man ist wirklich lesenswert. Autobiographien mögen zwar manchmal etwas schön färben, aber wenn nur einige der Dinge stimmen, ist Atlas wirklich ein großer Charakter.

Obwohl das Buch viele interessante Details über das Training von Tyson und den absolut fragilen Michael Moorer* enthält, sind die Lebensweisheiten und Motivationssprüche von Atlas den Kauf des Buches alleine wert.

* ein kleiner Auszug kurz vor Michael Moorer's Kampf gegen Holyfield:

A few nights after we arrived, Mike Boorman, the PR man, a big, fat-cheeked guy, who had become a good friend of mine, and John Davimos and I went out to restaurant to grab a bite, while Flem and Wick and the rest of them took Michael out to the mall. In the middle of our dinner, Flem suddenly came rushing in, out of breath.

"What is it, Flem ?"
I put down my burger. He shook his head, "I am embarassed".
"What is it ?"
"We lost him."
At that point, Davimos chimed in, saying to Flem: "You're a security guy. How do you loose a two-hundred-and-twenty-pound-fighter?"
"Well, you see...," Flem began to explain, winding himself up to tell it, the way a kid would do if he were explaining how he lost his homework. "We had just come back from the mall, and we were walking into the casino, and Michael was in a good mood. But as we were walking past the bingo hall, the doors suddenly opened and all the bingo ladies came rushing out, and there was all this commotion. A couple of them bumped into him, these seventy-, eighty year old women. One of them yelled at him "Get out of my way, you big lug. You knocked over my bingo card."
And Michael got mad and upset, he took off. He ran away. I tried to catch him up, but he was moving to fast." Flem hung his head.

"Mike, you finished with that ketchup?" I said.
"Yeah, Ted. You want one of my onion rings?"

Boorman held out his plate of onion rings. I took one. He looked at Flem and said, "I wouldn't worry too much, Flem. But I might keep that story quit."



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