Also ich habe jetzt bei unserem cba guru auf clutchfans nachgefragt und er hat gesagt, dass meine Variante stimmt. Ihr beiden habt mich eigentlich überzeugt, aber wenn er sagt das stimmt, dann ist das auch so 
Edit: Hier mal was in der cba steht:
wieso eigentlich nicht gleich so?
Edit: Hier mal was in der cba steht:
A cap hold called an "incomplete roster charge" if the team has fewer than 12 players (players under contract, free agents included in team salary, players given offer sheets, and first round draft picks). This charge is equal to the rookie minimum salary for each player fewer than 12. For example, if there are 11 players included in team salary, then an amount equal to the rookie minimum salary is added to the team salary2; if the roster is completely empty, then 12 times the rookie minimum salary is added to the team salary. This charge only applies during the offseason.
wieso eigentlich nicht gleich so?
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