Dallas Mavericks - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen


mike fisher von dallasbasketball.com triffts mal wieder auf den punkt:

mike fisher schrieb:
Go coach the living hell out of Josh Howard.

Of all the Mavs, J-Ho is the only guy who hasn’t yet greatly benefited from the Kiddification of the Mavs. He’s a 46-percent shooter for the year but in the four games with Kidd, he’s at 29 percent (an absurd 22-of-75). He’s a 34-percent shooter from the arc for the year but in these four games he’s at 18 percent (3-of-16). Rebounds? Only six times all season has he recorded three or fewer. But two of those games have occurred in the Kidd Era, as J-Ho has 20 rebounds in the four outings, a rate of 6.0 per – 1.3 below his average. He’s averaging 2.0 assists for the year, but in the four games Howard has had 1, 1, 2 and 1.

Is some of this an emotional reaction to the trade? No doubt. Josh had admitted as much.

Is some of this related to the back problem that caused him to miss a couple of games before the All-Star Break? You bet, and in fact, maybe Howard deserves credit for gutting it out here.

Is some of this an adjustment to the new Kidd-related style of play?


Under the previous system, Howard was clearly the No. 2 guy on the offensive totem pole, and had plays called for him in Avery’s “iso’’ system. And – this is more of a psychological thing – Josh was obviously the Robin, the second-best player on the team, the second-most-likely Mav to be an All-Star. (And a big enough deal to maybe be “cheesin’ like he won some candy’’ with some starlet from BET named Rocsi. Whatever that means.)

Now, while the playbook still remains, everything goes through Kidd. And “Kiddirk’’ is the star. … er, two stars. Jason Terry is getting the ball in his pet spots. So is Erick Dampier. Jerry Stackhouse will benefit from the same. Production must come in the flow of the offense – not from J-Ho launching 27 shots as he did in Memphis. (Dallas attempted 76 FGs in that game. And Josh took more than a third of them?!)

We all know that Howard can go off from anywhere on the floor; on Dec. 8 against Utah, he was a wrecking ball, with 47 points on 15-of-17 shooting, and with 14 rebounds. We all also know that as spectacular as that night was, most scorers grow less effective as they drift away from the basket, and that Josh has in three years gone from a guy who was getting 52 percent of his buckets inside the half-circle in the paint to a guy who is getting 27 percent of his buckets inside. Kidd has wasted no time in forging a relationship with Dirk. We noted on Jason’s first day of practice that he was spending a notable amount of time with Dampier. And we’re told Kidd has spent a great deal of time with the coaching staff, almost becoming one of them, in a sense. So maybe one of Kidd’s next projects will be to befriend J-Ho. In there time in the schedule for them to go bowling? Or maybe shoipping for baseball caps with unbendable bills? Or, maybe, this can be on Avery. Avery Johnson – “team trainer, equipment manager, father-figure, big brother, friend, strategist and psychologist’’ – is a classic control freak. Now that so much of what the Mavs do is fixed and controlled, he is free to go be a coach again.

Josh Howard’s coach.

link zum artikel:


super beitrag:thumb:

meine keys for the game:
-defense on manu->george!(soll zeigen warum er wichtig sein kann)
-speed von parker eindämmen
-rebounds und defense auf der 5

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


The Magic Man
Für mich sind die Spurs da keineswegs Favorit. Das wird ne ganz enge Kiste glaube ich. Bei den Süurs überragt z.Z. nur Manu möglichst publikumswirksam, Timmy ist wie üblich der Hammer und keiner raffts, aber der Rest..Mr.Longoria braucht komplette Fitness für sein Spiel, ohne kann man ihn relativ leicht ausschalten, und das für San Antonio sehr wichtige Outside-Shooting kannste momentan auch vergessen. Barry ist weg und der Rest trifft mehr schlecht als recht. Dazu war ihre Team D auch schon mal besser. Der einzige der da wie eh und je überzeugt ist, wie könnte es anders sein, Duncan.

Von daher bin ich gespannt und erwarte einen echten Fight. :smoke:


Hamburg City
War ne Woche im Urlaub, kleine Bestandsaufnahme:

Kidd ist guuuuut angekommen, Dirk hat nen neuen Homie, trifft für fast 30 PpG und ca. 60% Trefferquote, Dreier fallen wieder, Stack ist zurück und war einmal schön heiß und alle haben sich lieb. Dazu Magloire verpflichtet, also Diop uU sogar mehr als nur gleichwertig ersetzt (?). Der einzige, der von Kidd nix mitkriegt ist Josh Howard, üble Trefferqute, keine Verbesserung, fast nur Isolations und alles gleich.

Richtig? Korrigiert mich oder fasst einer es bitte nochmal in paar Sätzen schnell zusammen, was Mavs-mäßig die letzten 8-9 Tage so abgegangen ist? Thx

Good Guy

Ich glaub ich bin heut auch mal wieder dabei. Ich würds ja gern relive gucken, aber da isses zu unsicher ob es einen Link dafür gibt.
Da feier ich wohl ein bisschen mit bei der Riesenparty ;)


Ich glaub ich bin heut auch mal wieder dabei. Ich würds ja gern relive gucken, aber da isses zu unsicher ob es einen Link dafür gibt.
Da feier ich wohl ein bisschen mit bei der Riesenparty ;)
relive gibts eigentlich nur bei Lp Games. Das es auf Tnt kommt, gibts wohl eher kein relive ;)

Magloire hopes to seize his chance with the Dallas Mavericks

"There's no reason why I wasn't playing up there," he said Wednesday. "I'm still curious as to why."

That's similar to Bass, who languished on the New Orleans bench for two seasons before becoming a solid contributor this season for the Mavericks.

Magloire, 6-11 and 265 pounds, is in his eighth season, and the opportunity for playing time and an extended playoff run is what made the Mavericks appealing to him.

"I've admired the team and the organization," he said. "I had a chance to come here and jumped at the opportunity. I've worked tremendously hard, even not playing in New Jersey. I'd be the first one in and the last one to leave and I hope I'm able to show that out on the court.

"Everything pointed in the right direction. There were other teams, but I thought this was the best fit. What also made the decision easy is this is a team that does have an opportunity to win a title. And to be a part of that is special."

Coach Avery Johnson said he was unsure whether Magloire would be active for tonight's game.

"We're going to take it step by step," Johnson said. "He had a decent practice for a guy coming in for the first time. Whether we put him on the active list or give him some more time to get in better shape and to see how he fits in, we'll try to time it as best we can."

At the least, Magloire made an impact in his first practice.

"He's a big boy," Dirk Nowitzki said. "We all know the West has gotten a lot bigger and it's definitely a battle down there. I'm excited to have him on board. We should be ready to go to war."


nein wird man nicht ;) nochmal: league pass = relive, tnt = nur live.

edit: xanatos war schneller. das kommt davon wenn man nicht aktualisiert^^

hmm, dachte das wär jetzt anders.. lakers-suns war auch auf espn (also national tv) und danach hatt man sichs problemlos im archiv nochmal anschauen können :confused:


Ja, ESPN hat aber nen eigenes Archiv afaik. Kann mich auf jeden Fall an kein TNT Spiel erinnern, dass im Archiv war. Vielleicht haben wir aber auch Glueck...


hmm, dachte das wär jetzt anders.. lakers-suns war auch auf espn (also national tv) und danach hatt man sichs problemlos im archiv nochmal anschauen können :confused:
ESPN ist auch was anderes, die haben mit ESPN 360 nen eigenes Streamingangebot.
Tnt hat das nicht, daher sollte es zu 95 % kein relive geben ;)