Damenskispringen allgemein

de dieda

warum sollte damenskispringen eine randsportart sein? skispringen ist meiner meinung nach skispringen egal ob männlein oder weiblein... du hast vermutlich noch nie einen damenwettkampf gesehen sonst wüsstest du das diese nihct weniger spannend sind als die männer bewerbe...

du argumentierst emotional, ich rational.
sorry, ich habe die mehrheit der sportinteressierten hinter mir!

aber ich respektiere deine meinung und gut ist es!


Skisprung - Moderator
Randsportarten sind für mich Curling, Korfball.....

Aber Skispringen hat sich zur Top-Sportart entwickelt, und da sind die Damen mit im Boot.



so oder so scheinen die wenigsten hier und ganz besonders die, die meinen sie würden "konstruktive" oder gar fachlich fundierte Kritik üben bzw. dem IOC zustimmen, wirklich über die Fakten und Hintergründe Bescheid zu wissen.
Ich bin des Diskutierens müde geworden, zu oft musste ich mich in den letzten Jahren mit Stammtischparolen, Halbwahrheiten und vermeintlichen Experten, die gedanklich im Mittelalter feststecken, konfrontiert sehen.
Schade, schade, dass es das heutzutage in einem angeblich aufgeklärten Zeitalter noch gibt.
Wer sich konstruktiv und fundiert mit dem Thema auseinandersetzen möchte, der kann sich ja gerne mal per PN bei mir melden, ich gebe gerne Links oder Dokumente weiter, die Informationen zu Besagtem liefern. Aber diesen Mist hier kann sich ja kein Mensch anhören.

MK23 - skiimport

And is it true that 70% of girls that started in World Championships last season could just as well have started in Junior World Championships in Strbske Pleso? :D:

I really don't understand those girls. We have 1000+ different sports, but only handful of those are included in the Olympics. There are sports like Karate that are waiting their chance for decades now. But hey, if girls ski jumping is not included in the Olympics immediately, than we go to court and scream 'sexism' and other shits.

There is a site about ladies ski jumping at www.skijumpingcentral.com, and honestly, I NEVER saw more hatred, lies and malicious comments (all directed against IOC) on a sports website. It is just sad.

Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against women ski jumping. Although, honestly, it interests me as much as women football - 0%
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MK23 - skiimport

And the biggest lie of them all is that women ski jumpers are not allowed to compete in 2010 Olympics. They can try and qualify for men event, there is no rule that forbids them to do so. :D:

If a girl really holds absolute hill record in Whistler Mountain(Normal Hill), then she would have no problem qualifying for men team. :D:



lol... you obviously just did the job yourself... sorry buddy, but there indeed IS a rule stating that competitors in the men's events have to be male. Never heard about the famous ski flying in Vikersund a couple of years ago?
Like I said: Stammtischparolen und nichts dahinter. Pathetic.
Plus, you care about women's ski jumping 0%? So why do you even get all fired up here? If you cared 0%', then you could just care about discussing with us here 0% as well!! I don't see why you're wasting your time here then LOL...


rich bitch
von BaWü nach Bayern
lol... you obviously just did the job yourself... sorry buddy, but there indeed IS a rule stating that competitors in the men's events have to be male. Never heard about the famous ski flying in Vikersund a couple of years ago?
Like I said: Stammtischparolen und nichts dahinter. Pathetic.
Plus, you care about women's ski jumping 0%? So why do you even get all fired up here? If you cared 0%', then you could just care about discussing with us here 0% as well!! I don't see why you're wasting your time here then LOL...

:D richtig so... und mein problem ist nicht wie shconmal gesagt das sie net starten dürfen mein problem ist die argumentation mit der es verwehrt wird... einerseits eine sportart, deshalb darfs net getestet werden, andererseits doch keine sportart sonst würds zugelassen werden...

MK23 - skiimport

lol... you obviously just did the job yourself... sorry buddy, but there indeed IS a rule stating that competitors in the men's events have to be male. Never heard about the famous ski flying in Vikersund a couple of years ago?
Like I said: Stammtischparolen und nichts dahinter. Pathetic.
Plus, you care about women's ski jumping 0%? So why do you even get all fired up here? If you cared 0%', then you could just care about discussing with us here 0% as well!! I don't see why you're wasting your time here then LOL...

No, you are pathetic :D: I maybe don't care about women ski jumping, but I care about the Olympics. And I find all these request from them really annoying.

And where exactly can that rule be found in ICR?

And is it true that 70% of girls that started in World Championships last season could just as well have started in Junior World Championships in Strbske Pleso, and that 13 years old kid finished 5th in the World?
That there were only 10 foreign female jumpers at season finale last year?
Simple questions - yet, it is really hard to find answers for them :D:
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rich bitch
von BaWü nach Bayern
and how many guys are in japan?!
and what is so important on the fact that girls are young enough to start junior world champs and normale world champs? what is the problem on that thing? call me stupid maybe but I don't see any problem on that...

MK23 - skiimport

and how many guys are in japan?!
and what is so important on the fact that girls are young enough to start junior world champs and normale world champs? what is the problem on that thing? call me stupid maybe but I don't see any problem on that...

And again, you are even not able to read correctly :hihi:

If there would be World Cup season finale in Sapporo, we would see all male jumpers competing. This was even the case when Summer Grand Prix had its finals in Hakuba/Sapporo.
Why there was almost never more then 40 competitors last season during Continental Cup?? Remember, each nation with a quota of 10 (host nation with a quota of 20!), absolutely no international results criteria required to start...if we applied same rules to men ski jumping, we would have 200+ athletes at the start of every competition!

I will not call you stupid, although...is it so difficult to understand that when a sport discipline is fully developed, there would be clear distinction between senior and junior athletes? And it is like this in ALL sports...why should ladies ski jumping be different? When this is achieved, ladies ski jumping will be included in Olympic program, but it is(was) too early for them yet.
This is the only truth behind this all, everything else is just - pathetic. :down:

MK23 - skiimport

Also, there was an exhibition competition on Okura Hill during last season finale for Ladies - and Daniela Iraschko would have finished 3rd with only her first jump! And here you are talking about competitiveness on ladies circuit, and then you call me pathetic :D:


rich bitch
von BaWü nach Bayern
and you think the girls didn't want to compete there? did you ever thought about if they have enough financial feedback from the national federation?! I guess as long as it is not interesting enough for the media (and that is as long if male and female skijumping are two different sports) they will never have enough money to compete at all competitipons... go to a online ticket shop and check how much flights to asia cost!

MK23 - skiimport

and you think the girls didn't want to compete there? did you ever thought about if they have enough financial feedback from the national federation?! I guess as long as it is not interesting enough for the media (and that is as long if male and female skijumping are two different sports) they will never have enough money to compete at all competitipons... go to a online ticket shop and check how much flights to asia cost!

So now the costs are problem for ladies...like it is not like this for every sport, either male or female :D:

You are mixing two things...you have to be fully developed to be included in the Olympics, it doesn't go other way around...you can't ask to be included in Olympic Games just to help your sport raise more publicity and sponsors!

If this was the case, then we would have 100+ sports in Olympic programme...and if you knew anything about the matter, then you would also know that IOC are trying to reduce the program as much as they can, so they decided to oust baseball and softball from Summer Olympics recently. So it would be even harder for new sports now to reach Olympic status.


rich bitch
von BaWü nach Bayern
but still you didn't get my point and if I bring good arguments you just ignore... so it makes no sense to discuss with you anymore cause I think I have a lot of better things to do... and if I wanna speak with a wall I have 4 round me so I prefer to talk to them... cu

de dieda

Randsportarten sind für mich Curling, Korfball.....

Aber Skispringen hat sich zur Top-Sportart entwickelt, und da sind die Damen mit im Boot.

sabbelei! skispringen hat nur im männerbereich tradition!
wo sind denn die medien-, insbesondere fernsehberichte über frauenskispringen?
wo sind denn fünfstellige zuschauerzahlen bei veranstaltungen?
wer ist denn bitte schön (außer euch handverlesenen) in der lage, auch nur drei verschiedene frauenskispringer zu benennen?

frauenskispringen hat KEINE tradition und gehört nicht ins olympische programm!

außer emotionales kampfgeschrei gibt es kein argument dafür.

und was herr sprungbär als randsportart ansieht: das thema lautet "damenskispringen allgemein" nicht "sprungbärs ansichten über die welt". thema verfehlt! setzen, sechs!

MK23 - skiimport

but still you didn't get my point and if I bring good arguments you just ignore... so it makes no sense to discuss with you anymore cause I think I have a lot of better things to do... and if I wanna speak with a wall I have 4 round me so I prefer to talk to them... cu

Good arguments? :D: What good arguments? :D:

Please, give me 1 (one, eins) good argument that women ski-jumpers should be included in 2010 Olympics, and not for ex. Speed Skiing or Telemark Skiing.

Heck, they even didn't want to discuss an option to include them as a demonstration sport. Why are they so special?
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Warrior of Kindness
Lebanon, Kansas
sabbelei! skispringen hat nur im männerbereich tradition!
wo sind denn die medien-, insbesondere fernsehberichte über frauenskispringen?
wo sind denn fünfstellige zuschauerzahlen bei veranstaltungen?
wer ist denn bitte schön (außer euch handverlesenen) in der lage, auch nur drei verschiedene frauenskispringer zu benennen?

frauenskispringen hat KEINE tradition und gehört nicht ins olympische programm!

außer emotionales kampfgeschrei gibt es kein argument dafür.

und was herr sprungbär als randsportart ansieht: das thema lautet "damenskispringen allgemein" nicht "sprungbärs ansichten über die welt". thema verfehlt! setzen, sechs!

und kannst du mir im gegenzug genau das auch für zB Curling bieten??

Und es gibt wohl eine Tradition!
Ich verweise mal auf diesen Artikel. Kannst mal was nachlesen


Hm, ist es sicher, dass die Damen nicht zumindest theoretisch bei den Männern teilnehmen dürften? Ich weiß zumindest, dass vor ein paar Jahren mal an einem Herren-COC auch ein paar Damen teilgenommen und sogar COC-Punkte geholt haben?

Aber natürlich ist das trotzdem kein Argument gegen eine Aufnahme des Damenspringens - schließlich gibt es ja auch bei fast allen anderen Sportarten Wettbewerbe, die nach Geschlechtern getrennt sind.