Söderling soll ja ein ziemlicher stinkstiefel sein.
War nicht auch mal was zwischen del potro und murray?
oh yes zwischen murray und del potro gabs einige konflikte:
Hat sich Nadal wirklich beschwert, weil Djokovic "zu heftig" gefeiert hat? HAHA Das war doch sowieso nicht mehr in der Arena.
Q. Do you have any opinion of Djokovic’s celebration out there? Do you think anything is going to change for Rome or Roland Garros especially due to the altitude?
A. I don’t know if anything is going to change. You’ve got to make things change, they don’t change by themselves. I’ve been having a really good season and if I hadn’t had someone like Djokovic on front of me, who has won all these matches, I would’ve been having a better season. But there is one who is having a better season than me and I have to accept that and give him my congratulations. I’ve won two tournaments, I’ve made it to five finals, winning three, losing two and my season is quite positive. What am I going to change? It depends on me and on him, it’s not just us – there are many factors. You don’t just play the final against Djokovic; you are fighting for it from the first round. About his celebration, well, each one can celebrate in the way and he can take his moment the way he wants. Good for him.
I’ve won two tournaments, I’ve made it to five finals, winning three, losing two
Nadal hat sich nie darüber offiziell aufgeregt, keine Ahnung woher gentleman das hat.
Cada uno celebra sus victorias como quiere y lo estima más oportuno. Yo he ganado títulos como el de Madrid o más importantes y nunca se me ha ocurrido festejar de esa forma. A mí no me gustaría que el jugador que haya perdido la final contra mí me viera haciendo eso, aunque a él evidentemente le importó menos.
- Svako ima pravo da proslavlja pobede kako želi i kako smatra da je prikladno. I ja sam osvajao turnir u Madridu i neke još važnije, ali mi nikada nije palo na pamet da se tako ponašam. Ne bih voleo da me poraženi u finalu vidi da se tako radujem. Ali, izgleda da on o tome ne brine toliko - kazao je Nadal za Marcu i nastavio o pobedničkom nizu Đokovića u ovoj godini.