Hot Sauce is back

4th Quarter Assassin

Area 51
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Following months of intense speculation, the unthinkable finally went down as blacktop legend Philip "Hot Sauce" Champion inked a new contract with streetball giants And 1, the company which first introduced his dazzling dribbling abilities to the world. Despite allegations of bad blood between the two parties and a well-documented beef with current star Jamar "The Pharmacist" Davis, agent Mark Edwards today contacted HoopsVibe to reveal details of the shock signing.As always, is the only place for your exclusive streetball news. Stay posted for further information on the signing, along with comments from Mark Edwards and, of course, Hot Sauce himself.


Gruss Air Up There :smoke:

4th Quarter Assassin

Area 51
Ich fand's ein sehr überraschender Entscheid.Hot Sauce hat seine eigene Projekte (gehabt).Auch jetzt noch.Im Februar geht er mit der Killer Crossover-Crew nach Brasilien und nach Dubai.Und ob die Killer Crossover Tour 2005 ein Erfolg war,weiss ich nicht.Bei der Streetball Invasion Tour 2005 spielte er auch mit.Jedenfalls soll ein Mixtape (von beiden) bald davon erscheinen.Zudem hat Hot Sauce auch sein eigenes Mixtape am Start (zudem mit noch unveröffentlichten Footage 2000-2005). Bei Crossover-The Movie (bald zu sehen) spielt er auch in einer Hauptrolle des Filmes mit und Werbungen (Bsp.: Mountain Dew:Let's Play Commercial) macht er anscheinend auch.Von dem her war dieses Comeback in meinen Augen überraschend,obwohl ich in anderen Foren schon davon gehört habe,es jedoch nie wirklich geglaubt habe.Na dann dürfen wir uns hoffentlich bei der And1 Mixtape Tour 2006 auf einen "Hot Sauce on fire" freuen :thumb:

Gruss Air Up There :smoke:


Wundert mich auch, aber ich freu mich trotzdem mehr über seine "unseen footage" DVD(wenns die bei uns überhaupt zu holen gibt?) :jubel:
Aber natürlich freu ich mich auch dass er wieder dabei ist und am nächsten Tape zu sehen sein wird :thumb:


4th Quarter Assassin

Area 51
Hot Sauce Interview mit Dime Mag

Dime: You’ve toured with AND 1 since 2000 and recently left the Mix Tape tours at the top of your game- still widely known as the most popular ball handles in streetball. Everyone wants to know what you’ve been up to since then.
Hot Sauce: I decided to take a break and explore acting. I also needed to take care of some family business. You know how that goes.

Dime: So what brings you back to the AND 1 tours and how did negotiations come about?
Hot Sauce: I think I’ll let Mark handle that one.
Mark Edwards: Well, we heard that AND 1 was being sold over to new management and they were interested in having Hot Sauce come back. I mean, I figured that since this new management was taking the tour to a new level, Hot Sauce should be apart of that fresh start. He’s part of a new breed of ball players and would bring something new to the tours.

Dime: What will Hot Sauce be bringing back to the tour?
Hot Sauce: I think I’ve gotten better. I’m still working on stuff now and I’m not only trying to clown people on the court. If they want the light, they’ll play me. They gotta know that a boxer is coming back. I’m probably gonna dunk a little too.

Dime: What did you miss most about the game?
Hot Sauce: Shuttin’ games down!

Dime: You’ve already been marked as one of the best street ballers in history. How does it feel to have such a large fan base and be compared to street ball greats?
Hot Sauce: It makes me feel good because I’m doing something that people like. It’s a blessing, it’s God’s grace and I appreciate it.

Dime: Have you ever had any NBA aspirations?
Hot Sauce: NBA is not really my inspiration. It really wasn’t my route. I just love ball. Streetball is my profession.

Dime: You’re known for saying ‘sauce’ every time you sink your jumper. Now, I wanna know where you came up with that tag line.
Hot Sauce: It’s just what you said, “sauce.” Every time I hit it, my handle was on point. I was hot. I knew it would go in so I would say “sauce”. I would say it even if it didn’t go in.

Dime: What are you driving?
Hot Sauce: It’s a 2005 Expedition. It has three TV’s and a nice surround system.
Mark: His car has about $30,000 worth of work. And this thing has chrome all over and it’s all white. Ford customized it for Sauce. We even want to take out the middle seat and give it a limo style, add a satellite system and a computer to it. It’s important that he rides comfortable when on tour. And he’s the only one with a car like this. When he rolls in, people are like ‘WOW.’
Hot Sauce: I still wanna put another 30-inch flat screen in there.
Mark: Thirty inch? He has a 25-inch and he wants to put in a thirty inch? Man, he be killing me. It’s possible but his TV is already huge. I drive behind him sometimes and I can see the whole film playing.

Gruss Air Up There :smoke:

John Dunbar

Air Up There schrieb:
Dime: You’ve toured with AND 1 since 2000 and recently left the Mix Tape tours at the top of your game- still widely known as the most popular ball handles in streetball. Everyone wants to know what you’ve been up to since then.
Hot Sauce: I decided to take a break and explore acting. I also needed to take care of some family business. You know how that goes.

Dime: So what brings you back to the AND 1 tours and how did negotiations come about?
Hot Sauce: I think I’ll let Mark handle that one.
Mark Edwards: Well, we heard that AND 1 was being sold over to new management and they were interested in having Hot Sauce come back. I mean, I figured that since this new management was taking the tour to a new level, Hot Sauce should be apart of that fresh start. He’s part of a new breed of ball players and would bring something new to the tours.

Dime: What will Hot Sauce be bringing back to the tour?
Hot Sauce: I think I’ve gotten better. I’m still working on stuff now and I’m not only trying to clown people on the court. If they want the light, they’ll play me. They gotta know that a boxer is coming back. I’m probably gonna dunk a little too.

Dime: What did you miss most about the game?
Hot Sauce: Shuttin’ games down!

Dime: You’ve already been marked as one of the best street ballers in history. How does it feel to have such a large fan base and be compared to street ball greats?
Hot Sauce: It makes me feel good because I’m doing something that people like. It’s a blessing, it’s God’s grace and I appreciate it.

Dime: Have you ever had any NBA aspirations?
Hot Sauce: NBA is not really my inspiration. It really wasn’t my route. I just love ball. Streetball is my profession.

Dime: You’re known for saying ‘sauce’ every time you sink your jumper. Now, I wanna know where you came up with that tag line.
Hot Sauce: It’s just what you said, “sauce.” Every time I hit it, my handle was on point. I was hot. I knew it would go in so I would say “sauce”. I would say it even if it didn’t go in.

Dime: What are you driving?
Hot Sauce: It’s a 2005 Expedition. It has three TV’s and a nice surround system.
Mark: His car has about $30,000 worth of work. And this thing has chrome all over and it’s all white. Ford customized it for Sauce. We even want to take out the middle seat and give it a limo style, add a satellite system and a computer to it. It’s important that he rides comfortable when on tour. And he’s the only one with a car like this. When he rolls in, people are like ‘WOW.’
Hot Sauce: I still wanna put another 30-inch flat screen in there.
Mark: Thirty inch? He has a 25-inch and he wants to put in a thirty inch? Man, he be killing me. It’s possible but his TV is already huge. I drive behind him sometimes and I can see the whole film playing.

Gruss Air Up There :smoke:

Recht einsilbig der Gute :D


Sehr nett der Clip :thumb: Bin auch schon gespannt auf den Film, wenn er überhaupt bei uns zu sehen sein wird... abr Sauce lässt auch keine Gelegenheit aus seine Ballhandling-Künste zu preisen:

I put my defender in a faxmachine and fax them out of da building...

Wanna get crossed, keep on filming me...
(sitzt im Auto :D )



Pharm vs Hot Souce

Ich weiß ja nicht wie es bei euch ausschaut.Hab bisher "nur" videos gesehn wo sauce den pharm verarscht hat...naja wie gesagt bis jetzt...schauts euch an...bis auf 2szenen is mir da alles neu sauce
frag mich nun warum er wieder da ist....
der is ja doch ein wenig durchgeschüttelt wurden


Tennessee, Knoxville
korigiert mich wenn ich falsch liege.aber in dem video von dunz eintrag verarscht doch pharm hot sauce und nich andersrum.pharm is doch der fette.und DER vernatzt den sauce doch die ganze zeit .
oder nich? :confused:

4th Quarter Assassin

Area 51
@ Dunz
Dunz schrieb:
Ich weiß ja nicht wie es bei euch ausschaut.Hab bisher "nur" videos gesehn wo sauce den pharm verarscht hat...naja wie gesagt bis jetzt...schauts euch an...bis auf 2szenen is mir da alles neu sauce
frag mich nun warum er wieder da ist....
der is ja doch ein wenig durchgeschüttelt wurden
Na dann hast noch nie was von der ESPN Streetball Season 2 gehört,oder?!
Das ist alles auf der Season 2 (von der And1 Tour 2003) zu sehen.

PS.: Auf diesem Video ist aber nicht der Höhepunkt von Pharm vs. Sauce drauf; Als Pharmacist auf der And1 2004 dem Sauce das Shirt über den Kopf zog und ihm den Ball an die Birne warf (auf Back on the Block/Season 3 zu sehen)...

--> <-- :belehr:


das hab ich auf der dvd gesehn mit dem shirt, muss aber sagen das ich das video doch krasser finde !!

4th Quarter Assassin

Area 51
Dr.Cappuccino schrieb:
Ich frage mich,was Pharmacist zu Hot Sauce's Return wohl sagen wird!?!
Ich denke,Pharm wird/muss damit klarkommen.

Auf steht wortwörtlich:
..."Phillip Champion aka Hot Sauce hatte sich vergangenen Sommer von And1 getrennt,nachdem zwischen ihm und einem Newcomer der Mixtape Tour,The Pharmacist,ein Streit entbrannt war"...:idiot:
Ich glaube nicht,dass es Streit zwischen ihnen gab.Sie waren faire Rivalen,und jeder versuchte,im Battle eben die bessere Figur abzugeben (wobei Pharm schlussendlich die Oberhand behielt),aber das heisst noch lange nicht,dass ein Streit zwischen ihnen entbrannte.Sie gaben sich nach jedem Spiel die Hand (Shake Hands) und gingen freundlich miteinander um.Das zeugt von Fairness :thumb:


ich war aber trotzdem überrascht wie er den sauce durchgeschüttelt hat , und das is ja dann sicher auch nur ein teil von dem was es wirklich gibt !

4th Quarter Assassin

Area 51
Nelly & Hot Sauce

Nelly & Hot Sauce in Dunk Competition

Nelly brings St. Louis spirit to NBA's big weekend

Upon further review, we doubt anybody had more fun than Nelly this weekend.

He tore it up in Houston over the weekend, hanging out with professional basketball's best. "If I wasn't Nelly, I would still be coming to the NBA All-Star Weekend because I still love the game," Nelly told the Houston Chronicle.

"Sports is in my heart. I've been loving it since I was kid, and I'm always going to love it, so I'm going to always try to be there."

In the Celebrity All-Star Game on Friday, the 5-foot-7 rapper earned MVP honors with a game-high 14 points and 12 rebounds in a losing effort.

Nelly also won the Celebrity Slam Contest, edging actor Flex Alexander in the dunk-off on the event's nine-foot rim. His final move: converting a between-the-legs, off-the-glass pass from streetball legend Hot Sauce for a successful slam.

"We just made that up," Nelly said. "I told him once he did what he did and he threw it off the glass, I would put it in. He asked how did I want to do it, and I said, 'Don't worry about it. Just put it on the glass, and I will get it.'

"That's my man. If you've seen any of the AND1 tapes, you know he has no problem putting the ball where you need it to be, so my trust was in him."



Air Up There schrieb:
Nelly & Hot Sauce in Dunk Competition

Nelly brings St. Louis spirit to NBA's big weekend

Upon further review, we doubt anybody had more fun than Nelly this weekend.

He tore it up in Houston over the weekend, hanging out with professional basketball's best. "If I wasn't Nelly, I would still be coming to the NBA All-Star Weekend because I still love the game," Nelly told the Houston Chronicle.

"Sports is in my heart. I've been loving it since I was kid, and I'm always going to love it, so I'm going to always try to be there."

In the Celebrity All-Star Game on Friday, the 5-foot-7 rapper earned MVP honors with a game-high 14 points and 12 rebounds in a losing effort.

Nelly also won the Celebrity Slam Contest, edging actor Flex Alexander in the dunk-off on the event's nine-foot rim. His final move: converting a between-the-legs, off-the-glass pass from streetball legend Hot Sauce for a successful slam.

"We just made that up," Nelly said. "I told him once he did what he did and he threw it off the glass, I would put it in. He asked how did I want to do it, and I said, 'Don't worry about it. Just put it on the glass, and I will get it.'

"That's my man. If you've seen any of the AND1 tapes, you know he has no problem putting the ball where you need it to be, so my trust was in him."

Gibt's davon irgendwo einen (kleinen) Video-Ausschnitt ?!