NBA 2k20


Release: 06. September 2019

Hoffentlich gibt es eine Deutsche Cover-Edition mit Dirk!


NBA 2K20 Standard Edition:
  • "5.000 virtuelle Währung
  • 5.000 MeinTEAM-Punkte
  • 5 MeineKARRIERE-Skill Boosts
  • MeinSPIELER-Bekleidungs-Kollektion
  • 10 MeinTEAM-Ligapakete (Vergabe 1x pro Woche)
  • 5 MeinTEAM-Heat-Check-Pakete (Vergabe 1x pro Woche beginnend mit dem Start der NBA-Saison)"

NBA 2K20 Digital Deluxe Edition (nur digital):
  • "35.000 virtuelle Währung
  • 10.000 MeinTEAM-Punkte
  • 10 MeineKARRIERE-Skill Boosts
  • MeinSPIELER-Bekleidungs-Kollektion
  • 10 MeinTEAM-Ligapakete (Vergabe 1x pro Woche)
  • 10 MeinTEAM-Heat-Check-Pakete (Vergabe 1x pro Woche beginnend mit dem Start der NBA-Saison).
  • 1 MeinTEAM-Cover-Athlet-Karte (Saphir)"

NBA 2K20 Legend Edition:
  • "100.000 virtuelle Währung
  • 50.000 MeinTEAM-Punkte
  • 20 MeineKARRIERE-Skill Boosts
  • MeinSPIELER-Bekleidungs-Kollektion
  • MeinSPIELER-Schuh-Kollektion
  • 20 MeinTEAM-Ligapakete (Vergabe 1x pro Woche)
  • 20 MeinTEAM-Heat-Check-Pakete (Vergabe 1x pro Woche beginnend mit dem Start der NBA-Saison).
  • 5 MeinTEAM-Themenpakete (eins pro Themaveröffentlichung bei den nächsten fünf Veröffentlichungen)
  • 2 MeinTEAM-Cover-Athlet-Karten (Saphir)


der erste Trailer wurde veröffentlicht

die Demo erscheint am 21.08.


Additional Info From 2K Devs

  • Mike Wang: Most of 2K19's badges are returning, but many of them were re-worked to either be more balanced or more useful for different build types
  • MW: As a blanket statement, we pretty much re-tooled every badge. So I'd advise going into 2K20 looking at badges as a clean slate. Many OP badges were heavily nerfed. And we'll be doing a lot more badge updates post-ship to continue balancing.
  • MW: Limitless Range has been changed to Range Extender - boosts 3s and deep 2s
  • MW: Free Throws are back to being an attribute that you can upgrade. Free Throw Ace is gone.
  • MW: We tried to cut the badges that we felt nobody would ever want. Charge Card is one of them.
  • MW: Interceptor badge is back.
  • MW: We have a Deep Fades badge that helps you hit post fades from further out
  • MW: Smaller players can equip Giant Slayer and it will help them score at the rim amongst the trees.
  • MW: Volume Shooter is also back but with better logic. Boosts your ratings if you can maintain your FGAs/per minute.
  • MW: Slippery Offball badge gives you more success with the new off-ball juke moves and get open stuff I blogged about. Also helps you get free from defenders who try to jam you up.
  • MW: There are a lot of new defensive badges - Clamps for perimeter locks and Post Move Lockdown for paint defenders to name a couple.
  • MW: New post hooks badge called Deep Hooks, Kareem is equipped with it
  • MW: Anklebreaker is still the main badge for more effective stepback dribble moves... new badge called Space Creator for more effective stepback jumpers.
  • MW: A few rebounding badges: Rebound Chaser helps chase down long rebounds, Worm helps get around boxouts, Box makes it tougher for worms.
  • MW: 1st step launches are now tied to speed w/ ball rating, not ball handling. There are 3 tiers of launch animation packs that can play faster or slower based on your rating. Quick First Step badge enhances on top of that.
  • MW: Handles For Days badge allows you to pull off a lot more dribble combos before getting fatigued.
  • MW: Volume Shooter is a positive-only badge
  • MW: Microwave was redesigned and changed to Hot Start. If you have this badge and can knock down your first jumper, you get a boost to your shot ratings for a period of time. the more shots you can knock down w/o missing, the longer you keep your boosts.

  • MW: Layup defense is very different this year. Getting a lot fewer complaints about layups missing that shouldn't and vice versa. when you miss a layup this year, it usually feels deserved.
  • MW: Each flick of the RS is a single move, no more auto-combos. Curry's behind back wrap is now a standalone move (Sprint Trigger+RS down.) So you manually do last year's Curry combo this year by doing the tween right into the behind back wrap. You pick one size-up sig pack.
  • MW: We're always trying to improve the logic for shot contests and added more tools to be able to tune different aspects of it for different modes. And being able to see the percentage of a contest rather than generalized text should help gamers understand the system better.
  • MW: 1st step launches are now tied to speed w/ ball rating, not ball handling. There are 3 tiers of launch animation packs that can play faster or slower based on your rating.
  • MW: You can choose whether your shot meter is by your hands, at your feet, or off. The feet meter fills all the way left to right, similar to 2K17, and the by hands meter is a little smaller than last year. You can also select your green release effect (quick flash, water splash, or paint splat)
  • MW: Everyone can see green release animations. No more lying about fake greens.
  • MW: We’re still polishing right now but slashers are very strong in our current build. Probably need to be nerfed a little if anything.
  • MW: Y/TRIANGLE is more like a lob pass with some arc this year rather than a bullet overhead.
  • MW: We spent a lot of time stopping bump steals by reworking the steal system and improving dribbler/defender interactions. Feels much better to me.
  • MW: Your ability to chain together combo moves slows down as your energy drops. When it drops too low you start to fumble the ball.

  • Da_Czar: Favorite plays can be used online.
  • DC: Play action buttons are a cool addition to the series. They are always mapped to the same buttons so you can call them from memory. My favorite combo for a quick shot is pass and screen away into a ball screen. It makes actions accessible without being invested in a ton of play steps. Have a shooter on your left? Hit pass and and screen away. Pass to the right and bring the shooter to the ball. Quick, clean and efficient. If he is not open flow into freelance or call another action.
  • DC: Another cool aspect of the play action buttons is that if you choose to you can reorder them so the one’s you use most can be placed higher on the list.
  • DC: Another option with the play action buttons is that if you want you can assign an action button to a particular player. So for example if you want the floppy action to always be ran for player X. That will have that player run a quick floppy when that button is pressed"

Gelöschtes Mitglied 752

Sieht wie jedes Jahr gut aus und wie jedes Jahr wird es wieder die gleichen Logik-Lücken haben und dich dazu „zwingen“ VC zu kaufen. Habe 2k mittlerweile wirklich aufgegeben - ich kann mir das nicht mehr geben


Hat jemand ne Ahnung wie ich die 10% Rabatt auf die 2k20 Legend Edition bekommen kann, welche mir bei 2k19 angezeigt wird?