New boxing concept.......


They are looking for European heavyweights for the first tournament as well.

SUPERFIGHTER: truly a "heavyweight" event!
June extravaganza set to rejuvenate the sport of Boxing.
By Mike Indri
Retired Boxers Foundation
February 6, 2006

For the longest time the talk within boxing has been revolved around the sad state of the heavyweight division; and its inability or unwillingness of the divisions four champions (IBF: Chris Byrd, WBA: Nicolay Valuev, WBC: Hasim Rahman, and WBO: Lamon Brewster) to step up and unify the title. In a sense, restore the pride, luster and respect to what was once the most revered and cherished title in all of sports&being know as the world heavyweight champion!

The entire heavyweight division has suffered; to the point where champions defending their titles dont even warrant main event billing (Byrd out pointed DaVarryl Williamson over twelve disappointingly languid rounds as the co-feature to James Toneys defeat of Dominick Guinn: 10/01/05).
Even Don King, "the undisputed world champion amongst heavyweight promoters", feels the current financial need to host heavyweight title fights outside the U.S., relegating his champions to "opponent" status abroad (Brewster retained his crown, knocking out Luan Krasniqi in dramatic fashion, TKO 9: 9/28/05, while John Ruiz lost a highly disputed majority decision to new WBA title holder Nicolay Valuey on 12/28/05).
Its gotten to the point where even the divisions top contenders: Samuel Peter, Calvin Brock, Shannon Briggs, David Tua, are reluctant to fight each!

Up until now the sorriest aspect of this entire situation is the fact that its all been talk&no action, just talk.
The promoters are always talking about having their fighters fighting the best, even unifying the titles; just talk.
The fighters always seem to be talking about fighting the best; also just talk. All the while, the boxing fan is SCREAMING, begging and pleading for someone to step up, stop all this disdainful chatter and return the pride and dignity to boxings most glorified division.
Simply put - get these fighters to rise to the challenge.

The need is obvious; yet to get the fighters, and their promoters, to commit to finally "walking the talk" it would take a monumental, innovative and truly grand event.
As giant of an event as planned, while truly MONUMENTAL, could not be accurately described as "grand". The more precise description, financially, would be "MILLION", as in 30 Million (already secured and budgeted) dollars, with 20 million dollars going to the fighters in prize money and guarantees!
Now does that get your attention? Welcome to SUPERFIGHTER, and the WORLD SUPERFIGHTER CHAMPIONSHIP!

There is no unexcited or non-exhilarating way to describe SUPERFIGHTER. Simply put its an elimination, gladiatorial event which presents the talents of eight international boxers, all on one fight card, all on one day, but with only one champion at the end.
Eight of boxings best heavyweight fighters, seven fights (each bout is a maximum of 4 x 3 minute rounds), one SUPERFIGHTER champion!

Scheduled for June 4, 2006 at the Melbourne Vodafone Arena in Melbourne, Australia (telecast live into the USA on the evening of June 3rd), SUPERFIGHTER will bring to boxing an event unequalled and surely unparallel. Its magnitude - no less than Lennox Lewis vs. Mike Tyson; its innovative concept, new values for the sport and technological & theatrical atmosphere - unprecedented.

With a major New York press conference slated for late June/early April, a very few select writers were given the distinct opportunity to get an exclusive look at SUPERFIGHTER and its concept; while speaking with Stephen Duval (Founder & CEO) and Warren Spooner (Commercial Director) this past Friday afternoon at Gallaghers Steak House in Manhattan.
"We are not about doing this one event and leaving, weve been working on this SUPERFIGHTER event for three years, this is a long term plan," stated Duval, who bears a striking resemblance to former world champion Ray "Boom-Boom" Mancini, adding "SUPERFIGHTER will revolutionize boxing. We will be using our innovative scoring system, a video reply system which will allow for greater viewer interaction and a 21st Century technology that includes a 14 camera High Definition Telecast, new camera angles and telecast technology, including Super Supreme Slow Motion for a more informed adjudicated procedure. At the venue you will get the feeling at home and the viewers at home will get the feeling of being there live!"

"We will start SUPERFIGHTER with the heavyweights, and we are talking about the top heavyweights; champions and contenders. We will then move into other divisions - thats our goal," stated Warren Spooner, "once you create this interest - it will flow throughout the entire sport."

Spooner and Duval also stressed the importance of safety (using 12 oz. gloves, more time for medical attention to the fighters, shorter fights, etc..) and while appreciating the greatness of professional boxing both do see a need for a fresh approach, which will bring the people back to it, and an opportunity to add great value to the sport along the way.
They also want to do what is right for the fighters, as is evidenced by SUPERFIGHTERS support of the Retired Boxers Foundation.
With former heavyweight contender Lou Savarese present, Stephen Duval spoke in high regard for the boxing non-profit organization which helps former boxers, in need, restore their pride and dignity.
"We have so much respect for the Retired Boxers Foundation, and for Alex (Ramos); who has started the RBF to help other fighters. He has dedicated his life to the success of the RBF," admirably proclaimed the Australian-born Duval, "SUPERFIGHTER is now also dedicated to this great cause."

Not looking in any way to "replace" the traditional sport of boxing, this highly intense and entertaining SUPERFIGHTER concept will in fact only enhance its greatness; providing an arena for the best to fight the best in each weight class - across the globe - each year!


Na, so ganz neu ist das Konzept ja nicht. Cedric Kushner hat da ja vor einiger Zeit schon mal ganz ähnliche Turniere aufgezogen, Fistfull of dollars und Thunderbox, wenngleich die nicht unbedingt mit der Schwergewichtselite aufwarten konnten. Abwarten, ob das was wird, bin da eher skeptisch. Bei Thunderbox hat man ja beispielsweise versucht, mit Extrapunkten für Aggressivität, die Boxer zu offensiveren und damit attraktiveren Kämpfen zu animieren. Gebracht hat das aber nichts.


Klingt interessant, aber ich denke nicht, dass sich das durchsetzen oder gar lange halten mag.

- Ein KO-System bei 4-ründigen Kämpfen ... es kann bei 4-Ründern bei ähnlich starken Boxern leicht zu nem Draw kommen ... was dann?
- Die Zahl der Events pro Jahr wäre begrenz, ich denke nicht dass dies ein Anreiz für TV-Sender und Sponsoren ist (da fährt man in der Summe doch mehr Profit ein wenn es zig Weltmeister gibt, die ihren Titel verteidigen wann sie wollen).
- Terminlich könnte die Sache in die Quere kommen, mit den Plänen die die sog. "Elite" der jeweiligen Gewichstklasse hat ... dass es allen an einem Tag passt bereit zu stehen, während man sonst selten am gleichen Wochenende boxt, das ist nicht allzu leicht realisierbar. Verletzungen vor dem Event wären unglücklicher als ohnehin schon, einen Kämpfer ersetzen ist da kein leichtes (wenn alle Kämpfe auf hohem Niveau stattfinden sollen)

Sicher, die momentane Situation im Schwergewicht verlangt nach Vereinigungskämpfen ... aber da heißt es momentan nunmal abwarten. Rahmans nächsten 2 Kämpfe sind bereits verplant, Valuev will zwar jeden boxen aber Sauerland "behält" lieber einen Weltmeister, Byrd boxt bald gegen Klitschko und Brewster ... hmm ... schau mer mal was der so macht ... im Moment darf er erstmal abwarten bis Byrd-Klitschko offiziell ist.


hinterschmiding /
Alles an einem Tag kann ich mir (auch aus den eben von Deslizer angeführten Gründen) beim besten Willen nicht vorstellen. Wäre mir auch "zuviel" auf einmal. Ein Boxkampf (und gerade ein Titelkampf!) lebt geradezu von einer ganz eigenen Dramaturgie, jeder Kampf hat seinen "Spannungsbogen" (wenn auch oftmals wie bei Brewster/Golota einen ziemlich kurzen :D ) und seine Dynamik - all das wäre bei so einem "Turnier" auf ein kleines Minimum reduziert, und im Endeffekt nur der "Sensation" wegen. Hätte für mich den Anreiz eines "all you can eat"-Restaurants oder eines klassischen "all-inclusive" Animationsurlaubs. Absoult nicht mein Fall!

Mir reicht "DSDSS" bis über Unterkante Oberlippe ... :kotz:


Deslizer schrieb:
Sicher, die momentane Situation im Schwergewicht verlangt nach Vereinigungskämpfen ... aber da heißt es momentan nunmal abwarten. Rahmans nächsten 2 Kämpfe sind bereits verplant,
Erst mal muss er gegen Toney gewinnen,bevor er gegen Maskaev boxen darf??


hawk schrieb:
Erst mal muss er gegen Toney gewinnen,bevor er gegen Maskaev boxen darf??

Um ehrlich hab ich das Gefühl, dass die WBC Maskaev "vergessen" hat...der wird so schnell keinen Titelkampf kriegen...


Ich denk, es ist definitiv, dass Maskaev den Gewinner aus Toney-Rahman boxen wird?