Wie echt ist das Musikbuisiness!?


Fußball-Moderator a.D.
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Gerry Rafferty had written "Baker Street" with the long instrumental break in mind, but without a specific instrument to play it, and he and producer Hugh Murphy experimented with different sounds before Murphy suggested a sax -- their first choice for the session was, however, was Pete Zorn, a British session musician who had played with Andy Bown and other artists. Zorn was no longer playing much sax and suggested a list of other players, and Raphael Ravenscroft's name was distinctive enough to get him the call. Ravenscroft turned the break into a long, moody vignette that just hung there on the radio, and was as responsible as the song's lead guitar part and melody for making it into an international hit, and Rafferty into a star.


Rafferty claimed he wrote the hook with the original intention that it be sung. Ravenscroft said differently, saying he was presented with a song that contained "several gaps". "In fact, most of what I played was an old blues riff," stated Ravenscroft. "If you're asking me: 'Did Gerry hand me a piece of music to play?' then no, he didn't."[9] However, the 2011 reissue of City To City included the demo of Baker Street which included the saxophone part played on electric guitar by Rafferty. The exact sax line, however, was originally played by saxophonist Steve Marcus on his 1968 "Tomorrow Never Knows" album, on a song called "Half A Heart" written by guitarist Larry Coryell.