Ben Wallace zu den Bulls


es heißt ja, dass ihm nicht genügend respekt gegeben wurde, das kann ich mir aber nicht vorstellen, genauso kann ich mir jedoch nicht vorstellen, dass dumars ben so einfach gehen lie0ß, das hat mich shcon gewundert, wo er doch immer einer der größten ben-fans war. immer hat er gesagt, dass ben das team zusammenhält und dass "das haus ohne ihn einstürzen würde".


Grossraum Stuttgart
Joe Asberry schrieb:
60$ mio, nicht 52...für 52 wäre er bei den Pistons geblieben...

nun ja von 52 bis 60 mio habe ich schon alles in den letzten tagen gelesen, der einzige wert der immer konstant angegeben wurde waren die 48 mio die detroit wallace für die 4 jahre geboten hat.


Nur echt mit Kartoffel
Zeke schrieb:
es heißt ja, dass ihm nicht genügend respekt gegeben wurde, das kann ich mir aber nicht vorstellen, genauso kann ich mir jedoch nicht vorstellen, dass dumars ben so einfach gehen lie0ß, das hat mich shcon gewundert, wo er doch immer einer der größten ben-fans war. immer hat er gesagt, dass ben das team zusammenhält und dass "das haus ohne ihn einstürzen würde".

die bulls haben detroit einfach überboten und fertig

Joe Berry

Kosmopolitische NBA-Koryphäe

From the Weblog Archive

Fri, Jul 7, 2006 at 7:05 AM

Wallace and Pistons had Great Divide

Usually when an athlete leaves a team for more money he says it wasn't about the money. And usually I roll my eyes knowing he is lying.

This time I believe Ben Wallace. In Wallace's case it was not just about the money although the Pistons four-year offer of $49.5 million to keep him was well short of the $60 million that the Chicago Bulls offered him. Wallace kept saying there were circumstances why he left that he does not want to get into.

Well here is one of them. Ben Wallace was upset that the Pistons banned his brother David Wallace from the Palace following his involvement in the brawl against the Indiana Pacers.

Ben asked the Pistons to allow David to attend games. They refused and that decision drove another divide between the Pistons and Wallace. He also caught wind that the Pistons were whispering his short comings to certain media members because the team did not believe Big Ben deserved a max deal. I love the Pistons but sometimes their actions are so childish that I understand why some guys leave. Wallace's play should speak for itself. We know what he can and cannot do. Why fuel the flames?

I do believe the Pistons wanted to keep Wallace, but only under their terms. Wallace wanted more control and he wanted to feel more comfortable here. Wallace was also growing more distant from teammates.

Although they respected him even some of his teammates questioned why he won defensive player of the year for a fourth season. Politics were involved because San Antonio's Bruce Bowen should have won it last season.

So here are a few more explanations why Wallace left.

Here is one more thing to chew on. The chatter around Chicago and Indianapolis is the Pistons are trying to work out a sign and trade to bring in Al Harrington. Is a deal in the works with Atlanta?

I have no idea. But there is a buzz.