Wenn ich mich nicht irre, sollte das Axel Zwingenberger sein, berühmter Boogie-Woogie Pianist.
gibt wohl flagrant foul, weils keine bewegung zum ball ist. dh freiwurf und ballbesitz
wiki schrieb:The NBA decided to address this undesirable situation by instituting a new rule regarding off-the-ball fouls—that is, committing a personal foul against an offensive player who neither has the ball nor is making an effort to obtain it. The new rule stated that if the defensive team commits an off-the-ball foul within the last two minutes of the game, the offensive team would be allowed to keep possession of the ball after the awarding of either one or two free throws.
Not a monster, not a balla
I'm simply tall, yeah
And thats a problem, that'll never ever be solved
And no matter what they'll never pass it to me
My range is as far as my arms can reach
weil ichs in letzter zeit sooo oft gehört habe
bin ich der einzige, den die floskel : "we took care of business" nervt????![]()
LoL finde auch das mit den Schuhen ist die beste. Es gibt bisher ja nur 4 Teile oder?