Wollt mir jetzt okc gegen blazers reinziehen. ich weiß jetzt dass es ne OT gibt, einfach nur DUMM!!!!! wieso können die das nicht einfach ausblenden, so schwer kann das doch net sein, jetzt weiß ich schon, dass des ne OT hat. könnt ihr mal alle denen schreiben, dass die das abstellen sollen.
habe das hier geschrieben:
I'm from Germany and I got some feedback for the league pass. I'm very impressed of the image quality. The games are working very well both live and in the replay. Nevertheless I have some improvement suggestions for you, especially for the archived games.
First I want you to know, if I want to watch a replaying game I don't want to know anything about the course of the game. I wanted to watch OKC-POR, but now I know that the game goes into overtime, because you show this information. So don't show the quarters and OT's in the league pass player. Or introduce a feature, where you can close this information.
Next I watch the games on my TV. To control the events I use my wireless mouse. Every time I have to stand up off my bed and walk to my table to the keyboard to click on the escape button to close the full screen. It would be very nice if I'm able to control the action with my wireless mouse.
And please cut out the game breaks in the replaying games. It's very circuitous to fast-forward.
I hope you will fix these problems.
Thank you for reading this.
ihr könnts ja noch, je nachdem was noch besser gemacht werden soll, abändern. könnten auch paar fehler dabei sein.