GM-a-Team 2014 - Medienthread

John Lennon

Moderator Darts & Handball



Ausschnitte aus dem Interview mit PistolPete7 zu den neuesten Transaktionen

Über die Vertragsverlängerungen mit Enes Kanter und Alec Burks...

Wir sehen Enes Kanter und Alec Burks als Eckpfeiler dieser Organisation an. Kanter hat mehrfach bewiesen, dass er starten kann. Wir erhoffen uns natürlich auch weiterhin das er Fortschritte macht und mit Derrick in ein paar Jahren die Liga übernimmt. Ob der Vertrag zu hochdotiert ist? Nein, gute Bigs sind teuer. Burks dagegen hat sich stark verbessert. Für diese Konditionen ein Schnäppchen.

Über die Vertragsverlängerung mit Gordon Hayward...

Ich war überrascht, dass niemand für Hayward geboten hat. Natürlich gab es S&T-Angebote, aber wir haben klar gemacht, dass wir Hayward als Teil dieses Teams sehen. Ich bin zufrieden, dass er bleibt, er ist zufrieden dass er bleibt.

Über die Verpflichtung von Josh McRoberts...

McRoberts ist ein sehr intelligenter Spieler. Er bringt uns Erfahrung und einen weiteren Big Body im Frontcourt. Zudem ist er mit seinem weichen Wurf aus jeder Distanz unberechenbar. Das Ziel war das Shootingproblem zu lösen. Mit Dunleavy und McRoberts haben wir nun gute Schützen. Auch Sefolosha kann die Dinger einnetzen, wenn es drauf ankommt.

Über die Gerüchte das man an Jerryd Bayless interessiert ist...

Ich kommentiere keine Gerüchte, aber er ist ein interessanter Spieler.

Über die Personalie Marvin Williams...

Wir verhandeln mit Marvin und hoffen, dass er sich entschließt bei uns zu bleiben.


HoopsHype Rumors

Sinabambina was released from her job in the Cavaliers' front office due to inactivity after Cleveland lost Deng, Hawes and Miles to free agency.

Cavaliers' general manager position ist now vacant and interim GM Alley will take over business in Cleveland till a new gm is found.

Cavaliers' interim gm doesn't want to lose time, signs 1st Round Pick Rodney Hood and makes Varejao, Jack and Gee available.

Coach Mike Brown doesn't know if he should be happy now that the cavaliers have an active gm once again. He will have to fear losing his job if no other gm takes over in cleveland and saves him.



HoopsHype Rumors

Cavaliers might keep Anderson Varejao contrary to recent rumors. Varejao never played for another franchise and Cleveland will try to make him a Cavalier for life.

Jermaine O'Neal is still not sure where to play next season. He loved playing for the Warriors but yearns to be with his family. Several western conference playoff teams seem to be in his favor and he definetly wants some serious playoff competition again, that's for sure.

Kevin Garnett said he's willing to listen to any offers that bring him into serious contention. Money doesn't seem to be an issue, he would just want to help a team to chase the championship for one last time. If he feels comfortable enough with the situation he's getting into he might consider revising his retirement decision.



Jermaine O'Neal returns home to his family


Dallas, Texas - After a really good season with the Golden State Warriors in which Jermaine O'Neal made an impressive post season performance after the drop out of starting center Andrew Bogut, he had a tough decision to make whether to retire or play one more season.

Already last year he was leaning toward signing with the Mavericks before he and his son had a heart to heart.
He said his son asked him to play in Dallas, where the family lives, or retire.
"I had a conversation with him," O'Neal said. "True story. I said, 'Hey, listen. Can you run this house while I'm gone for one more year?' He said, 'Yeah. I can take care of the house one more year.' So everything I have I'm going to put into this one more year."

Usually O'Neal's 8-year-old son cries when O'Neal leaves for work -- which in the past six years has been in Golden State, Phoenix, Boston, Miami and Toronto.

On top of that, his 12-year-old daughter underwent open-heart surgery last year, causing O'Neal to miss several games.

O'Neal really loved playing for the Warriors and he is thankful for this sensational year he had in Oakland, but it was about time for him to move home and have more time to spent with his family. In Dallas he has now the opportunity to compete for at least one more year and be near his wife, son and daughter who will definetly be happy that they doesn't have to miss him any longer.


Jazz holen Chandler und Randolph aus Denver


Salt Lake City - Die Utah Jazz und Denver Nuggets einigten sich gestern Abend auf einen Trade, der die Forwards Wilson Chandler und Anthony Randolph nach Utah bring. Im Gegenzug wechselt der erst vor kurzem ertradete Mike Dunleavy Jr. zu den Nuggets, sowie ein künftiger Zweitrundenpick.

Manager PistolPete7 zeigte sich zufrieden: "Chandler bringt uns Athletik und Härte. Er kann von der 2 bis zur 4 jede Position verteidigen und wir hoffen, dass er uns zusätzlich eine Option von der Bank bringt." Chandler's Vertrag wird nach dieser Saison nicht mehr garantiert sein. Randolph wird dagegen als Beilage betrachtet, der wahrscheinlich keine sonderlich große Rolle in der Rotation spielen wird. Sein Vertrag läuft nächstes Jahr aus.

Es wird nun davon auszugehen sein, dass man mit Marvin Williams nicht verlängert. Jazz sollen aber weiterhin Interesse an einen PG haben.


HoopsHype Rumors

Kevin Garnett is gettin' interest from several playoff teams and it seems to be more and more likely that he will get out on the court for one more season. He has plenty of suitors and that doesn't lighten his decision on where he will play in the most likely last season of his career. He is expected to announce his decision over the weekend and he will definetly bring a lot of toughness, experience and defensive impact to the team he decides to join.

Irenicus takes over business in Cleveland as new Cavaliers Interims-GM. Cleveland can furthermore make free agent offers now after CM Alley is no longer involved. But trades between Thunder and Cavaliers are not allowed as long as Irenicus is active in both franchises.



HoopsHype Rumors

Shawn Marion decided to leave Dallas and joined the Indiana Pacers. Mavericks offered him a little more money, but Marion wasn't sure how well he would fit in the new Mavs rotation. With Crowder maybe taking the next step forward, Deng joining in and Carter staying, the size of his new role with the Mavs was too much up in the air to rejoin the team without hesitation. With the Pacers he has now the chance to further "cement his legacy" by trying to pursue a second title. Coming from the moderate Pacers bench he will get plenty of minutes and opportunities to help the Pacers in chasing their first nba championship.

Orlando Magic didn't hesitate in pursuing their number one priority Shaun Livingston. They afforded to overpay him more or less in order to outrival his other suitors. Livingston had a really good season with the Brooklyn Nets who didn't want to keep him after trading for Raymond Felton, but he has to prove now that he can live up to the expectations which come along with his new contract.

The bidding war for Jodie Meeks is still not over, so it is unclear by when his decision can be expected.
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