support: yeah sorry again I'm trying to fix the feed while talking to you..
support: seems better now..
support: but I guess I don't have high hopes for this brioadcast
support: as for the whole service..
support: I dunno' last year took a while before the whole thing stabilized
Donnie: Alright, that's honest at least. Is this something your company will get fixed soon? I mean for the upcoming games?
support: this year didn't start off as bad so I guess an optimistic guess would be before the end of the month
support: last year took until January
support: sorry I meant last year was worse..
support: yeah that's what I wrote..
support: I'm losing it
Donnie: Alright, that's something. I know it took you long last year to provide non buffering signals. But I hope you understand that doesn't help me much this year. It's just disappointing if you stay up half the night in Europe to watch a game live and then the quality sucks if you can watch at all.
Donnie: Thank you, though. It's been much more informative and helpful with you tonight than usually.
support: you can always ask for me if you wish.. I'm Roy
support: I'm here most nights
support: You're most welcome.
Donnie: Let's keep it at that for now. Thanks again. I wish you not too many angry customers and a good night!
support: Thank you

good night