laut Ticker springen grad zwei tschechinnen :donk:
Bei mir gibt es nur eine einsame Nina Lussi.:sauer:
laut Ticker springen grad zwei tschechinnen :donk:
Yes, in fact, they made a mistake with the BIB numbers. For example, BIB 41 today is Takanashi, but it is the BIB numbers from the Quali jump. Tikhonova had the BIB 41 for the quali jump. Yuki Ito today has Mattel BIB from yesterday... Rupprecht had Windmueller BIB from yesterday...The same for the others girls from the TOP-10.laut dem Berkutschi Ticker gewinnt Tikhonova vor Mattel und Windmüller :hihi:
Los gehts!
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