Mike Tyson Geld-Comeback


Guten Tag Boxfans aus aller Welt!

Folgenden Beitrag fand ich auf www.gmx.de. Mike Tyson kann einem leid tun.
Wie kann man solche Sätze von sich geben "Ich glaube nicht, dass es sich lohnt, Geld für mich auszugeben" oder dieser Satz hier "Ich habe derzeit keinen Wert für die Gesellschaft". Mann mann mann, wie kann man so benebelt sein. Armer Tyson.

Beitrag von www.gmx.de:
Ex-Champ Tyson steigt wieder in den Ring
Auf der Suche nach neuen Geldquellen hat Ex-Box-Weltmeister Mike Tyson die "Mike Tyson World Tour" ins Leben gerufen. In der am 20. Oktober beginnenden Serie will der frühere Weltmeister aller Klassen jeweils vier Runden Sparring gegen verschiedene Gegner durchführen.

"Ich habe neulich in Las Vegas trainiert, um mein Gewicht zu halten. Jeden Tag standen 2000 Leute am Ring, um mich zu sehen. Da kam mir die Idee, die Sache zu vermarkten", sagte Tyson, der zunächst in Youngstown (US-Bundesstaat Ohio) auf Corrie Sanders trifft.

Tyson stand letztmals im Juni 2005 im Ring und verlor gegen Kevin McBride. Sein Rücktritt vom Boxsport sei dennoch unwiderruflich: "Ich habe derzeit keinen Wert für die Gesellschaft. Ich glaube nicht, dass es sich lohnt, Geld für mich auszugeben. Außerdem habe ich keinen Stress mehr."

Die Trainingstour des Ex-Weltmeisters soll im US-Fernsehen für 29,95 Dollar übertragen werden.


Moderator Boxen
SAIGOTT schrieb:
Guten Tag Boxfans aus aller Welt!

Folgenden Beitrag fand ich auf www.gmx.de. Mike Tyson kann einem leid tun.
Wie kann man solche Sätze von sich geben "Ich glaube nicht, dass es sich lohnt, Geld für mich auszugeben" oder dieser Satz hier "Ich habe derzeit keinen Wert für die Gesellschaft". Mann mann mann, wie kann man so benebelt sein. Armer Tyson.

Beitrag von www.gmx.de:
Ex-Champ Tyson steigt wieder in den Ring
Auf der Suche nach neuen Geldquellen hat Ex-Box-Weltmeister Mike Tyson die "Mike Tyson World Tour" ins Leben gerufen. In der am 20. Oktober beginnenden Serie will der frühere Weltmeister aller Klassen jeweils vier Runden Sparring gegen verschiedene Gegner durchführen.

"Ich habe neulich in Las Vegas trainiert, um mein Gewicht zu halten. Jeden Tag standen 2000 Leute am Ring, um mich zu sehen. Da kam mir die Idee, die Sache zu vermarkten", sagte Tyson, der zunächst in Youngstown (US-Bundesstaat Ohio) auf Corrie Sanders trifft.

Tyson stand letztmals im Juni 2005 im Ring und verlor gegen Kevin McBride. Sein Rücktritt vom Boxsport sei dennoch unwiderruflich: "Ich habe derzeit keinen Wert für die Gesellschaft. Ich glaube nicht, dass es sich lohnt, Geld für mich auszugeben. Außerdem habe ich keinen Stress mehr."

Die Trainingstour des Ex-Weltmeisters soll im US-Fernsehen für 29,95 Dollar übertragen werden.

Armer Mike...hoffe nur, das er nicht all zu doll von Sanders getroffen wird...ist das Sparing im Sinne von Training? ...also quasi ohne absichtlichen Knockdown...wenn nicht, fürchte ich, dass er spätesten nach der ersten Niederlage wieder damit aufhört...und dann noch gegen Sanders...dachte der hätte aufgehört


Armes GMX, gleich mal Corrie Sanders mit Corey Sanders verwechselt.

Wie hoch sind noch gleich die Schulden von Tyson? Der wird die doch nie los...
Der Kerl sollte Insolvenz anmelden...


Moderator Boxen
Deslizer schrieb:
Armes GMX, gleich mal Corrie Sanders mit Corey Sanders verwechselt.

Wie hoch sind noch gleich die Schulden von Tyson? Der wird die doch nie los...
Der Kerl sollte Insolvenz anmelden...

Ja, aber bitte in Deutschland und dann in FFM oder Umgebung, dann landet er nähmlich bei mir


Irgendwo gabs auch zu lesen, fass Tysons Magement auf Schulz seine zugegangen wäre und denen nen 4-Runden-Kampf für 10Mio angeboten hat (als Börse für Tyson). Das wurd dann dankend abgelehnt.


Moderator Boxen
Deslizer schrieb:
Irgendwo gabs auch zu lesen, fass Tysons Magement auf Schulz seine zugegangen wäre und denen nen 4-Runden-Kampf für 10Mio angeboten hat (als Börse für Tyson). Das wurd dann dankend abgelehnt.

Oh man...aber sonst geht es noch...also ist es nicht corrie sanders?


Deslizer schrieb:
Wie hoch sind noch gleich die Schulden von Tyson? Der wird die doch nie los...
Der Kerl sollte Insolvenz anmelden...

Ich kann falsch liegen, aber ich bin der Meinung dass Tyson Insolvenz angemeldet hat.

Wenn man Insolvenz angemeldet hat braucht man ja Einkuenfte ansonsten wird der Insolvenz-Antrag abglehnt.

Ich denke Tyson muss noch ein paar Jahre diesen Schwachsinn machen damit er Schulden frei ist...

Den Rest wird man ihm dann erlassen...

In Deutschland muss 6 Jahre alles bis auf das Minimum was man zum Leben braucht (ca. 800, 900 Euro glaube ich sinds) abdruecken und im 7. Jahr ist man dann Schulden frei.

In den USA koennte das aehnlich sein.


tyson hat wahrscheinlich überhaupt keinen bock auf diese welt-tour. aber wenn er sie hinter sich hat , kann er vielleicht seine schulden bezahlen. vor ein paar wochen hieß es ja mal , daß er für 10 fights 10 m dollar kriegt. er wird sicherlich nicht für alle 100 kämpfe ein m dollar kriegen , aber seine schulden kann er dann vielleicht bezahlen.


Das denke ich auch und seine Glaeubiger werden sicher bereit sein Abtriche zu machen und sich mit weniger zufriedengeben bevor sie leer ausgehen...

Lasst uns dem alten Mike die Dauemen druecken dass er bald seine Schulden abgezahlt hat. :thumb:


vielleicht kommt er ja auch nach deutschland. macht er da eigentlich nur kämpfe nach reinen boxregeln oder auch mam richtig gegen andere stile?


Ich denke er wird nur Boxkaempfe machen...

Es waere super geil wenn er nach Deutschland kommen wuerde, darauf hoffe ich schon lange. :)


die bildzeitung meldet , tyson würde gegen klitschko-bezwinger sanders boxen
:laugh2: :idiot:

The mood was light and spirits were up at the press conference in Youngstown, OH when Sterling Promotions Inc. announced that "Mike Tyson's World Tour" would officially kick off on Friday October 20th at Chevrolet Centre where the former heavyweight champion of the world would meet the 6'6 Corey "T-Rex" Sanders in a four round exhibition bout.

"It has taken some time to mold this 'World Tour'," promoter Sterling McPherson said. "I am grateful to be back home and present this kind of card. Fans will get to see Mike Tyson fight for $25. You can't see Barry Bonds or Michael Jordan for that amount of money. Mike is thrilled to be doing this for the fans."

A grateful Sterling McPherson said his peace before introducing "Iron" Mike.

"This is a true honor for me to be working with Mike," McPherson said. "When I first saw Mike he was a humble kid. He was the second coming of Joe Louis. Guys would be talking trash and he would just put his head down. Mike talks in the ring."

"This is the most gracious man I have ever worked with. Everyone says 'Oh, Mike's crazy' and this and that. I have been around this man a lot and he is one of the hardest working and most humble men that I have had the pleasure of knowing."

Tyson, who hasn't been in the ring for nearly sixteen months since his 2005 loss to Kevin McBride, was in good spirits and was happy to answer questions regarding his future, his past and what lies ahead of him on October 20th.

" I am doing this because I am a little overweight," Tyson began. "I was smoking and I needed to get in shape."

"As Jeff (Fenech) and I were training I felt good again. I did a promotional thing at the Aladdin Casino is Las Vegas to have public workouts and thousands of people were coming everyday. I told Jeff that I feel like I can do this again if I could just get out of some financial quagmires."

"People will come out to see me fight," Tyson said. "I really feel that I am useful to society."

Though the rules and stipulations to the "exhibition bout" were sketchy at best, promoter Sterling McPherson commented on the scheduled four round main event.

"This will be a regular, normal fight with full three minute rounds," McPherson said. "The fighters have the option to either wear the headgear or decline. Mike and I have discussed it and he would preferably not wear it."

"Remember, this is an exhibition bout," McPherson reiterated. "There is no win or lose for either fighter. They will go out there for four rounds and put on a great show."

The opponent, Corey "T-Rex" Sanders (23-10, 15 KO's), is most memorable for stopping current WBC heavyweight champion Oleg Maskaev in the eighth round of their 2002 meeting. Though he was not in attendance, Sanders presence was certainly felt when Tyson-Trainer and former world champion Jeff Fenech approached the microphone.

"This is not going to be an easy fight," Fenech claimed. "We are talking about a man who is 6'6 and weighs 300 pounds. This is the man that knocked out our current world champion Oleg Maskaev."

"I'm happy to be training Mike," Fenech said. "We still have four weeks to get in shape and Mike will be in shape. On October 20th you will be able to watch the greatest heavyweight of all time."

As the media addressed the former champion, "Iron" Mike showed little hesitation to have some fun with the crowd and be a bit philosophical.

"The money I get from this won't get me out of debt," Tyson said. "It is nice to win though. Depression is a very serious thing for a fighter."

"Right now it's raining outside," Tyson said as he gestured to the windows. "I like the rain. It's like my sunshine. I know that's a bit morbid but I love it."

As for the other stops along "Mike Tyson's World Tour," promoter Sterling McPherson was adamant that Tyson's was the one with the final say.

"If this fight goes anywhere its because Mike wants it to go there," McPherson said. "This is a chance for him to get out and let the world see what he can do. If Mike wants to go to China, we will go to China."

"That's why I let other people make decisions for me," Tyson said laughing. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing."

"I want to fight one hundred of these exhibition bouts," Tyson said sarcastically. "If I fight one hundred four round bouts that will be more rounds than I fought for my entire career."

With a supportive crowd on hand, "The Baddest Man on the Planet" closed the conference with some wisdom of his own.

"I have learned a lot since I started boxing," Tyson said. "I hate the business of boxing. I learned that life is unpredictable. Life is short. You have to stay humble and you cant get angry. The world is a hustle and bustle."

Former Titlest Spadafora Returns as Co-Feature

Also announced at the press conference was the return of the unbeaten former IBF world lightweight champion Paul "The Pittsburgh Kid" Spadafora as the co-main event to the first bout of "Tyson's World Tour." Spadafora himself though was not in attendance.

"Paul will be fighting a full ten rounds," Sterling McPherson said. "We will be looking for an opponent to help him get his feet back on the ground again. I do not expect him to fight a world champion in his first fight back."

"He is a competitive kid. He will want to fight somebody that will give him a run for his money for at least six or seven rounds." Though remaining unbeaten, Paul Spadafora announced that he would be moving up in class on multiple occasions due to the strain on his body to make the lightweight limit of 135 pounds. The toll taken on his body was never more evident then in his 2003 unification clash with WBA champion Leonard Dorin.

"I don't know what Paul will be weighing in at for this fight," McPherson said. "His last fight against Dorin was at 135 pounds, so we should see him around there. We could even see him at 140 pounds. He shouldn't have to break his back to make 135 though, that's crazy."

Also on the card is unbeaten amateur standout Juan McPherson. McPherson, who sustained an injury keeping him out of the Athens games, has a professional record of 3-0.

"He is by far one of the most exciting fighters in American right now," Sterling McPherson said. "He was the favorite to win gold in the Olympics and unfortunate circumstances kept him from competing. This is the chance of a lifetime for this kid and I see him winning a world title very soon."

The first event of "Mike Tyson's World Tour" in Youngstown will telecast live in North America on cable and satellite pay-per-view beginning at 10:30 PM/ET, 7:30 PM/PT. The event is produced and distributed for pay per view by Queensbury Media and Integrated Sports and is available in more than 50-million homes in North America via iN Demand, DirecTV & Dish Network in the USA, Viewer's Choice & Bell ExpressVu in Canada. The suggested retail price for the PPV telecast is only $29.95.

Tickets go on sale October 3rd at 10 a.m. at the Chevrolet Centre Box Office or online at www.gettix.net or at our Gettix outlets. Tickets are very affordable with prices at $25, $50, $100 and $200 (plus applicable fees). Doors will open Oct. 20 at 7 PM/ET with the first bout at 8 PM/ET. Call 330.746.5600 or go to www.chevroletcentre.com for more info.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


Ey Leute mir ist eben aufgefallen, dass Tyson keine Goldzähne mehr hat! Ich weiss nicht ob das ne Spange ist oder nicht. Wisst ihr was darüber?


Devil schrieb:
die bildzeitung meldet , tyson würde gegen klitschko-bezwinger sanders boxen
:laugh2: :idiot:

The mood was light and spirits were up at the press conference in Youngstown, OH when Sterling Promotions Inc. announced that "Mike Tyson's World Tour" would officially kick off on Friday October 20th at Chevrolet Centre where the former heavyweight champion of the world would meet the 6'6 Corey "T-Rex" Sanders in a four round exhibition bout.

"It has taken some time to mold this 'World Tour'," promoter Sterling McPherson said. "I am grateful to be back home and present this kind of card. Fans will get to see Mike Tyson fight for $25. You can't see Barry Bonds or Michael Jordan for that amount of money. Mike is thrilled to be doing this for the fans."

A grateful Sterling McPherson said his peace before introducing "Iron" Mike.

"This is a true honor for me to be working with Mike," McPherson said. "When I first saw Mike he was a humble kid. He was the second coming of Joe Louis. Guys would be talking trash and he would just put his head down. Mike talks in the ring."

"This is the most gracious man I have ever worked with. Everyone says 'Oh, Mike's crazy' and this and that. I have been around this man a lot and he is one of the hardest working and most humble men that I have had the pleasure of knowing."

Tyson, who hasn't been in the ring for nearly sixteen months since his 2005 loss to Kevin McBride, was in good spirits and was happy to answer questions regarding his future, his past and what lies ahead of him on October 20th.

" I am doing this because I am a little overweight," Tyson began. "I was smoking and I needed to get in shape."

"As Jeff (Fenech) and I were training I felt good again. I did a promotional thing at the Aladdin Casino is Las Vegas to have public workouts and thousands of people were coming everyday. I told Jeff that I feel like I can do this again if I could just get out of some financial quagmires."

"People will come out to see me fight," Tyson said. "I really feel that I am useful to society."

Though the rules and stipulations to the "exhibition bout" were sketchy at best, promoter Sterling McPherson commented on the scheduled four round main event.

"This will be a regular, normal fight with full three minute rounds," McPherson said. "The fighters have the option to either wear the headgear or decline. Mike and I have discussed it and he would preferably not wear it."

"Remember, this is an exhibition bout," McPherson reiterated. "There is no win or lose for either fighter. They will go out there for four rounds and put on a great show."

The opponent, Corey "T-Rex" Sanders (23-10, 15 KO's), is most memorable for stopping current WBC heavyweight champion Oleg Maskaev in the eighth round of their 2002 meeting. Though he was not in attendance, Sanders presence was certainly felt when Tyson-Trainer and former world champion Jeff Fenech approached the microphone.

"This is not going to be an easy fight," Fenech claimed. "We are talking about a man who is 6'6 and weighs 300 pounds. This is the man that knocked out our current world champion Oleg Maskaev."

"I'm happy to be training Mike," Fenech said. "We still have four weeks to get in shape and Mike will be in shape. On October 20th you will be able to watch the greatest heavyweight of all time."

As the media addressed the former champion, "Iron" Mike showed little hesitation to have some fun with the crowd and be a bit philosophical.

"The money I get from this won't get me out of debt," Tyson said. "It is nice to win though. Depression is a very serious thing for a fighter."

"Right now it's raining outside," Tyson said as he gestured to the windows. "I like the rain. It's like my sunshine. I know that's a bit morbid but I love it."

As for the other stops along "Mike Tyson's World Tour," promoter Sterling McPherson was adamant that Tyson's was the one with the final say.

"If this fight goes anywhere its because Mike wants it to go there," McPherson said. "This is a chance for him to get out and let the world see what he can do. If Mike wants to go to China, we will go to China."

"That's why I let other people make decisions for me," Tyson said laughing. "I don't know what the hell I'm doing."

"I want to fight one hundred of these exhibition bouts," Tyson said sarcastically. "If I fight one hundred four round bouts that will be more rounds than I fought for my entire career."

With a supportive crowd on hand, "The Baddest Man on the Planet" closed the conference with some wisdom of his own.

"I have learned a lot since I started boxing," Tyson said. "I hate the business of boxing. I learned that life is unpredictable. Life is short. You have to stay humble and you cant get angry. The world is a hustle and bustle."

Former Titlest Spadafora Returns as Co-Feature

Also announced at the press conference was the return of the unbeaten former IBF world lightweight champion Paul "The Pittsburgh Kid" Spadafora as the co-main event to the first bout of "Tyson's World Tour." Spadafora himself though was not in attendance.

"Paul will be fighting a full ten rounds," Sterling McPherson said. "We will be looking for an opponent to help him get his feet back on the ground again. I do not expect him to fight a world champion in his first fight back."

"He is a competitive kid. He will want to fight somebody that will give him a run for his money for at least six or seven rounds." Though remaining unbeaten, Paul Spadafora announced that he would be moving up in class on multiple occasions due to the strain on his body to make the lightweight limit of 135 pounds. The toll taken on his body was never more evident then in his 2003 unification clash with WBA champion Leonard Dorin.

"I don't know what Paul will be weighing in at for this fight," McPherson said. "His last fight against Dorin was at 135 pounds, so we should see him around there. We could even see him at 140 pounds. He shouldn't have to break his back to make 135 though, that's crazy."

Also on the card is unbeaten amateur standout Juan McPherson. McPherson, who sustained an injury keeping him out of the Athens games, has a professional record of 3-0.

"He is by far one of the most exciting fighters in American right now," Sterling McPherson said. "He was the favorite to win gold in the Olympics and unfortunate circumstances kept him from competing. This is the chance of a lifetime for this kid and I see him winning a world title very soon."

The first event of "Mike Tyson's World Tour" in Youngstown will telecast live in North America on cable and satellite pay-per-view beginning at 10:30 PM/ET, 7:30 PM/PT. The event is produced and distributed for pay per view by Queensbury Media and Integrated Sports and is available in more than 50-million homes in North America via iN Demand, DirecTV & Dish Network in the USA, Viewer's Choice & Bell ExpressVu in Canada. The suggested retail price for the PPV telecast is only $29.95.

Tickets go on sale October 3rd at 10 a.m. at the Chevrolet Centre Box Office or online at www.gettix.net or at our Gettix outlets. Tickets are very affordable with prices at $25, $50, $100 and $200 (plus applicable fees). Doors will open Oct. 20 at 7 PM/ET with the first bout at 8 PM/ET. Call 330.746.5600 or go to www.chevroletcentre.com for more info.

ja aber er Boxt doch nur in einem Sparringskampf gegen ihn, oder wie wurde es in der Bild aufgefasst?


darum gings mir nicht. die von der bild haben corey mit corrie sanders verwechselt. corrie ist der südafrikander, der klitschko verprügelt hat. tyson boxt aber gegen corey.


Heinz Becker Land
Devil schrieb:
darum gings mir nicht. die von der bild haben corey mit corrie sanders verwechselt. corrie ist der südafrikander, der klitschko verprügelt hat. tyson boxt aber gegen corey.

Ist warscheinlich ne dumme Frage, aber werden die Vornamen der beiden identisch ausgesprochen? Die Nachnamen ja nicht, der Amerikaner wird "Sänders", der Südafrikaner "Sanders" (also das A wirklich als A).
Denke bei Corey betont man das "ey", und bei Corrie ist es einfach ein "i"...


Hm, also Corey kann doch auch hart zuschlagen, oder? Nicht dass der Tyson KO haut ausversehen ;)

Btw: Es ist doch nicht wirklich wahr, dass Tysons Boxkampf bei Pride gegen Mark Hunt sein wird, oder? Da wär Tyson ja richtig doof, während Pride Hunt verdammt gut darstellen könnte. Sähe ich keine Chance für den guten Mike ...


weiß jemand ob irgendein Sender die Kämpfe von Tyson überträgt Premiere oder so? Sender die man auch ohne Satelit emfangen kann hehe