das war doch eine absolut normale Pre-Game-Zeremonie für einen Spieler, der sein 1000. Spiel macht. Blumen für die Familie, Geschenke für Legwand (darunter der für den 1000er typische Silver Stick) und noch ein kurzes Video-Tribut auf dem Videowürfel. Das macht jedes Team so, Legwands 4 Minuten-Ehrung war da alles andere als "unfassbar".Ein würdiger Abschluß zum 1000. Spiel von David Legwand. Unfassbar, was da alles im Vorfeld veranstaltet wurde. Man hätte meinen können eine Legende tritt ab.
da ist das Eis wohl aufgebrochen. War aber wohl nur ne kleine Reparatur.Witzige Szene Ende des 2. Drittels. Jemand rennt mit einem Feuerlöscher aufs Eis und löscht!!! Wieso?
:laugh2:Ist das Eis geschmolzen? Dann würde ich mir aber Sorgen machen auf Eis zu gehen.
EDIT1: die Senators haben sich heute von Trainer Paul MacLean getrennt.
EDIT2: die Expansion nach Las Vegas scheint tatsächlich Formen anzunehmen. Laut McKenzie könnte es schon 2016 oder 2017 so weit sein.
http://www.tsn.ca/mckenzie-no-one-should-be-caught-off-guard-by-expansion-1.154730This fall, all the talk has been focused on Las Vegas as the new frontrunner.
After an interview with NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly in early November, Minneapolis Star Tribune hockey writer Mike Russo reported Daly met with a potential ownership group in Las Vegas in early November and toured the construction site for the new arena being built by MGM Resorts. Larry Brooks reported in the New York Post a week after that the NHL had gone so far as to have chosen William Foley and the Maloof family as the designated owners of a Las Vegas expansion franchise when or if the NHL gets around to committing to expansion, and that the franchise fee would be $400 million.
Amid the Russo and Brooks reports, I speculated that the NHL's tentative master plan had gone from adding three teams (with a priority ranking of Seattle, Las Vegas and Quebec City) at the same time to perhaps doing a one off to Las Vegas, with a potential start date possible as early as the beginning of the 2016-17 season. In the ensuing weeks, there has been a constant buzz on the NHL grapevine about expansion, suggestions that it is an absolute given the league will in the days, weeks or months ahead announce formal plans to go to Vegas and possibly Seattle and/or Quebec City, although it was also suggested Quebec City may be reserved as a potential relocation site, with a lesser transfer fee instead of an expansion fee.
Since then, the talk has only ramped up. As recently as last week, it was suggested to me the NHL will, at some point in the very near future, bestow a conditional expansion franchise to an ownership group in Las Vegas. That is, if certain requirements (including selling a designated number of season tickets) are met, an NHL franchise could be operational in Vegas as early as the fall of 2016.
None of these "suggestions" on the nature or timing of expansion could be ascertained as fact. At least not by me. They most certainly couldn't be reported as hard news. The NHL has continued to stick to the party line about listening to expressions of interest but otherwise remaining non-committal, only going so far as to say expansion may be discussed at today's or tomorrow's B of G meetings but that there won't be a vote or an announcement. Fair enough. But we all know it's coming at some point in some form. If I were a betting man (see what I did there?), I might wager on Vegas as early as the fall of 2016 or 2017, but whenever and wherever it may be, unlike in 1992, no one should be caught off guard by anything this time around.
We may have a better sense of it all in the next 24 to 48 hours.
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