José Enrique Gutierrez:
"Ich sage nicht ja und ich sage nicht nein." In einem abgehörten Gespräch sagt Fuentes, dem "Buffalo muss was zu Essen nach Italien gebracht werden". Buffalo ist Gutierrez Spitzname. Was soll das also bedeuten? Gutierrez' Antwort: "Viele nehmen an, ich sei mit Buffalo gemeint und Essen bedeute Doping. Aber über das Thema spreche ich nicht. Ich spreche nur über die Situation in meiner Mannschaft." Und im übrigen sei er "ganz ruhig". "Wenn ich ein Verbrechen begangen hätte, wäre ich in Sorge. Aber ich habe viele Dopingkontrollen bei der Italien-Rundfahrt absolviert und war nie positiv."
Alexandre Vinokourov
"I still trust team manager Manolo Saiz," Vinokourov said to L'Equipe. "I have read the newspapers just like everyone else, but I have also heard Saiz' version. He has assured me that he has nothing to do with the affair and I believe him. I've always believed him, from the moment that I started riding with him. He admitted that his visit to Fuentes was unfortunate, but has not given up the fight. I believe Saiz."
Santiago Botero
.. Botero admitted that he had links with Dr Fuentes and Labarta from his time with the Kelme team. "I don't deny that he helped me when I came to that team," he said. "I explained to [Phonak] that Ignacio Labarta did my training program. I have no reason to hide that. I was with [Fuentes] for eight years. I arrived at Kelme at the age of 21, like a boy, and the first thing that I discovered was that it was a team of people, of experienced riders and doctors, Fuentes and Ignacio Labarta. Since 1995, the did all my programs, prepared the calendar, effort tests, and everything that has to do with the preparation of a sportsman that has nothing to do with giving steroids, anabolics or anything that they found on them."
... "I lost my morale and spirit...It seems to me like they threw firewood on the fire and fed the yellow press.
"I was not happy. I spent seven months preparing myself in Colombia, killing myself, training every day, living for the bicycle. I did road, track, I took care of my diet. I arrived in Europe in good spirits and was looking forward to doing a good Tour de France. I went to Alcobendas and did an excellent race. I said that I had lost the Volta ao Catalunya because of them and they did that to me. For me, the year was finished. I have no objectives, no ambitions. When am I going to race again? The decision doesn't seem to be just to me."
Die Interviews mit den Herrschaften sind bei solchen Geschichten immer wieder für eine Überraschung gut.
Das die Jungs durchs Hintertürchen wieder reinkommen oder aus offiziellen Mitarbeitern inoffizielle werden ist klar - aber so dreißt wie Saiz waren sie lange nicht... es wird nicht mal mehr vorgetäuscht der Kerl würde sich so lange zurück ziehen bis die Sache gelaufen ist.