Er ist pleite 
Wenn wir schon bei Kemp sind, was macht eigentlich Vin Baker? Bei Wikipedia steht das er zuletzt in einer Charity Orga. aktiv war. Und das er 2007 besoffen aus einem Casino in Connecticut kam. Wer weiß was das Schwergewicht so treibt.
The property, which features a two-lane bowling alley, basketball court, guest house and pool, was bought June 28 by U.S. Bank for $2.5 million….
In February, TD Banknorth sought to foreclose on Baker’s Old Saybrook restaurant, Vinnie’s Saybrook Fish House, which opened in 2005. The bank held a nearly $1 million mortgage on the property and said the restaurant’s owner had defaulted on it, according to a lawsuit filed in Superior Court in Middletown.
The restaurant closed in January and reopened last week, according to a spokesman for Baker, who would not give details about the restaurant foreclosure action but said Baker is still an owner with “a silent partner.”
" The reignman" Shawn Kemp has signed the contract with the Rewarded one! 16 August 2008 - Now he is official: “the reignman” Shawn Kemp will be the pivot of Rewarded new 2008/2009. Trentottenne the American (compirà the 26 years next November), former star of the NBA (8 seasons to Seattle, 3 to Cleveland, 2 to Portland and 1, the last one, to Bordering) will return therefore to play after a parenthesis duration 5 years, for the enthusiasm of all the fans of basket, of its supporters and those of the Sutor Montegranaro. “Colpaccio”, the destined one to being a scoop also under the mediatico profile, was in the air from various days and it has realized thanks to the good relations that elapse between the Production manager of the Rewarded Roberto Carmenati, has trained than it in last the 3 years having helped it to keep itself in form, and former the great chosen schiacciatore from the Supersonics like before chosen in 1989 (n.17); the company has been placed on the contract in the slid night (in Italy), in the city of Seattle. “Happy that or they have arrived to Montegranaro a player who has made the history of the basketball - have been the words of comment of coach Alexander Finelli -. I have yesterday felt night (in Italy) to I telephone while it was with Carmenati and I have been able to us to exchange some battered one: it is a lot motivated and it is being trained athletic in order to introduce itself to our withdrawal in good conditions”. It will be therefore the key of the game of the Rewarded one in the next championship? “We will discover with the job in arena if he will be a player key for our square. Now it is soon in order to say it”. Some feeling detail to the thought to train a personage of such reputation? “Yes, there is great curiosity to discover or to the player that the person who can transmit to our atmosphere much experience”. The Reignman (reigning) will join to the Rewarded one during the preparation of Norcia. Some figure (and small curiosity) that it identifies the largeness of what in the States all still consider () a myth, in order an idea of what is made it could give to the public of Montegranaro and entire cestistica Italy: Shawn Kemp, has been born to Elkhart (Indiana) not far away from the Michigan Lake and Chicago, 26 November 1969. It is high 208 cm and hung 127 Kg and plays in the role of Wing Great or Center. · It is between the least players in History NBA to being last between the professionals directly from the Grammar school, jumping the College · Its historical number is the 40 · It has been Before Chosen of the Seattle Supersonics in 1989 with number 17 · In the NBA it has played 1,051 left in 14 seasons, realizing 15,347 points, to the average of 14,6 for contest, capturing 8,834 bounces (8,4 of average), 2,9 in attack and 5,5 in defense. · The contest of the crushed ones has participated to 6 times to the All Star Game winning for 2 times. · Finalist NBA in 1996 with Seattle against the Chicago Bulls di Michael Jordan (the 2-4 series) · He has been Champion of the World in 1994 with USA Team to Toronto in Canada · In its career the top of realized points he has been of 42 against the Clippers in 1994 with a record of 10 bounces offensives (5 times), 17 defensives (against Dallas in 1995) and 22 totals (Dallas 1995) · In last agonistica season (2002/2003 to Bordering) he has realized 6,8 points of average and captured 5,7 bounces.
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It is high 208 cm and hung 127 Kg and plays in the role of Wing Great or Center.
Richmond is now a scout for the Golden State Warriors.