naaaja...maldini hat 7 mal die meisterschaft, 5 mal die champions league, 3 mal den weltpokal und 1 mal den italienischen pokal gewonnen...und er ist rekordnationalspieler..."loser" sehen anders aus![]()
Das zeugt eher von einer ganz grossen Karriere!
16 Titel und 17 weitere "Finalteilnahmen" (oder Vizemeisterschaften)! Looser sehen wahrlich anders aus!
Hat mal einer die Nummer des Spendenkontos von Mutu?
Wollte dem armen Kerl unbedingt einen Tausender shippen...
Ronaldinho became so besotted with a Swedish footballer that he proposed within hours of meeting her at the Beijing Olympics, she claims.
The star-studded Brazil team shared the same Beijing hotel as the Swedish women's representatives and Johanna Almgren says she immediately caught the eye of the AC Milan star.
'We rushed to the hotel foyer to collect autographs,' Almgren told Swedish newspaper Bordas. 'Ronaldinho ignored all the Chinese and walked straight towards me. He looked me deep in the eyes, took my hand and kissed it. I almost fainted.'
But it seems the flirting didn't stop there. After going back to her room, Almgren received a mysterious phone call.
'Somebody said in broken English that he was calling on behalf of Ronaldinho. Ronaldinho wanted me to come up to his room,' she said.
'Unfortunately he can't speak much English. My Spanish and Portuguese are appalling and so the conversation consisted of mostly sign language.'
But Ronaldinho, 28, soon called in help when he had decided what he really wanted to say. 'An interpreter said that Ronaldinho asked if I would like to marry him. I was shocked and immediately replied no.'
find ich nicht sonderlich traurig.
der antipathie in person gehts aufgrund eigens gemachter persönlicher fehler dreckig und ist zu 100% selbst schuld. mein mitleid hält sich in grenzen.