Q:Shaquille O'Neal said that your coach Stan Van Gundy is trembling from fear in crucial moments of games and that he losts control over his team. How you as a team approached to those words?
That's true, that's the nature of our coach, he panicks very often during games. He's got some behaviour which is not good for us. With his gestures he makes us more nervous on the floor. We did't comment Shaq's words.
Q:Has Stan Van Gundy finally started to draw plays for you? A few months ago he openly stated that you can only count on putbacks as far as offense is concerned. He said you need to concentrate on defense and rebounding and that there are other players to score points.
A:Unfortunately, that is still an issue, nobody draws palys for me. Recently coach joked during timeout that I would get the ball at the end of the game only if I get 10 rebounds. My role is to play defense, rebound, block shots of the best big man on other teams. Things I do for years on high level. Offensive game will come... but on another team.
Q:Recently there's much talk in Orlando's media about the future of yours and Hedo Turkoglu. Local journalists are concerned that Magic will look for savings not to exceed the salary cap and not to pay the penalty.

ress has been speculating a lot about our future recently, indeed. I think there's gonna be a big problem with signing both of us. For sure one of us will start next season on a different team. But that's what our agents take care of.