đŸ‡«đŸ‡ź Thread fĂŒr Finnen Fans


Ich hĂ€tte zugerne etwas von seiner Ehrung oder seinem Abschied gesehen. Verdient hat er es allemal. Er war (und ist!) ein ganz ganz großer. Auch wenn diese Saison schlecht war, es war die einzige so schlechte Saison seiner Karriere! Da werden andere viel mehr gehĂ€tschelt. Und ich wollte ihn so gerne noch mal lachen sehen! *seufz*;(

Wie Recht du hast ! :(


Schaut doch mal bei www.yle.fi/urheilu dann MĂ€kihyppy und da mĂŒsste sowas wie Mediasali oder so sein, da gibts immer mal Videos.
Da schau ich immer nach ob was kommt
Aber wenn du siehst wie die Ehrung fĂŒr 2 der besten Springer beginnt und das Schweizer Fernsehen meint, es muss eine Sendung wiederholen, die eh 20 Minuten spĂ€ter auf einen anderen Kanal auch wiederholt wird, dann ist das sehr unschön ;(


Ich hĂ€tte zugerne etwas von seiner Ehrung oder seinem Abschied gesehen. Verdient hat er es allemal. Er war (und ist!) ein ganz ganz großer. Auch wenn diese Saison schlecht war, es war die einzige so schlechte Saison seiner Karriere! Da werden andere viel mehr gehĂ€tschelt. Und ich wollte ihn so gerne noch mal lachen sehen! *seufz*;(
Ich hÀtte das zu gerne gesehen!
Und es war auch die Ehrung von Adam, der ja in dieser Saison noch um den 3. Rang kÀmpft...
Aber da war Religion offenbar wichtiger...

Nachtrag: Ich habe denen geschrieben, dass ich das alles andere als schön fand und dass sicher noch andere gerne geschaut hÀtten...
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Danke Dani! :kuss:

FĂŒr Rane war es offenbar richtig aufzuhören, so enntspannt sah man ihn schon ewig nicht mehr


EFF #3
stimmt Tina, er wirkt fast ehrleichtert. Auch in dem ES Interview neulich. Schöne Geste vom Veranstalter, auch Adam angemessen zu verabschieden. Da hĂ€tten auch Uhrmann und KĂŒttel dabei sein sollen , schade daß die so heimlich still und leise gehen...


stimmt Tina, er wirkt fast ehrleichtert. Auch in dem ES Interview neulich. Schöne Geste vom Veranstalter, auch Adam angemessen zu verabschieden. Da hĂ€tten auch Uhrmann und KĂŒttel dabei sein sollen , schade daß die so heimlich still und leise gehen...
Da hast du recht.
Die wÀren sicher auch geehrt worden


Hofer being out is now official:

He got a better deal elsewhere and leaves team Finland behind. Was especially happy about working with Matti in his time here.

NiemelÀ says Hofer's work with equipments was good and from now on they will continue the project with domestic know-how.

Tiilikainen tells that they will make decisions of ski jumping and combi teams personnel at March-April.

Very diplomatic and polite (and also quite roundabout) bulletin in every aspect.

But if you want to read between lines, the praise and thank-yous were much more downplayed than the earlier hype would have let to expect. Well anyway, I do hope they will find cheaper and more efficient solutions to carry on with their equipment project.


New urheilulehti has a very interesting interview with Matti Pulli. He talks how Finnish top ski jumping is too much focused to moot points and forgets the most important things. National team's interest is in bindings, suits, aerodynamics etc, while there was recent Finnish study, how jumper can influence to his acceleration in the two last meters in the table 1-2 % by using his centre of gravity right and that means 10 to 20 meters more length in large hill. This is something Pulli has strongly believed before and what he sees as a reason for Matti NykÀnen's success, but now professor Lauri Kettunen's team in Tampere University of technology has been able to prove this.

Pulli says that after NykÀnen, only Finn who has really understood and been able to use this advantage same way is Harri Olli. Also Janne happonen has some grasp of this. Other examples of jumpers who are good at this are Schlieri, Morgi, Ammann and Malysz. In Finnish jumping it has lately been a trend to emphasize physical strength and effort being directed up instead of forward. Interest in aerodynamics has also been Kojonkoski's inheritance (he has never believed that this acceleration on the table is something jumper can influence on.) Pulli is for the low sliding position that makes it possible to use gravity so that there is this acceleration. It's not possible to do from high sliding position and short and upward effort. But lately National team coaches are even tried to correct some jumpers sliding positions higher, which Pulli can not understand.

Pulli also talks how Larinto should really think this hard. He is best in the world in physical tests, he also jumps far in certain type of hills (but also comes down high, that can be a big problem in landings), but if he thought more in what direction he steers all that strength and effort at the table, he could do even better.

To really learn to do this, jumper has to jump a lot as a kid and from the small hills. Pulli criticizes Finnish system for letting kids to big hills too early, because on them they do not learn the technique right and they will not get enough jumps. Also many small hills around Finland are not in use any more so many juniors have no possibility to get enough to the hill and jump as many jumps as would be needed.

This was very interesting article (these kind of stories are the reason I buy Urheilulehti, they really talk also other things than who won and who not, and who is in shape and who not. Trying to get behind the things is interesting. Usually Finnish media just goes with 'he is physically stong and does well in normal hills' or ' he has trained well and his self confidence is high.')

There was also Pulli's comment about case Harri Olli. He doesn't understand how Finland could afford to kick out the most talented kid after NykÀnen even if he is difficult to handle. He reminds that he knows and understands perfectly how it feels to be a head coach when you have a athlete with a challenging character in your team and empathies coach being tired with that, but also reminds that also he could have chosen perfectly nice, hard-working, positive and social jumpers to his team at eighties, but the results would have been radically different. He thinks it is big part in good coaches skill set to be able to handle difficult characters. And even though he does understand how Hapa blew his career all by himself, he thinks it is a great shame that Finland's most talented ski jumper drifts around somewhere in Rovaniemi. He thinks National team coaches/Finnjumping should contact one more time to those people who have some authority over Hapa, arrange crisis meeting and try one more time to get him back in order or at least have a few good and calm chats with Hapa's dad about all this. One lost year would not mean anything in Hapa's ability to get back to the top.


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Pansendorf im Bumsland
There was also Pulli's comment about case Harri Olli. He doesn't understand how Finland could afford to kick out the most talented kid after NykÀnen even if he is difficult to handle. He reminds that he knows and understands perfectly how it feels to be a head coach when you have a athlete with a challenging character in your team and empathies coach being tired with that, but also reminds that also he could have chosen perfectly nice, hard-working, positive and social jumpers to his team at eighties, but the results would have been radically different. He thinks it is big part in good coaches skill set to be able to handle difficult characters. And even though he does understand how Hapa blew his career all by himself, he thinks it is a great shame that Finland's most talented ski jumper drifts around somewhere in Rovaniemi. He thinks National team coaches/Finnjumping should contact one more time to those people who have some authority over Hapa, arrange crisis meeting and try one more time to get him back in order or at least have a few good and calm chats with Hapa's dad about all this. One lost year would not mean anything in Hapa's ability to get back to the top.

Thanks for this. :up: :up:



Thank you Marre for this article!

It's not good to hear, that trainer don't take care about technique....

And then, that also that Pulli sees problems in youth work... That's bad for future

Marre I'm grateful, that you share all this informations with us! :kuss::knuddel:
For us in Switzerland or Germany it's not easy or even impossible to get these informations! Thank you!


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Pansendorf im Bumsland
Is schon tragikomisch, dass man mit allen Neuerungen und Verbesserungen und dem neuen Personal und allegemein den verbesserten Ressourcen so kontraproduktiv arbeitet. Leider geht ihnen somit auch die Ressource Springer so langsam aus und es ist wirklich eine Schande, dass man nicht versucht hat mit Hapa einen gemeinsamen Weg zu finden. Aber er war sicher dem ein oder anderen (im Hintergrund) immer schon zu unbequem.
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Wahrscheinlich denkt man beim Verband, dass da noch genug Spitzenspringer da sind
Matti ist ja in den Top 10
Ville Larinto war ja bei seinem Unfall auch Top 10
Havu war in den paar SprĂŒngen die er die Saison machen konnte auch top
Anssi und Olli sind ja auch so, dass sie an die Spitze kommen können ( es ist ja egal, dass die nicht merh in die Kategorie Nachwuchs fallen)
Und mit Jarkko MÀÀttÀ hat man ja einen Nachwuchsspringer....

Nur: Wie lange macht Matti noch weiter?
Wie kommt Ville zurĂŒck?
Kann das StehaufmÀnnchen noch mal so wiederkommen?
Anssi und Olli sind meiner Meinung nach Springer, die regelmÀssig in den 2. Durchgang kommen und immer wieder gute WettkÀmpfe mit einem Top 10 oder sogar Top 5 Platz zeigen können, mehr aber wahrscheinlich nicht
Wieviele Nachwuchsspringer sahen wir die letzten Jahre kommen und wieder verschwinden????

Ich vermute, ich sehe (wir sehen) das etwas anders als der Verband...