đŸ‡«đŸ‡ź Thread fĂŒr Finnen Fans


Wie Dani sagte: Es kommt darauf an mit welchem Finnisch man vertraut ist... Bei mir ist es das Finnisch aus der Region Kouvola-Lahti, andere kennen mehr das Savofinnisch

Meine Finnischlehrerin spricht auch ein anderes Finnisch, da gibt es auch nach 7 Jahren immer mal wieder MissverstÀndnisse :D:


hast jemand zufÀllig das interview von havu, das dieses we in kuopio gemacht wurde und könnte den link hier reinstellen?:schaem:


New Urheilulehti again. Pekka's comments about the last issue's critic and very telling top ten list.

Main things from Pekka's interview:
-This is long term project, should not be judged because one year.
-Better season than last one was. (Though the article mentions that many would not agree.)
-Ville's and Havu's injuries explain a lot. (Reporter reminds that a cynic would say, that Ville and Havu were mostly out also a season before, Havu due being still recovering, Ville due big civil life changes and later injury.)
-Those who trained in his program did well, those who not, did not.
-Kalle is not categorically out of the team, but reason for his good summer was that others were not in their top shape yet because it was summer. (Does Kempten really be located on the southern hemisphere, so Kalle had a winter while all the others were having summer? :hÀh:) Kalle should also change things a lot and living in German and training there will make it very difficult for him to make it.
-While it is very important how athlete works at the table, things concerning flying are coming more and more important. (He doesn't sound too interested about that study about the importance of acceleration in the table. It is more "yeah, yeah, of course the work on the table are important, BUT...")
-Pekka also explains Oslo being worse than Vancouver with Rane not being the same Rane than year before. (But if I remember correctly, Rane for example was not taking part on the Team event in Vancouver and in Team events you can see the biggest collapse. And Rane's bad season was not because of an old age or something like that, it was because his training didn't work for the reason or other and that is something also a head coach should take some responsibility.) Pekka doesn't mention Hapa at all, but the reporter does and mentions Hapa's mental problems as a part of the reason the season was so bad (and straightforwardly calls them mental problems, not personal issues, or motivational problems or just quitting.)

The top ten list is "Vuoden murheilijat." It's a word play. "Vuoden urheilijat" would translate "The Athletes of the Year." When you put that one 'm' more there, it changes to something like "The problem/sorrow children of the year." It handles whole Finnish sport and it's very telling, that to that top ten, we have three ski jumping related persons and one combi. And they kind of do earn that :(
-Hannu Manninen is top 2 because his lack of dedication for the sport.
-Rane is top 5 because of his bad timing of the career end (should have ended without having this kind of season in the end)
-Hapa is top 6 because of "Still the best ski jumper in Finland even though has concentrated last months to philosophical contemplation. And that is woeful." So you can read it in two ways. It's either woeful, that Hapa has quitted and is having problems or that even though he has quitted and is having all those problems he would still be better than those who do jump. Or both.
-Pekka is top 9 because "Strong candidate for the The Trainer of the Year. With this kind of show of skill will be the next head coach of the ski jumping team of the Republic of Nauru" (Nauru in addition of being a island in Oseania also means laughter in Finnish.) Magnar Dalen was top 8, so he beat Pekka but Pekka did beat Riku-Petteri Lehtonen (top 10) who almost manage to coach last year's Finnish ice hockey champion to fall off the league. Would have, if he would not have been kicked out middle of the season, when his team was last in the league with the very wide margin. So Pekka's results were certainly considered very impressive...
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I'd love to have Pekkas glases or why does he sees things so positivly????

Withouut my headache I would shake my head in disbelieve...


Gemeldet heisst ja noch nicht, dass er springt...
Aber letztes WE war er noch nicht mal gemeldet.... Und da war Kuopio


Weiß jemand obs aus Rovaniemi wieder nen Livestream bei yle gibt so wie in KPO?



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Pansendorf im Bumsland
Weis jemand was es mit dem MM Jumping Team mÀkikisat auf sich hat? Ist es ein Teamwettkampf oder nich? Die Startliste gibt keine Teamaufstellungen her und der OH wills nicht verraten was es es ist. Finds auf jeden Fall interessant, dass Matti NykÀnen mit Anssi, Olli, Jarkko und Co. in einem Wettkampf antritt. Und warum Matti nicht... :hihi: Der Wettkampf scheint morgen zu sein. Aber auch das is nur ne Assoziation von mir..;)

Ich werd noch mal recherchieren, und ggf. ruder ich dann an dieser Stelle zurueck.

btw lÀuft gerade der Trial der SM. Fuer die Stalker unter uns: http://www.rovaniemi.fi/layouts/rovaniemi/includes/360/ounasvaara.asp?sek=10

1. Rechercheergebnis: Zeitplan

MM Jumping Team, mÀkikisat
La 2.4. klo 14.30 Vet. HS 40, HS 70, HS 100
klo 17.30 Yleinen sarja HS 100
Su 3.4. klo 11.00 MM Jumping Team kisat alkaa
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Die Ergebnisse sind irgendwie keiner Seite zu entlocken oder bin ich nur zu dumm dafĂŒr?:irre::ueberleg:

Resultate Staatsgeheimnis von Lappi?;)
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