Dear heywoodu
Lars Antonissen qualified for the JWM, not for the WM!
Unfortunately we have two StartplÀtze there, and three jumpers qualified for the event.
Next weekend we will decide who goes to the JWM.
Er ist qualifiziert. Die Voraussetzung, um an der WM teilzunehmen ist ein WC Punkt oder ein COC-Punkt aus der aktuellen oder der vergangenen Saison. Und mit seinem 29. Platz hat er diesen Punkt bekommen und ist rein theoretisch startberechtigt
Jumping in the 2014 Olympics, and fight for the prizes there. For now it's a dream for the 23-year old Wendy Vuik, but one she is convinced she will be able to realize.
"My dream is to participate in the Games and then perform well there. Preferably on the podium, but anyway that's the entire goal with my qualification process, where I have to reach at least one top-8 finish in a World Cup."
Because of the general level in women's ski jumping, the demands for her (top-8 once) are higher than the Dutch snowboarders, for who two top-12 World Cup finishes are enough to qualify.
"If you reach the qualification norm you are already close to the podium, so anything can happen then. Still, I was surprised that they expect a top-8 from me, and only top-12 from others, I don't know why it's different for me. I talked about it with Wopde de Vegt (technical director of the Dutch "Skiverband"), but there is nothing we can do about it anymore. A shame, but now I will have to give it everything I've got."
"I have enough chances, we've still got a lot of competitions to go and I think I can do it. I'm in the top-20 most of the time now, I just have to place two great jumps right after eachother. There are many competitions where I jump good right now, but so far I fail a little bit in one of the two jumps."
"I know it will be hard to reach the Games and that the top-8 seems far away sometimes, but it can also be very close. I only have to reach the top-8 once, and for that I only need two very good jumps. I already showed those jumps for sure this season, just not two in the same competition yet.
The coming months it is all or nothing for Vuik. She doubts that, in case she misses Sochi, she will continue for the 2018 Games.
"I am getting to an age where I am really starting to think: By now I should really start to make the steps to a higher level."
"For now I will see what goes on and what happens and if I keep making progress like I'm doing now, qualification for 2018 shouldn't be a problem at all. However, I don't earn a single cent with my sport, and I don't have any sponsors at all. That makes everything pretty difficult."
Thanks for your answers, maybe it is indeed about their criteria being very strict (like for the Olympics where top-8 in a World Cup competion is required). I sent them a mail for clarification, I will post their response here for those who are interested
Dear heywoodu,
Without going to deep into the rules, the selection procedure is as follows:
We make qualifying limits/demands.
When those limits are reached by the athlete they will be submitted to the Topsport Commission of the Dutch Ski Association.
When the Topsport Commission agrees, the athlete can be sent to the competition.
At the JWC The Netherlands "only" had 2 places. Because 3 athletes reached the qualifying limit, we waited untill the very last moment with appointing the 2 athletes that would be sent to the JWC. For this decision, the trainers looked at who had the best shape at the moment and who had the most constant/stable results so far. On those criteria, Ruben and Oldrik were selected.
Only Wendy Vuik has qualified for the World Championships ski jumping. For the men we didn't make qualifying limits, because our expectation was that no male athlete would be able to reach these limits.
Which things made you come to the conclusion that Lars did indeed qualify for the World Championships?
Dutch Ski Association
I guess the boys should habe the same qualification limits like the girls, so that means top 8 in the worldcup? Well this goal, the guys will never reach =S
Diese vom Verband festgesetzten PlÀtze sind doch eh Quatsch. Am Ende entscheidet eh der Trainer!
also bei Swiss-Ski entscheiden die Trainer bezĂŒglich StartplĂ€tzen an WM/Olympia ĂŒberhaupt nichts. Wenn mehr qualifiziert sind als StartplĂ€tze zur VerfĂŒgung stehen werden die Trainer allenfalls um ihre Meinung gebeten. Wenn mehr Athleten nominiert sind entscheiden die Trainer ĂŒber den Einsatz in den einzelnen WettkĂ€mpfen. Es kann aber nur zwischen den Athleten entschieden werden die fĂŒr diesen Wettkampf die Norm erfĂŒllt haben.Diese vom Verband festgesetzten PlĂ€tze sind doch eh Quatsch. Am Ende entscheidet eh der Trainer!
also bei Swiss-Ski entscheiden die Trainer bezĂŒglich StartplĂ€tzen an WM/Olympia ĂŒberhaupt nichts. Wenn mehr qualifiziert sind als StartplĂ€tze zur VerfĂŒgung stehen werden die Trainer allenfalls um ihre Meinung gebeten. Wenn mehr Athleten nominiert sind entscheiden die Trainer ĂŒber den Einsatz in den einzelnen WettkĂ€mpfen. Es kann aber nur zwischen den Athleten entschieden werden die fĂŒr diesen Wettkampf die Norm erfĂŒllt haben.
Ich könnte mir vorstellen dass dies bei den NiederlÀndern (und auch weiteren Nationen) Àhnlich ist.
Die Auswahl wird durch eine Komission aus SportfunktionĂ€ren gemacht, und wenn zuviele die Norm erfĂŒllt haben wird die aktuelle Form berĂŒcksichtigt oder es werden Ausscheidungen gesprungen / gefahren. Die kann vor der Nomination geschehen oder bei den Trainings, wobei es eine Maximal Anzahl Athleten gibt die ein Verband anmelden kann.Wer entscheidet das denn dann? Wie werden die Sportler ausgewĂ€hlt, wenn sich zu viele qualifizieren?