Der allgemeine FrauenBoxen-Thread


Moderator Boxen
His Royness schrieb:
Darf ich mal fragen, was dich zu der Annahme kommen lässt, Rijker bestritt seit 1999 nur 3 Kämpfe musste zuletzt gegen eine 8-4 Dame über 10 Runden gehen, warum sollte sie nicht ähnlich "shot" wie Martin sein?

Auch die Gewichtsklasse würde mich interessieren, Rijker zuletzt 134, Martin 159 bzw. 144 Pfund...

Weil sie deutlich weniger Kämpfe bestritten hat und technisch hervorragend boxen kann. Das Problem von Christy Martin ist, dass sie zu Ihrer Prime-Time zwar der unbestrittene große Star des Frauen-Boxens war, aber sie damit nicht viel Geld verdient hat. Daher ist sie jetzt auf Zahltage aus. Wenn die angebotene Summe stimmt, würde sie sogar gegen Vonda Ward antreten. Ich denke auch, dass der Kampf bei einem Gewicht um die 144 stattfinden wird.



Ich glaube Reijker war und ist die Beste.
Martin klopft seit Jahren Sprüche, läßt sogar Zweifel am Geschlecht Reijkers verlauten.
Ausreden gibt es jetzt keine mehr, die haben wir doch schon bei den Männern zur Genüge ;)
Ich kann verstehen, daß Reijker zuletzt lieber dickere Hollywood Gagen einstrich als weiterhin für wenig Geld zu siegen und zu siegen.............


Devin, Alicia's manager stated that her best weight is 118 since she's always in shape and still walks around at 120. She fought as high as 130. She can't make 112 unless to cut of a leg ;) I really want to see this slick girl against Graf. I think Graf will win since Alecia lacks offense, but it will be a fight between two very well skilles fighters. Women's boxing needs that.

I thought Caples pulled the fight off against Lee. I might be a little biased there though. But I agree you can make a case for the agressor. Something that never seems to count in Germany ;) The Juhee punch was good, but it's not hard against limited people that fought equally limited oppostion and never fought outside their home country. Juhee's claim to fame is a 10 round win against Shaffer, who is a complete midwest bum to say it bluntly. Schaffer is somebody that you should blast through.

Wellllll...we'll see about the Reid fight. Going to be interesting. It's up next I understood. Reid never impressed me much and I got to see a lot of her fights. The Halmich fight was her best performance out of all of them. And at the same time one of Regina's worst. In the Halmich fight I saw right away that Regina couldn't find her rythem. I think she didn't have her best day and she received extremely weak advice from her corner. Something that I see happen too often during Regina's fights. On the other hand it shouldn't matter too much with all the experiece Regina has. But she talks in the corner like she needs advice badly.

I wouldn't advice Regina to take on Cooper at this point in her career. She's on the way down and Cooper is a powerful, well skilled and hungry young fighter. I saw her in the gym about 6 years ago and it was clear already that she would be somebody to recon with. She's the next superstar. Great quiet and icecold image she has.

Anne Wolfe is great (Wesley Snipes in drag somebody said once:) However, if it ever comes to a fight against Ali I predict Ali will pick her apart since Anne is too one-dimensional.

Yup, Rijker's win against Almager was really impressive. But on the other hand you have to remember that Almager is a fighter that never takes care of herself and only fought once a year back then. She had a brrrrrrutal war against Henin, who still is novice at boxing. Almagar got ko'd 4 or 5 times in the mean time and is like a jojo weightwise and shapewise. Rijker's timing of taking on Fettkether was well picked. Fettkether couldn't win her last three fights before that and got softened up by Wolfe. Rijker rejected three other fighters for that date in Holland btw.

Nice to discuss these topics with you!! It's clear you follow the female side and only then you can judge and respect women's boxing. You have seen another, more exciting side of it. People that blast the women's game mostly know only a few fighters.

The thing that I am most wondering about at the moment: when is Silke finally going to step it up? The level of opposition is horrible till now. You have to cut Regina some serious slack if you compare this to her record. Silke's next Japanese opponent will be no threat. She's about 1,5 m. After that I think it's really time to step it up. Or rematch Hill (who's really not that good but very powerful), who in the mean time fought for two more titles without testing posive.

His Royness1

Naja, ehlrich gesagt, kenne ich mich im Frauenboxen bei weitem nicht so gut aus wie ihr zwei (moi, Roberts) und auch Sir :D also war des auch nicht als Anzweifeln sondern eher als Nachfrage gedacht...

Gebe halt lediglich zum Punkt des Abschlachtens, is Rijker in dem Alter und bei der Inaktivität schlechter geworden oder hilft ihr es Substanz zu wahren...

Wie schwer ist es für Martin auf 144 zurückzukommen imo sah sie mit 158 aus wien Wal und schon bei 144 nicht unbedingt austrainiert, also kostet das Abkochen wirklich Substanz oder isses eh nur fett und eigentlich 144 eher ihr Wohlfühlgewicht?

Dann wie Moi auch selbst gesagt hat, hat Rijker nicht die Erfahrungen mit absoluten Top-gegnern, wie Martin...

Denke mal vom Gefühl her auch eine deutliche UD ist im Bereich des möglichen.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Danke für den Seitenhieb Royness hahaha....aber na gut so biste halt :laugh2:
Wobei ich ja zugegeben habe, daß ich mich im Frauenboxen nicht allzu gut auskenne.
Aber eines weiß ich : Reijker haut die Martin weg, Gewicht hin oder her....

His Royness1

Sir schrieb:
Danke für den Seitenhieb Royness hahaha....aber na gut so biste halt :laugh2:
Wobei ich ja zugegeben habe, daß ich mich im Frauenboxen nicht allzu gut auskenne.
Aber eines weiß ich : Reijker haut die Martin weg, Gewicht hin oder her....

Oh Mann, sorry jetz hab ich net dran gedacht, dass wenn ich nur die beiden in die Klammer setze, du dir auf den Schlips getreten fühlst... :( War nicht meine Absicht, wüsste auch nicht warum ich so sein sollte, jemandem der Ahnung hat, dem zolle ich auch die Anerkennung für gewöhnlich... Die beiden kamen da lediglich rein, weils die einzgen sind, die sich seitenlang zu Frauneboxen äussern (moi seit kurzem, roberts schon seit ich hier bin...) - ich habe dich da nicht extra rausgehalten, da ich deine Kenntnisse da nichtmal einzuschätzen wüsste... :wavey:


Schon ok, kam nur so rüber weil mich gar so schön ausgeklammert hast ;)
Aber mein Interesse zum Thema Frauenboxen ist ja in der Tat begrenzt.
Trotzdem erlaube ich mir mich soweit aus dem Fenster zu lehnen und einfach mal zu behaupten, daß Reijker eine Klasse für sich darstellt.

His Royness1

Sir schrieb:
Schon ok, kam nur so rüber weil mich gar so schön ausgeklammert hast ;)

Eigentlich meinte ich ja nur, dass die beiden weit mehr Ahnung vom Fraunboxen haben als ich - für dich reichts doch bei mir allemal! :D ;) (des war jetz typisch HR ;) )

Nee Spässle - hab dich jetztmal mit in die klammer gemacht :love3: - und ich selbst glaube ja auch, dass Rijker eine Klasse für sich ist, nur gegen die besten beweisen muss sie es noch und ob sie das per KO gegen Martin schafft, sehen wir bald. :)


Neiiiiiiiiin nimm mich wieder raus aus der Klammer :D
Oder lese dir deinen Satz nochmal genau schnackelts ?


I think she didn't have her best day and she received extremely weak advice from her corner. Something that I see happen too often during Regina's fights. On the other hand it shouldn't matter too much with all the experiece Regina has. But she talks in the corner like she needs advice badly.

:thumb: Da muss ich Moi Recht geben, auch wenn es leider ein wenig gegen den Schmitz spricht. Was auch schlecht ist: Nichts gegen Gespräche im Ring, aber während einem Kampf in der Pause ist das für einen Boxer nicht gerade gut. Pausen sollte man anders nutzen und besonders Regina Halmich benimmt sich hier wie eine blutige Anfängerin.


Lest doch mal das aktuelle Emanuel Steward Interview über Lucia Reijker.
Er spricht in den allerhöchsten Tönen über Reijker!


What do you's his fighter. He's her manager for a while but didn't do jack shit for her up until now. He's hoping to cash in on this one. 33.3% as her manager and maybe 10% as her trainer is a lot of money, even for him.

And still no damn word about Anani. She's wouldn't fight Anani if you had her at gunpoint. Did you also notice he said Wolfe is TOO big for her? Yet they tried to fight Ali, who is basically even bigger, as Wolfe can go as low as 156.

I repeat: Rijker is fantastic, but how good she really is we won't know until she fights the best. And Martin is far from being the best right now. I have more respect for people like Jeffries Not undefeated, but she just fights anybody they put in front of them. Btw: if people ask me who my all time favorite is, I always answer Aboro. I often have to explain why as people that don't know much about women's boxing always think it's Rijker. So I explain she is just as complete as Rijker, but with a lot more guts and she measured herself with the best opponents available to her. Only then can you be the best.


Moi schrieb:
What do you's his fighter. He's her manager for a while but didn't do jack shit for her up until now. He's hoping to cash in on this one. 33.3% as her manager and maybe 10% as her trainer is a lot of money, even for him.

And still no damn word about Anani. She's wouldn't fight Anani if you had her at gunpoint. Did you also notice he said Wolfe is TOO big for her? Yet they tried to fight Ali, who is basically even bigger, as Wolfe can go as low as 156.

I repeat: Rijker is fantastic, but how good she really is we won't know until she fights the best. And Martin is far from being the best right now. I have more respect for people like Jeffries Not undefeated, but she just fights anybody they put in front of them. Btw: if people ask me who my all time favorite is, I always answer Aboro. I often have to explain why as people that don't know much about women's boxing always think it's Rijker. So I explain she is just as complete as Rijker, but with a lot more guts and she measured herself with the best opponents available to her. Only then can you be the best.

More guts als Reijker ? Sprichst du von einer Comic Figur oder gibt es so eine Frau tatsächlich ?


Moderator Boxen
Sir schrieb:
Lest doch mal das aktuelle Emanuel Steward Interview über Lucia Reijker.

Für Alle: schrieb:
Emanuel Steward is considered to be one of the best in the business when it comes to training prizefighters. Fightnews spoke to Steward about the "Million Dollar Lady" card (July30th at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas) in which one of his prize fighters, Lucia Rijker (17-0,14 KOs) will be taking on the legendary Christy Martin for a record one million dollar purse.

Emanuel, what happened to the proposed fight between Lucia Rijker and Laila Ali (20-0. 17 Ko's) on the Million Dollar Lady Card winner take the big purse fight?
We thought they would have (Laila Ali) taken the fight. Then through a guy who was the middle person, well, Lamont Jones who is the lawyer for Johnny McClain (Laila Ali's husband). He called back and said 'Why don't we just have it where the fighters (Laila & Lucia) take $750,000 apiece?' I said 'No, the big thing is they are building towards a woman making one million dollars.

That's funny because, If anyone would be balking at taking the fight between those two, for high risk and low reward it would be Lucia, cause of the weight disadvantage?
Everything (height, weight and reach), and when we took the contract to Lucia, she looked at it, signed it, didn't say nothing, not a thing. When we took the contract to them (Laila Ali and management) we thought they would sign quicker than us because she (Laila Ali) has got nearly 30 pounds of natural normal weight (over Lucia) and she is about 4 1/2 inches taller, and then she is 10 years younger and has been active (Lucia last fought in May of last year). The fight was [originally] going to be in LA where you know, Laila was born and raised. We thought every advantage was favoring her (Laila Ali) and then they wanted to counter the purse we offered, so many problems, I just said 'Look, what, are you going to do it or not?' Lamont said, 'They will pay us' and they don't want to. I said 'OK', so I told Bob Arum, who was putting (Million Dollar Lady Card) it on and Bob said 'Let's go ahead and do the fight with Christy Martin (45-3-2, 30 KOs), that's the fight that everybody wanted' even though she lost to Laila, because then again, Laila is so big.

Well, that's a more even fight.
It's a more even fight, the two hate each other. It was always a dream fight in the womens division anyways, so he said, 'You would do the same (original contract offered) thing?' I said 'Yeah, I do the same thing!' So the winner of it (the fight) gets a million dollars. The fight will be at Mandalay Bay and the real star of the event is Lucia Rijker believe it or not. Even the ESPN show that they did where Laila Ali fought on, it ended up being a Lucia Rijker show and that wasn't the way they planed it but that's the way it turned out to be. The movie stars in Hollywood, everybody wants to see Lucia fight a real fight. We cannot believe the amount of people calling and saying they want tickets to the fight, unbelievable.

How is Lucia looking in the ring right now?
She is very serious about it. She is going to be training just like Lennox (Lewis) trained for Mike (Tyson) this is a big fight. After Wladimir's (Klitschko) fight on the 23rd we are heading up to the Poconos, because she liked it. That's were she trained when Lennox fought Vitali (Klitschko) she fought.

Who would she spar up there with?
She would probably be boxing with Vivian Harris and with Octavio Lara. We would go up there to the Poconos about the second week of May. We would be up there for about six to seven weeks of hard training up there, running through the mountains and it's going to be a serious, big training camp.

You train her just as hard as the men?
Yeah, well she is that way. She is and I have always said that even before I got to manage her. She is the best one-on-one competitive female athlete ever in the history of any sport.

That says a lot, coming from you (Steward has been training fighters since 1961 and has trained 26 world champs).
Not just for boxing. Since she was 12-years-old she was a judo champ, at six-years-old she was beating girls. At 12-years-old she was the national judo champion of the whole country and then she went into kickboxing now she is into boxing. So, since she was a little baby girl, she has always been one on one beating and flipping on some girl or woman, so for some others they just get into boxing while she has been in full contact sports all her life. It's going to be a painful training camp.

She (Lucia) will be the odds on favorite on this one.
Yes, but one thing we do know and I know. Christy hates Lucia and Lucia hates Christy. So, one thing is Christy is going to come in prepared for this fight. Lucia has never been in big super fights the attention is going to be big and when Christy comes in the ring for this, she said when she signed the contract she said to Bob Arum 'You know I will be ready for her' she said 'I'm tired of everybody saying I have been running from her' she said 'I am going to be training like I have never before trained, for Lucia Rijker' cause who ever wins this, her legacy is going to depend on this. What happened with Laila, that's no big thing cause she was too big, but this one here, this is the fight that I, you know, I've got to win, I know she's going to be training and you know, you come after and you have hesitating with Christy who is another Mike Tyson, she's going to jump on you right away and that's one thing about her, she has got one her size now (referring to Lucia who is much smaller than Laila). She is going to come at her and Lucia is going to have to be ready cause you all think she is a big favorite but Christy is going to bring it to her, we know that and the tension is going to be thick that night in the arena.

Since were talking about females in boxing, I have to ask you about one of the top fighters along with Lucia, Laila and Christy. I think Anne Wolf is a monster in the female boxing scene.
You know, I trained Anne Wolfe for her fight with Vonda Ward, I didn't work her corner in that fight because I was tied up, but she came out to training camp with all of the Kronk fighters. I had Lucia, Wladimir and Vivian Harris and she trained out there with them.

She trained with Lucia?
Yeah, we all trained together.

Did she spar with Lucia?
No, she did not spar with Lucia because they could both possibly fight each other, but she (Anne Wolf) is too big but Lucia never trains with a woman anyway she always boxed with guys.

Do the guys take it easy on her (Lucia)?
No, the first time I ever saw Lucia spar she was sparring with Vince Philips who was a world champion right after he knocked out Kostya Tszyu and I had the Kronk gym right up there at Big Bear, Kronk Big Bear Gym. Jam-packed there on a Saturday, everyone wanted to see this girl they heard about, this explosive new girl from the Netherlands who had come over here who was a legend in her country and the work out was unbelievable, I could not believe it. I said 'A girl boxing with a world champion' they went about four rounds, they was getting down and that's when I realized how good a fighter she was. But no, she has always boxed with, not just with guy boxers but top of the line boxers, but her and Vivian (Harris 'MENS' WBA jr-welterweight champ) they will be boxing. She has boxed with Vernon Forest (former world welterweight champ) who was out there the same time.

Was soll er auch sonst sagen? Er muss halt seine Boxer(innen) pushen und tut damit dem Promoter auch einen Gefallen. Wenn man sieht, wie er z.B. Wladimir Klitschko in den höchsten Tönen lobt und was davon an Leistung im Ring übrig bleibt, dann sollte man diesen Interviews keine Bedeutung beimessen.



Moderator Boxen
Noch eine (wenn sie wahr ist) erfreuliche Nachricht:

BILD schrieb:
Box-Königin Halmich denkt ans Aufhören - Schönheit ist wichtiger als Siege

Die Fliegenwichtlerin zu BILD: „Ich habe immer gesagt, daß ich aufhören will, wenn ich noch gesund bin und es mir gut geht. Darum mache ich mir jetzt schon meine Gedanken.“

Samstag (22 Uhr, live ZDF) verteidigt Regina in Magdeburg ihren WM-Titel gegen US-Girl Hollie Dunaway (20). Regina: „Ich kann meine Fans beruhigen. Das ist nicht mein letzter Kampf. Aber ich will auf dem Höhepunkt aufhören. Nächstes Jahr wird’s soweit sein.“

Sexy Regina – keine deutsche Frau hat mehr im Boxen erreicht. Sie holte WM-Titel in drei Gewichtsklassen. 46 Siege (15 K.o.) bei einer Niederlage (1995) und einem Unentschieden (2004).

Halmich: „Ich muß an mich denken, und ans Leben nach dem Boxen. Es gibt genug andere, die den richtigen Zeitpunkt zum Aufhören verpaßt haben.“

Um die Schönheit zu bewahren, läßt sie sich nach den Kämpfen vom Karlsruher Privat-Doc mit einer Eis-Pistole im Gesicht behandeln.

Gut möglich, daß der Arzt weiter ran muß. Denn geht es nach ihrem Management, boxt die Quoten-Queen (zuletzt 8 Mio. TV-Fans) noch lange weiter. Promoter Klaus-Peter Kohl: „Wir hätten nie gedacht, daß Regina mal in solche Sphären gelangt.“



Sir schrieb:
More guts als Reijker ? Sprichst du von einer Comic Figur oder gibt es so eine Frau tatsächlich ?

Yes, there are many women who have more guts than Rijker to be honest. (guts = mut) But of course only a couple are near her skill level.
In any case: Steward will have to do a whole lot of talking to convince me of buying this fight. And keep in mind I am a boxing fan that likes women's boxing as well. There aren't too many of those around. And "the guy on the couch" (the real money spender) won't touch this fight I'm afraid. Martin doesn't draw anymore (500 people and a few buys vs St. John) and Rijker never drew yet. (only some boxing purists) They might sell a good amount of tickets because of connections, friends, business people etc, but the PPV sales will not be good I think. And the gate alone plus a casino site doesn't cut it of course.

They are expecting too much of this little role in the movie if you ask me. There are plenty of Oscar winning movies from which you don't even know anymore who played the bad guy. (or any other small role for that matter) But since he doesn't want to take a dive, Arum will probably start a gigantic TV marketing campaign. We'll see what happens. Nothing on the Mandalay Bay events calendar yet.....


Moi schrieb:
Yes, there are many women who have more guts than Rijker to be honest. (guts = mut) But of course only a couple are near her skill level.
In any case: Steward will have to do a whole lot of talking to convince me of buying this fight. And keep in mind I am a boxing fan that likes women's boxing as well. There aren't too many of those around. And "the guy on the couch" (the real money spender) won't touch this fight I'm afraid. Martin doesn't draw anymore (500 people and a few buys vs St. John) and Rijker never drew yet. (only some boxing purists) They might sell a good amount of tickets because of connections, friends, business people etc, but the PPV sales will not be good I think. And the gate alone plus a casino site doesn't cut it of course.

They are expecting too much of this little role in the movie if you ask me. There are plenty of Oscar winning movies from which you don't even know anymore who played the bad guy. (or any other small role for that matter) But since he doesn't want to take a dive, Arum will probably start a gigantic TV marketing campaign. We'll see what happens. Nothing on the Mandalay Bay events calendar yet.....

Hast du das mit einem Mut-Barometer genau nachgemessen ? Was genau kam dabei raus ? ;)
Reijker hat doch vor einigen Jahren sogar gegen einen männlichen Thai-Box Champion gekämpft (sie ging dabe allerdings derb ko).
Reijker ist halt jetzt in einem Alter, in dem sie einfach die wohl verdienten Scheine endlich mitnehmen möchte, da muß man genau überlegen gegen wen man kämpft. Sie will nur noch die absoluten Big Fights!

Wenn ein Emanuel Steward sagt " She is the best one-on-one competitive female athlete ever in the history of any sport" dann ist das sicherlich eine sehr gewagte Aussage, aber auch kein simples Blabla, das hat Steward auf seine alten Tage nicht mehr nötig.


Whatever you say Sir :rolleyes: Steward needs money badly, believe it or not.

That male champion (champion of Oceania) she fought, maaaaaany years ago, knocked her out so brutally that she never took a risk again after that.
Deserved payday? Give me a break!!! I can think of 25 women that are more deserving. And a fight against Anani would be even bigger than a fight against Martin, who can't draw worth a shit anymore.


Sir schrieb:
Reijker hat doch vor einigen Jahren sogar gegen einen männlichen Thai-Box Champion gekämpft (sie ging dabe allerdings derb ko).

Gibts davon Bilder oder kurze Streams? Das Missmatch würde ich gerne mal sehen...