His Royness1
Moi schrieb:What do you expect......it's his fighter. He's her manager for a while but didn't do jack shit for her up until now. He's hoping to cash in on this one. 33.3% as her manager and maybe 10% as her trainer is a lot of money, even for him.
And still no damn word about Anani. She's wouldn't fight Anani if you had her at gunpoint. Did you also notice he said Wolfe is TOO big for her? Yet they tried to fight Ali, who is basically even bigger, as Wolfe can go as low as 156.
I repeat: Rijker is fantastic, but how good she really is we won't know until she fights the best. And Martin is far from being the best right now. I have more respect for people like Jeffries Not undefeated, but she just fights anybody they put in front of them. Btw: if people ask me who my all time favorite is, I always answer Aboro. I often have to explain why as people that don't know much about women's boxing always think it's Rijker. So I explain she is just as complete as Rijker, but with a lot more guts and she measured herself with the best opponents available to her. Only then can you be the best.
Junge du solltest cool bleiben mit Rijker, mehr guts als man haben muss um mit einem männlichen Kickboxer in den Ring zu steigen und dann auch noch Runde 2 KO zu gehen, geht wohl kaum... sie mit Wolfe zu matchen ist einfach absurd, genauso Ali, der Grund warum sie es gegen Ali vielleicht machen würde, ist das Geld... sicherlich mehr als es für einen Wolfe-Kampf gäbe...
Sie scheint ihre Prioritäten scheinbar anders gesetzt zu haben, als sich nur dem Boxen zu verschreiben, du urteilst ein wenig zu hart glaub ich...
Achja und du überschätzt die Halmich imo...