Der Boxing Quotes Thread

Young Kaelin

merthyr matchstick
Hier sollen lustige, nachdenkliche, ernste, heitere Sprüche/Anmerkungen unserer Boxlieblinge eine Heimat finden.

Beginne mal mit ein paar Quotes, die mir gestern beim Stöbern auffielen.

The measure of a man is what happens when nothing works and you got the guts to go on.

Randall "Tex" Cobb

Once, I was at a party... This was at a time when it seemed like i had everything. I was young. I was undefeated. I had money. I'd just moved into my own home. People at the party where laughing and having fun. And i missed my mother. I felt so lonely. I remember asking myself, Why isn't my mother here? Why are all these people around me? I don't want these people around me. I looked out the window and started crying.

Oscar de La Hoya

All my wives were great housekeepers. After every divorce, they kept the house.

Willie Pep

It's hard being black. You ever been black? I was black once - when I was poor.

Larry Holmes

If there was such a thing as reincarnation, Floyd would come back as himself.

Ricky Hatton

Probably not even a household name in his own house.

Teddy Atlas

I'd take precision any day over power; as far as being tactical you know you have to see what's going on in there and also understand that for every punch that you or your opponent throws there's always a counter shot or two which you have to be ready to fire or defend.

Alexis Arguello

It's tough to get out of bed to do roadwork at 5 am when you've been sleeping in silk pajamas.


If they cut my bald head open, they will find one big boxing glove. That's all I am. I live it.

Marvin Hagler

The danger of a closed mind is that it can also leave good things like love, compassion and reason on its outside.

Lennox Lewis

Champions aren't made in the ring. they are merely recognized there. What you cheat on in the early fight of morning will show up in the ring under the bright lights.

Joe Frazier

Don't count the days, make the days count.

Muhammad Ali

Ich weiss, dass ich nicht schlecht bin. Was ich tue, tue ich gern. Ich liebe es, zu boxen. Ich träume davon, ein Boxer zu sein. Ich sehe mich schon, wie ich den Titel gewinne. Welchen, ist egal. Ich sehe, wie man mich auf die Schultern hebt, herumträgt, wie ich meinen Gürtel bekomme. Manchmal sehe ich das alles wie in Zeitlupe.....

ein 43-jähriger Weltergewichtsboxer, der fast alle Kämpfe, in denen er antrat, verloren hat, meist durch KO. (aus über Boxen, Joyce Carol Oates)

"Warum sind Sie Boxer?" wurde der irische Federgewichts-Champion Barry McGuigan einmal gefragt. Er antwortete: "Weil ich kein Dichter bin. Ich kann keine Geschichten erzählen..". (aus über Boxen, Joyce Carol Oates)
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Moderator Boxen
Hier gibt es ein paar Quelle

Sugar Ray Leonard
Ich bin nur ein Fighter. Nichts weiter. Wenn es um Größe geht, sieh dir Ali an.
Muhammad Ali
Ich weiß nicht immer, wovon ich rede. Aber ich weiß, dass ich recht habe.
Muhammad Ali
Noch nie in der Weltgeschichte haben sich so viele weiße Menschen um einen Neger solche Sorgen gemacht

1981 vor seinem letzten Kampf gegen Trevor Berbick
Muhammad Ali
Schweb' wie ein Schmetterling, stich wie eine Biene!
Muhammad Ali
Wer nur davon träumt, mich zu schlagen, sollte aufwachen und sich dafür entschuldigen.
Muhammad Ali
Wer nicht mutig genug ist, Risiken einzugehen, wird es im Leben zu nichts bringen.
Muhammad Ali
Wenn mein Kopf es sich ausdenken kann, wenn mein Herz daran glauben kann - dann kann ich es auch erreichen.
Muhammad Ali
Jetzt fängt mein Leben erst wirklich an. Gegen Ungerechtigkeit kämpfen, gegen Rassismus, Verbrechen, Analphabetismus und Armut, mit diesem Gesicht, das die Welt so gut kennt.
Barry McGuigan
„Warum ich Boxer bin? Weil ich kein Dichter bin. Ich kann keine Geschichten erzählen.“

Irischer Box-Profi
Muhammad Ali
Lebe jeden Tag, als wäre es dein letzter. Irgendwann wirst du Recht behalten.
Mike Tyson
Das Ohr ist durch einen Schlag abgeflogen
Muhammad Ali
Ich bin so schnell - vergangene Nacht habe ich das Licht in meinem Hotelzimmer ausgeschaltet und lag im Bett, bevor es dunkel war.
Muhammad Ali
Ein Mann, der die Welt mit 50 Jahren genauso sieht wie mit 20 Jahren, hat 30 Jahre seines Lebens verschwendet.
Mike Tyson
„Ich weiß, ich bin ein *********, aber das ist nun mal mein Stil.“
Muhammad Ali
Leute aufgrund Ihrer Hautfarbe zu hassen ist falsch. Und es ist egal welche Farbe hasst. Es ist grundsätzlich falsch.
Lennox Lewis
„Plötzlich wachte ich auf, lag auf dem Boden und der Ringrichter starrte mir ins Gesicht und brüllte: sechs, drei, sieben, fünf!“
Muhammad Ali
Es ist nur ein Job. Gras wächst, Vögel fliegen, Wellen schlagen in den Sand. Ich verprügle andere Leute.

Young Kaelin

merthyr matchstick
In my whole career, I´ve never really gotten hurt. The only ones that really hurt me where my wives.

Jake LaMotta

I quit school in the sixth grade because of pneumonia. Not because I had it, but because I couldn´t spell it.

Rocky Graziano

I always say that in order to appreciate warm weather, you must experience cold. I wouldn´t change one thing - all the embarrassing moments, the defeats, all of everything - through all of this, I have learned me.

Floyd Patterson

Mental illness is a very powerful thing. If it is with you it is probably going to be there until the day you die. I am trying so hard to break mine, but it is not easy. It is my toughest fight ever.

Frank Bruno

When at a young age you learn to face your fears, that makes the difference between people being champions and people not being champions.

Evander Holyfield.

We treat this world of ours as tough we have a spare in the trunk.

Al Bernstein

To say he has a glass chin is an insult to glass.

Larry Merchant

Notice who is in the locker room after you lose, not after you win.

Angelo Dundee

When a man is a Traveler, the world is his house & the sky is his roof, where he hangs his hat is his home, & all the people are his family.

Drew Bundini Brown

I´ve worked in construction, in a factory sewing clothes. I also sold flowers and doughnuts - just odd jobs to try to make 10 pesos, which is equivalent to 20 cents.

Manny Pacquiao

First your legs go. Then you lose your reflexes. Then you lose your friends.

Willie Pep

They criticize because they don´t have a life. it´s easy to criticize another person.

Sergio Martinez

I respect every fighter that gets inside of the ring, especially with me.

Tavoris Cloud

I only finished first grade.

Amnat Ruenroeng

When I was a young fellow I was knocked down plenty. I wanted to stay down, but I couldn´t. I had to collect the two dollars for winning or go hungry. I had to get up. I was one of those hungry fighters. You could have hit me on the chin with a sledgehammer for five dollars. When you haven´t eaten for two days you´ll unterstand.

Jack Dempsey

I can show you how to box. I can teach you every technique and trick i know, but i can never make you a fighter. That comes from inside, and it´s something no one else can give you.

Joe Louis

I watched a TV documentary about how animals are farmed, killed and prepared for us to eat. I saw all those cows and pigs and realized I couldn´t be a part of it any more. It was horrible. I did some research to make sure I could still obtain enough protein to fight and, once satisfied that i could, I stopped. I´ll never go back.

David Haye

Young Kaelin

merthyr matchstick
There are a lot of things and in order to be at the top and maintain your focus you have to have something that motivates you. For me, it was what I perceived as a lack of respect from the boxing world as well as the media, which made me want to work so hard and be great.


Well, you can't trust most people in this game, period; it can be a very shady business.


Sitting here now today, I can forgive a lot of the English people because it only takes a hand full of bad people to do something stupid like that and it can make the whole country look bad.


The likes of Sugar Ray Leonard, Roberto Duran, Tommy Hearns were true champions. There were some incredible fights between us, and I was happy to give them all an opportunity to fight me.


It is a great feeling when you lay down at night, and you know there are little kids out there imitating you, and people want to know what you eat and when you go to sleep.

Marvin Hagler

Young Kaelin

merthyr matchstick
Earnie Shavers could punch you in the neck and break your ankle.
Randall "Tex" Cobb

My punches are just as hard in Chicago as in New York.
Sonny Liston

No Mas."
Roberto Duran

If you screw things up in tennis, it's 15-love. If you screw up in boxing, it's your ass.
Randall "Tex" Cobb

Fighters struggle when they aren’t in the limelight no more and things are going badly for them. They finish boxing and the promoters tell them they should have saved their money. Yeah, I should have saved it, but sometimes we aren’t paid enough and every ha-ra-ra that’s around us thinks: ‘I wanna be around him because he’s on top of the world.’ But, man, when it falls down around you, it’s just you by yourself.
Iran Barkley

Shakespeare? I ain’t never heard of him. He’s not in no ratings. I suppose he’s one of them foreign heavyweights. They’re all lousy. Sure as hell I’ll moider dat bum.
Tony Galento

I look at my life and it’s a miracle that I’m here. I was between a heroin addict and a crack addict. How did I make it out of that? I don’t know. It is funny because those hardships and struggles, all those things forge you into what you are. You bring all of that into the ring. When people look into your eyes, they can see it, they can see ‘he has been through something.
Andre Ward

Don’t feel sorry for me. Nineteen years of boxing was paying off for me when I took a great fall. I’m the one who kept thinking one more fight, one more fight. It just didn’t happen, not the way it should have.
Ray Seales

Hey, I’ve been on my own since I was 15. My life was hell. I slept in cars. I went to school with holes in my sneakers and put cardboard in ‘em but the snow still came through. I got beat up by gangs all my life. Life is a mother f**ker.
Leon Spinks

When I was fighting, I was a very popular fighter. I had lots of friends. It’s funny. Literally overnight your phone stops ringing. It’s one of the most brutal sports inside that ring and outside the ring’s just as brutal sometimes. It’s tough, man.
John Murray

I couldn’t relax at the start. With 9,200 screaming Glaswegians willing you on, you would have to be a zombie not to feel the pressure.
– Jim Watt


Kennt jemand einen Bookie bei dem man auf Halmich vs. Raab setzen kann?


Mesmerising Measures
Kennt jemand einen Bookie bei dem man auf Halmich vs. Raab setzen kann?
Wir es aussieht bietet bet@home eine Möglichkeit an.

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Vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung. Diesen Artikel hatte ich auch schon gefunden, allerdings keine Wette.

Wahrscheinlich wurde die Wette mittlerweile wieder aus dem Programm genommen. Auch über Wettsuche bei bet-at-home finde ich keine Wette. Weder unter Boxen ist etwas zu finden, noch wenn ich Raab oder Halmich eingebe. Gebe ich z. B. Dubois ein, dann wird die Wette gegen Joshua gefunden.


Vielen Dank für deine Unterstützung. Diesen Artikel hatte ich auch schon gefunden, allerdings keine Wette.

Wahrscheinlich wurde die Wette mittlerweile wieder aus dem Programm genommen. Auch über Wettsuche bei bet-at-home finde ich keine Wette. Weder unter Boxen ist etwas zu finden, noch wenn ich Raab oder Halmich eingebe. Gebe ich z. B. Dubois ein, dann wird die Wette gegen Joshua gefunden.

Vermutlich wirst du da wenig Chancen haben, da der Gesetzgeber die Boxwetten seit dem 1.1.23 in DEU eingeschränkt hat.
Aktuell sind wohl nur Schwergewichtsweltmeisterschaften legal zu wetten.


Ich hab erst jetzt gemerkt, dass ich den Thread mißbraucht habe. Deshalb mein Lieblingsspruch von Mike Tyson, den er mehrmals in Interviews in ähnlicher Weise gebracht hat:

I got old too fast and smart too late.


Mesmerising Measures
Only the one that follows the path of destiny, the whispering voice of his soul, that has been called by his beating and living heart, is truly free. Follow your dreams, climb over the highest mountain, walk through deepest valley of shadows and darkness. Hold on to your innerself, your own eternal light and nothing in life will be considered as taking a risk.

Go on and live my friend. Be free.


I watched a TV documentary about how animals are farmed, killed and prepared for us to eat. I saw all those cows and pigs and realized I couldn´t be a part of it any more. It was horrible. I did some research to make sure I could still obtain enough protein to fight and, once satisfied that i could, I stopped. I´ll never go back.

David Haye