Der MMA News und Rumors Thread!


so, ich führ hier auch mal so nen Sammelthread ein. hoffe das stört keinen.
hier kann jeder dann diverse News und auch Rumors reinposten...

fangen wir mal an.



WWE superstar Brock Lesnar announced to the media that if his attempt to make it in the NFL does not work out, that he is considering an offer to join K-1.

das wär ja was.... :ricardo:


häh? warum K-1?
Er is ein hervorragender Wrestler, aber sicher kein Standupkämüfer, wenn dann also pride da lässt sich auch Kohle machen, aber K-1???
Auch wenn die vielleicht öfter sowas wie Romanex machen, wenig sinnvoll, außerdem hoff ich mal für ihn dass es klappt in der NFL und sonst soll er lieber wieder zum wrestling, da war er gut


@rhyno: keine ahnung hätte bei UFC oder Pride weitaus größere Chancen......

News zu K-1:


"Sources in Japan and America tell us that K-1 is very close to signing heavyweight boxing contender David Tua (who is a distant cousin of 2001 K-1 champ Mark Hunt) to their growing stable of top boxers. "


der David passt schon eher zu K-1 :thumb:


Neuigkeiten im Falle Priscilla Belfort (Vitors Schwester) die ja seit einiger Zeit vermisst wird!

Quelle: groundnpound
Brazilian police last week found a new lead in the kidnapping case of Vitor Belfort's sister Priscila. There was a possible sighting of her in Belo Horizont. Priscila Belfort disappeared in Rio de Janeiro in January. Belfort's family are requesting any information about her.

da kommt doch noch mal Hoffnung auf!


Mezger ist im Krankenhaus, weil er 2mal beim Training das Bewußtsein verloren hat. Tito braucht nen neuen Gegner für den Main Event und das in 7 Tagen. Die arme UFC... panik:


NilsNBA schrieb:
Mezger ist im Krankenhaus, weil er 2mal beim Training das Bewußtsein verloren hat. Tito braucht nen neuen Gegner für den Main Event und das in 7 Tagen. Die arme UFC... panik:

Wieso hat er denn das Bewußtsein verloren? So schwer Ko gegangen oder wieso? Quelle?


@Nils: das mit dem Bewußtsein verloren im Training ist wohl nen Fake. er war zwar im Krankenhaus, aber das hatte wohl andere Gründe

@Nils & Parnis:

guckt ihr hier, aktuelles Interview mit Guy Metzger von gestern (15.10.2004)

Guy Mezger Interview: Talks About Injury, Pulling Out of UFC 50

By Ken Pishna,

Unfortunately for both Guy Mezger and the UFC, Mezger has had to drop off of the UFC 50 card. Fortunately for Mezger, he is not quite in as dire straights as was initially believed. In an exclusive interview to BoxingInsider and MMAWeekly, Mezger spoke late last night with Ken Pishna and cleared the air on just what his situation is and how he is doing. Let’s get right to it Guy, we’ve been told that you are out of UFC 50 and that it sounds like you collapsed during training and then had a stroke. What exactly is the situation?

Guy Mezger: I never collapsed during training or anything. What happened was, I trained very, very hard Monday night. I had a long drive back from Los Angeles. I was a little worn out and dehydrated. I went to bed early and kept having to get up to use the restroom. By about 1 in the morning I was having trouble sleeping. I took some medicine to help me sleep and then got up around 7 or 7:30. I literally rolled out of bed and the nightstand is right next to the bed and I bumped my head. So this was Tuesday morning and Ken Shamrock’s house, right?

Guy Mezger: Yeah, this was Tuesday morning at Ken’s. So, I got up and went downstairs to jump in the shower and then went back upstairs. I laid down a little bit because I was going to get up and cook breakfast. Tanya, Ken’s wife, had got up and cooked and said that breakfast was served. I started walking downstairs. They have a kitten here and it plays ninja kitty and jumps out at you. The kitty jumps out in front of me and instead of stepping on it, I kind of jumped over it about 3 or 4 stairs. When I landed, my knee buckled a bit and when I got back up Tanya asked me if I was all right. I said yes, but she said I seemed kind of woozy, that I wasn’t responding correctly, I seemed a little uncertain on my feet. So, did you actually fall over the cat?

Guy Mezger: Well, I just stumbled a little. I was trying not to kill the cat. Basically that was it, Tanya said, “I don’t think everything is okay.” I said, “I’m fine.” Ken came downstairs and said that he wanted to get it checked out because Tanya said that I wasn’t reacting right and he said, “You’re really not.” I just wrote it off as being tired. I mean Monday afternoon’s training was whacked. We trained our asses off, but I didn’t black out, I didn’t have a stroke, I didn’t collapse. Did you have any problems at all at training on Monday, anything out of the ordinary?

Guy Mezger:No, not all. I was an absolute stud. I started off with six 5-minute rounds with 1-minute rests. Then I did five 3-minute rounds of wrestling with 1-minute rests. Then I did two more 5-minute rounds of wrestling and a 5-minute round on the heavy bag and I did my conditioning after that. That’s a pretty heavy load, but nothing out of the ordinary for you when you’re preparing for a fight?

Guy Mezger:Yeah. It’s nothing that I hadn’t been doing already. And it’s not like I was impeded by anything. Lets put it this way; I wore out all of my training partners.

So, we went to the hospital. Originally, Ken checked me in because he thought I had banged my head. I get to the hospital and they start running all these tests. I guess with Ken coming in and nearly dying of a heart attack, immediately they started hooking me up to all this heart stuff and I’m freaking out. I’m telling them it’s not my heart. I’m like, “My friend thinks I might of hit my head too hard. To be honest, I’ve been busting my ass and I think I’m dehydrated and I didn’t get good sleep last night. I think I’m just not recovering.” So, they still did all of the heart tests?

Guy Mezger: Yeah. I got my heart checked out and the lady who did the echocardiogram said, “Listen, you have a heart like a race horse. It’s a little bit large because you’re an athlete. Everything is perfect on it. There are no abnormalities here.”

So after spending the night there, by the time I talk to the cardiologist, I talk to the doctor. They’re taking my blood pressure and drawing blood, sticking needles in me. Finally, I get everything worked out; I get a clear bill of health from the cardiologist and the other doctor. The neurologist comes to see me and says, “You probably just had a reaction because you took a full ambion when you only normally take a half of an ambion.” Is ambion the sleep medication that you took?

Guy Mezger: Yeah, it’s a sleep medication. So, the neurologist said that he wanted to do one more study and he did a CAT scan. They found something unusual in the CAT scan, so I did an MRI. And what happened with the MRI?

Guy Mezger: That’s where they found something. So they released me yesterday [Wednesday] and I had to come back in today to see the neurologist. He said that, “You’ve got a problem with your brain. We’re not exactly sure what happened. It’s in your front right lobe. It’s kind of a weird situation because it doesn’t affect your speech, you’re not dizzy or anything like that. It’s the area that affects your music appreciation.”

I said, “There you go, something is wrong because lately I’ve started listening to a lot of country music. Could that be the cause?” [laughs]

He said there’s been some sort of flair up in my brain and they’re not sure what it is or what caused it. It’s a small abnormality. He said it’s somewhat equivalent to having a concussion. It’s more severe than a concussion, but they don’t know what caused it. They have a million more tests to do. at this point, they haven’t even narrowed it down to this or that?

Guy Mezger: No. They’re not so much worried about what it is as they are about why it happened, so it doesn’t happen again. The doctor seemed very positive. He said,” Listen, you’ve just got to lay off for two months. You can’t take a shot to the head for two months. It’s like having a very bad concussion. You’ve got to let your brain heal up. You’re not going to have any side effects from it.” Thank god! Because when you start thinking about the brain, you get a little bit worried. I mean, I’ve got kids I’ve got to take care of; I’ve got a baby on the way. On top of that, I’ve got this really hot wife that would be a drag to die on. Did the doctor’s feel that you did have some sort of mild type of stroke or what are they calling it?

Guy Mezger: No, no. They don’t think I had a stroke. It’s having the same symptoms of a stroke. It’s hard to say exactly what it is… the way they can tell you’ve had a stroke is they go into your brain afterward and they see the damage that’s done and that’s how they tell. You sound pretty upbeat about the whole situation…

Guy Mezger: Both the doctor here and my normal practitioner were extremely confident. They said that I could still train as long as I don’t get hit in the head. I can still lift. I can still run. Most guys that have strokes can’t do that. They can’t get the brain worked up. My doctors aren’t worried about the function of the brain. They’re worried about what caused it. They’re kind of thinking that it was because I was really worn out and dehydrated, just a kind of freaky set of circumstances. They both said, “In two months, you should be able to get back in the ring if that’s what you want to do.” As it stands, you’re out for 2 months and then you can get right back in there as long as they don’t find anything serious wrong when they do the tests?

Guy Mezger: Yeah. I’m out for two months as long as they don’t find anything serious. I would normally be very worried about the whole thing, but just the confidence that both doctors had… and the fact that they didn’t tell me to stop exercising. And I think they had a genuine confidence, not a “let’s make Guy feel good” confidence.’s going through your head now?

Guy Mezger: Well, the problem I have is this: Zuffa and Dana White have given me an opportunity to come in and fight for the UFC. I was really looking forward to fighting Tito again. I put my entire life on hold for the last 12 weeks. I mean I’m an extremely busy guy. Between my family and I have a couple of businesses… so for me to put 12 weeks of my life on hold to train for a fight is very difficult. A lot of people have sacrificed to make this happen. Ken has busted his ass. My wife, who is pregnant, had to spend the last 6 weeks by herself putting up with all the crap that comes with pregnancy all by herself. I just feel like I’m letting everybody down. Well, just from the reaction I’ve seen tonight, a lot of people are disappointed, but I think everyone was really more concerned that you are okay.

Guy Mezger: I’m going to be okay. It’s when I’m going to be able to climb back in the ring that I’m more concerned about. There’ve been some tense moments the last couple of days, but somehow I just knew that I wasn’t hurt. I mean, I got up this morning and ran 5 miles. Where does this leave you at this point in your career?

Guy Mezger: I was really looking to have a good show here for the UFC. The UFC is where I started in mixed martial arts and I’ve been playing with the idea of retiring and I really wanted to step up and have a great fight and look to maybe put some finish to my career. This is definitely not the way that Guy Mezger wants to go out. I’m sure if it’s possible, you will bounce back.

Guy Mezger: Hopefully, if things aren’t too screwed up in my head. Ken’s fighting in February and I would love the opportunity to fight on the same card. It’s funny because all of the years that I’ve been fighting with Ken; we’ve never fought on the same card. Like I said this is not the way that I want to go out and I’m not going to go out this way. Everyone has given up a lot for this fight from Ken to my wife to my employees. My employees have been busting their asses, my business partners…BoxingInsider: I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that as disappointed as I am that this fight isn’t going to happen, I’m more glad that you’re going to be okay.

You know, as disappointed as I am, I look in my wife’s face and the relief on her face knowing that I’m okay is worth more than any UFC belt. I’m a lucky man. I have an incredible, incredible woman by my side.

neuer Gegner für Ortiz bei UFC 50 ist Patrick Coté (Rec: 5-0-0)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Ich habe mal ne Frage zum MMA!
Warum ist MMA eigentlich nicht Olympisch? Es spricht doch eigentlich nichts dagegen oder?


Parnis schrieb:
Ich habe mal ne Frage zum MMA!
Warum ist MMA eigentlich nicht Olympisch? Es spricht doch eigentlich nichts dagegen oder?

Naja, Sachen wie Ringen, Karate sind ja olympisch. Und MMA an sich gibt es ja nicht, es gibt so viele Stilrichtungen, denke das wird ganz schwer eine Art olympisch zu machen. Desweiteren würde es die breite maße, anhand der brutalität wohl nicht akzeptieren.


@rhyno: hey, du lebst ja doch noch :) dachte schon ich bin im MMA und Wrestling alleine ;)

naja, Brutalität ist wohl das flasche Wort im bezug auf MMA, bei den meisten MMA Fights, geht es fairer zu als beim Fussball.


Mal ne Frage: Warum haben eigentlich soviele Fighter (MMA) so dicke Ohren??

Sakuraba hat besonders dicke, oder auch bei Chalid "Fausto" hab ich welche gesehen.

Woran liegt das?


@parnis: schon mal was von "Blumenkohl-Ohren" gehört? das ist ein Symptom das viele Ringer etc. haben...da die Knorpel in den Ohren sich bei diversen Griffen verformen, und so kommt es zu diesen "Missbildungen"....


angeblich soll Royce Gracie doch noch mal kämpfen.....
und zwar in nem K-1 Event am New Years Eve.
es soll ein K-1 Fight mit MMA Rules gegen Akebono!!! stattfinden :laugh2:

In yet another exclusive for the Jake R Report, reliable sources in Japan have informed me of a blockbuster of a fight strongly rumored and close to being made at this point and time: Japan's sumo legend Akebono vs the original UFC champion Royce Gracie under MMA rules!

As of right now, this reporter has learned the proposed match will take place as a K1 MMA fight on New Year's Eve in Japan. In addition, sources tell me Royce Gracie will be paid over seven figures for this fight, becoming the first non Japanese fighter to rival Rickson Gracie on the MMA payscale.

As my sources went on to explain, the Gracie name is huge in Japan, and Akebono is obviously even bigger. K1 officials were thrilled with the Sapp/Akebono ratings and believe Gracie/Akebono will not only draw in big ratings, but make the MMA portion of the K1 organization more popular with the mainstream.

Quelle: groundnpound


@parnis: also das nächste UFC Event ist soviel ich weiß erst wieder im Februar 2005......

Pride müßte dieses Jahr noch nen Event haben.

und bei K-1 steht uns ja noch das World GP Finale im Dezember ins Haus :wavey:


Auf der K-1 HP steht jetzt auch Offiziel, dass Royce am 31.12.2004 gegen Akebono kämpfen wird! Es wird nach MMA Regeln gekämpft!
Hätte ich nicht gedacht, dass Royce doch noch mal wieder zurück kommt! Also ich denke, Akebono kommt mit dem MMA Style besser klar als unter K-1 Rules.


Short Interview with Kaoklai Kaennorsing


interview was directly after the K-1 World GP in Seoul

Results K-1 World GP 2004 in Seoul

#1 WIN KO rnd 1
Dennis Kang

#2 WIN points 3 rnds
Tsuyoshi Nakasako
6'3/190.5 cm

#3 WIN points 5 rnds vs
Shingo Koyasu

c:please, tell me about your fights.
This first one was easy. I knocked him out in the first round with punches.

kk:The second I won on points. He was very tough. Over 100kgs. With my 3rd fight against Shingo, he had a very strong lowkick. We fought 5 rounds, and in the 5th is when I won on points. It was all very tough. Everyone was much bigger than me. I weighed in at 78kgs/180cm. When I saw my opponents, I thought to myself, “ I am already dead”.

c:Who was the toughest of your 3 opponents?

kk:My second opponent, Tsuyoshi Nakasako. He was very big. I would kick him, and his attitude was “never mind”. I would kick him hard, and he was very indifferent about my kicks, and kept on coming at me. As if he was completely unaffected by my kicks!

c:What did you do to beat Nakasako?

kk:I would kick him. I would hammer his leg with a lowkick, and keep him outside with teeps. I just kept on kicking him with low kicks.

short Interview by

more to come......


Interessantes Treffen in Sao Paulo:

In the eve of his return in Brazil, against Fernando Saucedo, Acelino Popó Freitas had a great surprise during his last training, a meeting with the World-wide Champion of Vale Tudo Wanderlei Silva. The meeting was promoted by the team of the Premiere Combat (SporTV), the cable channel that is promoting the Event.
Popó showed very well informed on the fights of Vale Tudo and said to be a fan of the style of Wanderlei Silva, mainly for the aggressiveness and plastic of the knock-outs that Wanderlei imposes for his opponents. Wanderlei transmitted words of incentive and admiration for the trajectory of the Popó in the sport, therefore after all both place the name of Brazil in evidence in the International Circuit of their Sports. After the meeting the Premiere Team Combat followed the Functional Training of Wanderlei in the Academy Única in São Paulo. In this training Wanderlei showed that everything is ok to the fight against Sakuraba on December 31st in the Saitama Super Arena.





Quelle: gnp

:jubel: :jubel: :jubel: