Lewis vs. Tyson am 8.6.2002 - Der Megathread


hat tyson sich nocheinmal im griff ?

(von sport1):

Wiederholungstäter Tyson: "Ja, ich habe ihn gebissen!"

München - Mike Tyson, Ex-Weltmeister im Schwergewicht, hat jetzt in einem Interview mit dem TV-Sender Fox zugegeben, den amtierenden Champion Lennox Lewis ins Bein gebissen zu haben (O-Ton Tyson: "Ja, ich hab's getan").

also doch kein pr-gag.

er kanns einfach nicht lassen. muß wohl wie ne (beiss)-sucht bei ihm sein. kleine mädchen beissen...aber ausgewachsene männer..? der hat echt'n problem der junge.
falls wir da wiedermal'n skandal-fight erleben müssen, ist tyson auch als boxer entgültig erledigt. als "mensch" sowieso.

traurig, wenn einer sich im kampf nicht anders wehren bzw. durchsetzen kann, außer mit beissen. man sollte ihm einen maulkorb verpassen.

hoffentlich kann sich tyson wenigstens in dem mega-fight mal zusammenreißen, damit der kampf auch seiner vorschuss-lorbeeren gerecht wird und wir alle einen super kampf sehen...? wäre ja zu schön um wahr zu sein.

...aber ich ahne ja böses...

...wenn tyson den lennox nicht in den ersten 6 runden regulär schlägt,(mehr schafft der sowieso nicht mehr) -dann geht wohl daß wilde gebeisse wieder los...
...und am ende heißt es dann: lewis ist in runde 7 k.o. gebissen worden...= disqualifikation, keine kampfbörse und sich gegenüber der ganzen box-welt der totalen lächerlichkeit preisgegeben.
so ein durchgeknalltes tier braucht die boxwelt (nicht).
kann nur hoffen daß tyson noch'n paar einschläge merkt!?

es wird böse enden.


Der alte Mann

As co-trainers Ronnie Shields (background, left) and Stacey McKinley look on, a fit and trim Mike Tyson prepares for what McKinley termed as "yet another fantastic workout" Friday in Maui. Tyson also clarified a recent statement he made about biting Lennox Lewis during a press conference melee in New York. "I said I bit Lennox because that is what everyone wanted to hear. I will say anything to get under his skin. But on June 8, flesh will not be enough. I will take Lennox's title, his soul and smear his pompous brains all over the ring when I hit him.

Im Kampf wird gar nichts passieren.


Das Foto ist von einer PK vor dem Golota Fight.

Bin beim alten Mann, denke ebenfalls dass sich Tyson im Ring ganz normal benehmen wird.

Folgender Auszug ist schon 1 Jahr alt hat aber nichts an Aktualität verloren. Ist natürlich das best case scenario aus Sicht von Mike Tyson.

March 9, 2001 - By Paul Upham: Three-time world champion Mike "The Bodysnatcher" McCallum believes that Mike Tyson will defeat Lennox Lewis if their highly anticipated clash ever takes place.
"Mike will knock him out. Mike has got too much speed. Not only that, he punches so hard," said McCallum. " Lewis is a good fighter. He is tall but he has no chin. Anytime he gets hit on the chin, that's it. He's good, he's rangy and he avoids getting hit on the chin very well. But anytime he gets hit on the chin, he's hurt."
Having said that McCallum, has a lot of respect for Lewis, but feels that Tyson's style is perfect for stopping the undisputed heavyweight champion. "He's naturally a good fighter and has a good jab. He is tall and he uses his range very well. Styles make fights. Lennox Lewis could beat any fighter, but I think the style Mike has can beat Lennox. He is fierce and he punches hard from all angles, very quickly. That is what will allow Mike to win."


64560 Riedstadt/Wolfskehlen
Saturday May 4,
The Guardian

To be in Hawaii where Mike Tyson has his training camp is like being in paradise and finding that the devil is on vacation there. That is what he would have you believe, anyway. In front of the cameras and tape recorders this week, Tyson has sworn at, argued with and stared down those reporters "lucky" enough to be granted an audience with the "baddest man on the planet".

But away from the glare, spending time in his private beach-side villa in this plushest of Hawaiian resorts - recent guests have included President George W Bush and Michael Jordan - Tyson offers a rather different perspective; not so much the "dark guy from inequity" but a funny if moody man, bored by the restrictive environment in which he is training for his date with destiny and Lennox Lewis in Memphis, Tennessee, on June 8.

Tyson is a hostage in paradise, his access to the outside world strictly controlled by handlers desperate to keep him out of trouble that might jeopardise the fight - though he has surprised his fellow resort guests by sharing the gym with them most days.

"We're keeping Mike isolated here in Hawaii," said a bare-chested Showtime executive Jay Larkin, catching a few rays of sun on the pristine resort grounds. "There's hundreds of millions of dollars riding on this fight."

For his part, Tyson seems to have stopped caring what the outside world thinks about him or his behaviour. He is sometimes petulant - the tough talk is probably just a means of keeping himself entertained - but he is also more focused on the job than for any recent fights and is in the shape to match.

Reflecting on his latest controversial sparring session with the press, Tyson says: "They say I'm great but do you know what's great? Out there, that's great," pointing at the Pacific Ocean. "When I came here a couple of months ago I went out to sea and watched the whales rise out of the water, then go right down to the bottom of the ocean again. It was like a guided missile just shooting straight up. That's powerful."

Tyson is obsessed by the unseen forces of power, and there are DVDs of Chi Kung Fu movies lying around his villa - tales of Shaolin monks who tap their chi force to perform extraordinary acts of physical strength. Tyson says he regards the natural beauty of Hawaii as proof of God's existence. He talks about Allah, says he is still a Muslim but does not pray any more - "God knows what is in my heart".

He proudly shows off photos of his new son, born a month ago to his current girlfriend (his wife, Monica Turner, is filing for divorce). When I compliment him on his son's good looks, Tyson instead points to his large testicles. "He's the smallest of my babies, but with balls that big, he's got to be a fighter. I'm going to train him."

By now Shelley Finkel is anxiously trying to shoo me out of the villa. Finkel has been Tyson's adviser since the former champion left Don King in a split that has never fully been explained.

A small, balding man, Finkel resembles an accountant more than a boxing man. He wears a constant knotted expression and is often chewing his nails. A couple of times during this week's press conferences he has been heard to whisper: "Let's get everyone out of here before he explodes."

No one knows when or what might trigger an explosion. "My fuse is so short right now that if anyone disrespects me, I might kill them," Tyson says. After giving me a playful high-five on my departure, I can still feel the sting 45 minutes later.

In the Tyson camp the fear is of "Mike going over the edge". An incident with an unsuspecting member of the public could cost millions, and the saying among the fight circle in America is "this fight ain't a fight until it's a fight".

"Things change minute to minute with Mike," explains one of his crew. Staying on the island is like being on the TV show Survivor - every week a member of the entourage is voted off. This week it was Steve "Crocodile" Fitch, who has been Tyson's cheerleader and chief rabble-rouser for more than 10 years. Jay Bright, who went back to the Catskill days when Tyson was a teenager training with Cus D'Amato, has also been voted off the island. "Jay is family and family is always the first to go," Tyson says bluntly, "but I'll always look out for Jay."

It is not clear whether Tyson is currently taking medication. The lack of medical supervision and help was the Nevada State Commission's main reason for turning down his application for a boxing licence in Las Vegas, which is why the Lewis fight is taking place in Elvis City rather than Sin City.

"Mike should be on anti-depressants," says the ESPN television reporter Max Rohmer. "But these days the athletes are paying the bills, so they're running things and if Shelley Finkel says go and do this, who can make Mike Tyson do anything?"

Defiantly, Tyson pronounced this week: "I'm Mike Tyson. I'm the biggest fighter in the history of the sport, and if you don't believe me go check the cash register. I'm gonna be 36. I never thought I'd live this long or fornicate with as many beautiful women."

His crew nod and grin in agreement, for what falls off Tyson's table inevitably lands in their laps. The cash registers were ringing most when he earned $150m (£102m) in 18 months from King for a series of fights in Las Vegas. After the Holyfield ear biting incident, however, Tyson left King and his pay cheques have been shrinking too.

But despite the trappings, Tyson is massively in debt. "It's an open secret that Mike owes lots of money to Showtime TV," says Sky's boxing commentator Ian Darke. "Though the purse for this fight is substantial, it still won't wipe out all his debts. He is in hock to the TV company. He is manacled to them for life."

Previously, of course, King was the main man in Tyson's life. "Mike never even picked up the phone to say what the problem was," King said from New York yesterday in reference to their break-up. "When he was with me, I had a structure in place to help him with doctors, medication and even hypnosis. I used the leverage and power to help Mike get help, get paid and get prestige, and everybody else got paid too. I am a 'Tyson' in the business world. The TV networks want to dole out what they want to give you. I insisted we be paid appropriate for what we were worth. They wanted to get me out of business and break us up. It's a shame what's happening to Mike now. He could've become the first billionaire athlete, but he wants to do everything himself and he'll end up destroying himself before that."

"Death is the only freedom a nigga knows," Tyson says in one of this week's many darker moods. He says he cannot see himself doing anything else except fight, but he can't fight till he's 60 - "so you go figure it out".

Still, if Tyson wins on June 8, he will become world heavy weight champion 16 years after he first took the title. "Who would've thought he would have even lived this long?" wonders one reporter.

"I could have been anything, it's just that Cus got a hold of me first so I became a fighter," says Tyson, speaking of his late mentor and trainer during his formative years. "Cus always used to make me feel guilty if I wanted to buy a two-seater car; he'd say don't be so selfish, don't you want to give anyone a ride. Get a four-door. So I'd go and get a four-door car when I really wanted a two seater. Now I just do what I want and don't care what anyone thinks of me....

Alter Mann, Mattie....so ganz hundertprozentig wäre ich mir bei Mike bezgl. Knigge für Boxer nicht....


Oje , der Text war mir zu lang , um ihn vollständig zu lesen.Außerdem ist mein Englisch zu schlecht.Könnte vielleicht jemand den Text in 2, 3 Sätzen zusammenfassen?

Hier noch mal ein Lewis-Foto:


Aber jetzt sollten wir uns - was die Fotos betrifft - erstmal wieder ein bißchen reduzieren.


Der Kampf ist zwar erst am 8.6. aber schon jetzt stellt sich mir die Frage wie ich ihn verfolgen kann.Da ich kein Premiere habe , werde ich wohl am Tag dannach aus dem Internet oder aus dem VT das Ergebnis erfahren müssen.Oder gibt es Möglichkeiten im Netz(vielleicht sogar hier im Forum?) oder im Radio?


Was ist denn eigentlich aus der Klage von Lewis geworden gegen Tyson der ihm ein großes Stück aus seinem Oberschenkel herausgebissen hat. ? :cool4:


Maximo Lider
Also ich kann mir noch immer nicht vorstellen, dass Tyson Lewis ein Stück aus dem Oberschenkel "herausgebissen" hat. Er mag ihn gebissen haben, aber dass er was rausgebissen hat, halte ich für übertrieben. Wenn ja, wurde dieses Stück wieder angenäht? Wurde die Wunde zugenäht? Wer hat dieses Stück Fleisch überhaupt je zu Gesicht bekommen?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:

D. Crosby

Gesperrt auf eigenen Wunsch
Die Geschichte vom "Herausbeissen eines Stück Fleisches" gehört sicher ins Reich der Märchen. Wenn Tyson zugibt, daß er Lewis gebissen hat, wird wohl was dran sein ist aber irgendwie auch ziemlich :idiot: (hallo Rocky). Hätte er aber ein Stück vom Lewis abgebissen, hätte dierser mit Sicherheit ziemliche Luftsprünge gemacht (aber nicht aus Freude) und davon war nix zu sehen.

Frage: Wer schmeckt besser? Holyfield oder Lewis? :confused:


Wenn Tyson zugibt, Lewis gebissen zu haben, dann ist das pures Geschwätz, um die Show am Laufen zu halten. Tyson hat offensichtlich Bock auf den Kampf, die dicke Börse, das ganze Drumherum. Ist vielleicht so ein bißchen wie die guten alten Zeiten. :rolleyes:

Genau das ist der Grund, warum er sich in den Interviews so animalisch, provozierend und wild gibt. Er kennt halt die Rolle, die er in der Show zu spielen hat und tut es. Genau dafür wird er schließlich bezahlt.


64560 Riedstadt/Wolfskehlen
Meine Güte, wie kann man sich nur an einem Wort so aufhängen, Tyson wird ihn schon gebissen haben und Lewis wird geringfügige Fleischverletzungen gehabt haben, im Sinne einer typischen Bißverletzung. Um eine Teil eines durchtrainerten Oberschenkelmuskels herauszubeißen müßte er schon die Kiefermuskulatur eines Raubtieres haben und das passende Gebiß dazu, und dafür ist selbst der gute Mike noch zu humanoid.


Maximo Lider
Dr. Jekyll, Lewis selber hat behauptet, dass Tyson ihm ein Stück aus dem Oberschenkel herausgebissen hat, nachzulesen u.a. hier.

Der entscheidende Satz war:

"The fact is that Mike Tyson bit through my trousers and took a significant piece of flesh out of my thigh," he said.

So oder so ähnlich ist das um die Welt gegangen, ohne dass es dafür wirklich konkrete Beweise gibt, und bei einer Sache, die eh schon schlimm genug ist (Tysons Ausraster), noch extra dermassen zu übertreiben ist völlig unangebracht. Es ist schon ein Unterschied ob man jemanden beisst oder ihm ein Stück Fleisch herausbeisst.


64560 Riedstadt/Wolfskehlen

Danke für den Link aber ich bin über Lewis im Bilde. Klar ist es unangebracht so zu übertreiben, aber Lewis ist wohl auch kein Engel. Ich bleibe dabei, ein großes Stück Fleisch herauszubeißen dürfte einem Menschen ziemlich schwerfallen, Ohren lassen sich viel besser abknabbern.

der wahnsinnige

hei devil,

wo du in detroit den kampf sehen kannst,
weiss ich nicht.
ueber premiere wird der kampf fuer abonnenten
zu einem preis von 10 euro angeboten.
ich schaue mir in einer sportkneipe den kampf an.
da musst du dich mal in deiner region umsehen
und die richtige kneipe finden.

der wahnsinnige


Es gab aber so Dummköpfe in BP Forum, die das geglaubt haben, das das keine Show war, das wirklich Tyson Lewis "ein grosses Stück seines Oberschenkel herausgebissen hat"
Und die Erde ist eine Scheibe. :ricardo: