Lewis vs. Tyson am 8.6.2002 - Der Megathread


Mag sein, dass er ihn gebissen hat, aber er hat ihm zu 100 % kein "signifikantes Stück" herausgebissen. Mir fehlte mal ein "signifikantes Stück Fleisch" im linken Arm, und ich war mit Sicherheit 3 Monate außer Gefecht gesetzt. Mal nicht zu erwähnen eventuelle Verwachsungen der Wunde mit dem Verband o.ä. Ganz ohne Komplikationen läuft das sicher nicht ab, und ob Kämpferherz oder nicht, boxen oder trainieren kann man da imho nicht. Kann aber sein,dass es nur bei mir so war, möchte mich jetzt ungern auf einen Disput mit unserem Forumsdoc einlassen. :rolleyes:


Ich habe Tyson immer als Aussenseiter gegen Lewis gesehen, aber jetzt will er ihn mental fertig machen "Ich liebe dich" Wahrscheinlich bringt Tyson als nächstes "Ich schlafe nicht mit Tieren und Männern"
Lewis ist mental nicht so stark, wenn Tyson eine Chance haben will, muss er ihm vor dem Kampf mental fertigmachen.


Belassen wir es mit der Diskussion über den Biss. Genaues wissen tut eh keiner und weiter bringt und das auch nicht.

Lewis gab eine PK. Typisch Lennox, voll konzentriert und ohne Aufsehen. Lewis hat zweifellos das Auftreten eines Champions.
Emanuel scheint sehr relaxed zu sein --> siehe erstes Foto.



Folgender Auszug ist aus der Sun online.
Tyson is not as soft on his sparring partners. Leroy Seals had to go to hospital with serious rib damage and doctors told Corey Sanders to quit after being knocked out by Tyson.


Ist der Kleine der Freund von Lewis, der schaut ihn so verliebt an?:ricardo:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Endlich auch mal Fotos aus dem Lewis-Camp! Auch er scheint sich solide vorzubereiten.Dann können wir uns ja scheinbar wirklich endlich auf den Kampf freuen. :)



er kann trainieren wie er will,aber sein Glasskinn kann er nicht trainieren und das wird Lewis zum Verhängniss!!!

Ich hoffe das am 8.Juni gute Ärtze am Stelle sind,denn Lewis braucht wirklich gute Ärtze denn am 8.Juni ist ein schwarzer Tag für ihm!!

Ich hoffe das Lewis diese schwere Ko Niederlage verarbeiten kann für den nächsten Kampf!!


Deutschland, X, X
Der einzige der einen Arzt braucht ist Tyson selber !
Und nicht nur am 8 Juni !!! sondern eine dauerhafte Aufsicht von solch einem.
Ich hoffe ihm wird an dem Tag der ganze Schrott aus dem Schädel gehauen.


Auch Lewis meldet sich zu Wort:

Mike Tyson ist ein arroganter Schwachkopf"

Mike Tyson (l.) und Champion Lennox Lewis (3.v.l.) haben den Taten mehrfach Worte folgen lassen
München - Mike Tyson und Lennox Lewis haben ungefähr so viel für einander übrig, wie die USA und die Sowjetunion zu Zeiten des Kalten Krieges. Verbale Angriffe und Tiefschläge stehen seit Monaten auf der Tagesordnung.

Wenig verwunderlich also, dass Lewis, der amtierende Schwergewichtsweltmeister, so kurz vor dem großen Duell der beiden Streithähne zu einem weiteren Rundumschlag ausholte. So verglich der Brite Tyson mit einer Comic-Figur.

Lewis teilt aus

"Ich nehme ihn nicht für voll", entgegnet der Champion der WBC, IBF und IBO den letzten Äußerungen des Beißers. "So ist Mike. Mehr kann man von ihm nicht erwarten. Er ist ein arroganter Schwachkopf. Und er klingt wie eine dieser Comic-Figuren."

Autsch! Der hat gesessen. Seit Monaten bekriegen sich die beiden Schwergewichte - typisches Boxergehabe vor einem großen Kampf. Schon auf der ersten gemeinsamen Pressekonferenz gingen sich die Streithähne an die Gurgel.

Der Champion hat Hunger

"Ich habe definitiv keine Angst vor Mike Tyson", betont Lewis mit stolzgeschwellter Brust. "Ich bin der Beste, den es gibt." Ob er Recht hat, wird sich am 8. Juni herausstellen, wenn Lewis und Tyson sich im Ring der Pyramid Arena in Memphis gegenüberstehen werden.

"Ich stehe an der Spitze der Nahrungskette und er versucht mich von dort herunterzustoßen", faucht Lewis, der mit einem Kampfrekord von 39 Siegen, davon 30 durch K.O., bei 42 Fights in den Ring steigen wird.

Kommt Tyson ins Schwitzen? Die Äußerungen von Lewis gingen weit unter die Gürtellinie
Steward voller Selbstbewusstsein

Auch sein Trainer Emanuel Steward sieht keinen Grund, warum sich Lewis hinter einem Sandsack verstecken sollte. "Lewis kann Tyson mit einem einzigen Punch K.O. schlagen", versichert der Erfolgscoach.

"Tyson mag vielleicht einige Wirkungstreffer landen. Doch das wird nicht genug sein, um gegen Lennox Stärke anzukommen." Zuletzt gewann Lewis gegen Hasim Rahman durch K.O. in Runde vier, nachdem dieser ihm sieben Monate zuvor überraschend den Titel abgenommen hatte.

"Er wird vor Schock erstarren"

Tyson, der gut einen Kopf kleiner als der Titelverteidiger ist, hat seit Oktober letzten Jahres keinen Kampf mehr bestritten. Damals besiegte er den Dänen Brian Nielsen durch technischen K.O. in der siebten Runde.

Doch mit dem alternden Dänen will sich Lewis nicht vergleichen lassen. "Tyson sollte sich im klaren darüber sein, dass er noch nie einem solchen Boxer wie mir gegenüber gestanden hat", gibt der Brite, der absichtlich mit kleineren Sparringspartnern trainiert zu verstehen. "Er wird vor Schock erstarren."

Keine Frage, diese Runde geht eindeutig an dem amtierenden Champion. Schon anhand seiner Kommentare lässt sich erahnen, wie viel länger Lewis Reichweite ist. Gewonnen hat er trotz allem noch nicht. Allen Worten werden erst in einem Monat Taten folgen.


Ich glaube nicht, dass Tyson mit seinen Sprüchen Lewis mental beeinflussen möchte. Im Gegenteil: Nach meiner Ansicht benützt Tyson die Sprüche eher um sich selbst stark zu reden und unter den nötigen Druck zu setzen. Allerdings: Wenn Tyson die Sprüche mit den Kindern wirklich so geäußert hat, ist er bei mir unten durch. Sein Verhalten konnte ich zwar bisher einigermaßen gut nachvollziehen, aber wenn es um Kinder und Frauen geht, hört der Spaß auf. Seine Äußerungen hierzu gehen zu weit und selbst in der sogenannten „Gosse“ gibt es einige Spielregeln, die Tyson anscheinend vergessen hat. Dass sich die Reporter das gefallen lassen erstaunt mich, ist aber kein Wunder, wenn es schon Boxer ohne Mumm gibt, kann man von Reportern wohl auch nicht mehr als dumme Fragen bzw. Worte erwarten.


Maximo Lider
Original geschrieben von timeout4u
Dass sich die Reporter das gefallen lassen erstaunt mich, ist aber kein Wunder, wenn es schon Boxer ohne Mumm gibt, kann man von Reportern wohl auch nicht mehr als dumme Fragen bzw. Worte erwarten.

Tyson hat ja im gleichen Interview gesagt, dass die Reporter die ihm gegenüber sitzen überhaupt keinen eigenen Stolz besitzen und nur an einer guten Story bzw. Kohle interessiert sind, und es ihnen daher egal ist, ob er sie beleidigt oder bedroht.

Employee #41283

Original geschrieben von Eric

Tyson hat ja im gleichen Interview gesagt, dass die Reporter die ihm gegenüber sitzen überhaupt keinen eigenen Stolz besitzen und nur an einer guten Story bzw. Kohle interessiert sind, und es ihnen daher egal ist, ob er sie beleidigt oder bedroht.

Also, da hat er aber eigentlich Recht, oder???:cool3:


Wo hört sich der Spaß auf, wenn es um Kinder oder Frauen geht. Sind wir froh das keine Feministinnen das BP Forum besuchen, weil das ist ja ansich schon eine Beleidigung gegenüber Frauen.
Tyson zieht halt wieder eine Show ab, ganz normal ist er natürlich nicht, aber ich bin mir todsicher das er sich nicht nur selber Mut zusprechen will, sondern das er Lewis mental fertigmachen will, das "Ich liebe dich" war erst der Anfang.
Lewis ist mental nicht so stark und durch seine sexuelle Orientierung leicht angreifbar, so blöd ist Tyson auch wieder nicht um das nicht auszunutzen.


Tyson gibt keine jugendfreie Interviews. Aber ist das was neues :confused:

An Tyson ist sicher kein Einstein verloren gegangen aber nur weil er sich selten rational verhält heißt das nicht dass er stupid ist.

Ich denke er kennt seine Position in diesem ganzen Kreislauf sehr genau. Er weiß welche Rolle die Medien, Promoter, Geld etc. spielen (siehe zB Eric's Posting).
Grenzen sind für den Mann ein Fremdwort. Er kommt aus den Slums, war HW Champ, war im Gefängnis. Wenn ihm danach ist schimpft er Reporter, was soll groß passieren?

Referee Frank Garza on Mike Tyson! My perception of Mike Tyson is that he vocalizes his emotions. He's a very emotional person. I'm a very emotional person, so I empathize with him. A lot of people misunderstand him because he says exactly what's on his mind at any given time because that's how he feels. He may feel differently five minutes later. If you listen to the words that he says, he likes to play with words. Sometimes what he says has a totally different meaning, or a hidden meaning in what he says. He's definitely not stupid. I find there's a lot of truth to what he says, even if people don't want to hear it. It may be blunt and to the point and, at time crass, but its truthful.

Abschließend ein (langes) Interview von FOX mit Tyson vom 4. Mai.

This is Mike Tyson unedited, on his tumultuous relationships with women, his use of anti-depressants and his upcoming bout for the heavyweight championship of the world. Again, the language and subject matter of this interview are not appropriate for children. Here now, we report on Mike Tyson. You decide.


COSBY: Let's talk about what this fight means to you. Does this mean everything to you, this fight on June 8th?

MIKE TYSON, FORMER BOXING CHAMPION: Well, nothing is everything to me, but this is a fight where me, my trainers, my sparring partners you know what I mean, this is one of those days that we all have to be one.

COSBY: If you win this fight, are you going to treat the title with respect?

TYSON: When I win this fight. When I win this fight.

COSBY: OK, when you win this fight, are you going to treat it with respect? A lot of people said you came so close before and didn't treat it with respect.

TYSON: Respect?

COSBY: Are you going to treat the title with respect?

TYSON: No, the title doesn't deserve to be treated with respect because the title is like a woman, it's like love. It doesn't care for anything around it but itself. It doesn't care who possesses it, it still receives whatever. It receives the same when I possess it, when he possesses it. It's always going to be love. I'm not going to always be love. The title's going to be love until the day it dies, so it doesn't care about me, you. It's like a woman, f*** you, I'm so beautiful I can get the next man with more money, with a better body. He has a prettier way for me to go around.

COSBY: What do you think of Lennox Lewis?

TYSON: Not much.

COSBY: Do you respect him as an athlete?

TYSON: Oh, he's brilliant as an athlete, but I'm the man.

COSBY: He's come out, he says that you were a liar, that you went before the Nevada Athletic commission and didn't tell them that you bit him in the leg. So he came out and said you lied. What do you think of that?

TYSON: Sorry, I did bite him.

COSBY: What do you think of Lewis calling you a liar in public?

TYSON: I've been called worse things but better people than him. It doesn't matter.

COSBY: What drives you in the ring, is it money? Is it the love of the sport? What drives you?

TYSON: Shit, now I don't know. I don't know. I must be some kind of an enigma because I don't even know why I'm around this long doing this stuff. I'm just - part of it's money, part of it's greed, part of it's (inaudible). You know, I'm just -

COSBY: Do you need the money? People say you need the money.

TYSON: Well listen, I don't need the money as bad as some people think, but you know what I mean, I do need the money because that's why it's called money because we all need it. It's our God. It's what we worship and if anybody tells me anything different, they're a liar. If they don't believe that money is important in their worship, don't work, stop working, just live on the street and show me how much God's going to take care of you.

COSBY: What do these statements, these things that you said like I'm going to eat your children and the things in the press rooms, where do they come from? Where does that rage come from?

TYSON: You're so White. Where does that rage come from?

COSBY: Shows a bit, huh?

TYSON: You know but -

COSBY: But, some of these statements, people go, he's just an animal. Are you an animal?

TYSON: Am I an animal? If necessary, it depends on what situation am I in, what situation am I in to be an animal. You're talking - if I'm fighting constantly from being assailed against your cohorts or people in the street because they feel that they have the right to assail me because of what people write in the papers, because of the courts, which is right and which people feel that you're correct and you're right and they feel they have the right to even say what you said because I'm right because she says it.

So that's right you are a f***ing rapist. You are a tree jumper. You are an animal. You are that. And then, know what's so funny because -

COSBY: Did you rape her?

TYSON: No. No. No.

COSBY: Did you rape her? Did you rape her?

TYSON: No. Huh? Did I rape who?

COSBY: Did you rape Desiree Washington?

TYSON: No, Desiree Washington raped me, OK, but the fact is as I was saying before, do not skip he subject. If everybody continues to assail me, what am I to do? How am I to fight?

COSBY: You said you're angelic but you're scum, what do you mean?

TYSON: I say that in the sense when I say, when you're at the bottom of the barrel of life and you know what I mean, I'm as low as any man could ever go, you know what I mean.

COSBY: So how could you be low? You're making millions of dollars.

TYSON: But that makes me low, because how can anybody love you being as rich as I am, having this much money. I'm not the richest man in the world by far, but in my society, having as much money as I have, I've been forced into making a lot of money unconsciously of it, you know what I mean, what it's really worth. But how can somebody truly love a guy like me that has all this money? No, really, really, how could you ever get to know me in spite of everything I possess?

How can you really - who would ever - who would care who I am because of what I possess? Some people would tolerate, you know, how could you truly love me? How could you really get to the essence of me? How can you really get to the essence of a man with millions or somebody like (inaudible) how do you get to his essence, when his essence is only money? How could he - your purpose is only to give him children. He may say he love her, but a man worships money. He loves money. He don't love no woman.

COSBY: But do you let people get to know you? I talked to some of your friends who say you kind of shut them out. Do you let people get to know you?

TYSON: Once they get to know me, what do they do now? What's does familiarity breed? Contempt. Once you get to know me well, you say well Mike ain't really all that. He can't handle this situation. I can handle this and they go he's stupid. I better get some of this and get paid. He don't know how to handle this.

People feel like they want to spend your money. They want to be you, you know what I mean, so why should I let someone get close to me. When they get familiar with me and they're God damn, look at his food. I thought he was this and this girl hurt his heart. He's letting someone piss him off over some tendencies, mad because he hit a cat and he's f***ed up in the head now because he hit a cat or something. So people look at that as weakness, so what people respect, I show them. People respect force. People respect being assertive and that's what I am because they won't respect me for what I truly am.

You can't respect me because me being who I truly am, I'm relaxed. And when I relax, I'm egotistical, you know what I mean. I'm arrogant, so I control those feelings because I know. Even the people that associate with me, I know if I make money, the first thing I have to do for me is give it away. Hey, take some, take some, because that's how I make enemies out of my friends to hoard it all and not share any.

COSBY: But who are you? People who know you say you got ten personalities. You got an angry Mike. You got a good-hearted Mike, who helps kids. Who are you?

TYSON: I don't know. I'm many people, many things. Just like here, I know I'm sure at times you're a lady in the streets and a whore on the sheets, and just so many other things. You're many things. Whether you're a good sister, you're a good aunt, I'm sure, you're a good daughter, but you're many things. You know what I mean, you're a pain in the ass to some people.

COSBY: To a lot of people.

TYSON: Yes, but that's just who all of us are but why is mine such extremes, because I'm less to be on television or be in the paper. So why does mine got to be more. It's not like I have bipolar disorder or personality disorder. It's just that everybody that I admire for some reason or another, I take a piece of them, you know. Maybe Arnold Rothstein (ph), maybe Jack Dempsey, Mickey Rourke, you know what I mean, whoever it may be, Paul Robeson (ph), Joe Gant (ph), Frazier, Ali. I just take a piece of them for certain situations and I handle those situations accordingly, you know what I mean, for a defense mechanism. But you know, I'm just as normal as anybody else.

COSBY: You talk about physical too, are you taking medication? You were taking some before.

TYSON: No, I wasn't taking anything. I was very sick and I won't say I need medication. It wouldn't hurt, you know what I mean, because I'm a real high strung type of guy. But I'm living in a society, you think about it right, 50 or 60 years ago, Hemmingway didn't have whatever that they use, (inaudible) or whatever I was taking, Prozac or whatever the situation. It wasn't actually Prozac, but whatever the drugs was.

COSBY: (Inaudible).

TYSON: Right, so he didn't have that so everybody thought he was a psycho, a racist, a maniac, but he was a mentally sick man, you know.

COSBY: Are you mentally sick?

TYSON: I don't know if I'm mentally sick, but I have sometimes episodes, sometime. I'm a depressant kind of dude. I have episodes and I'm human, but no one cares about my health as a human, you know what I mean because sometimes, I'm in my episodes when I'm at work.

COSBY: Why are you so depressed? People look at you and say you're Mike Tyson, you got it all. You talk about the cars, the money, all that stuff. Have you ever been so depressed you thought about killing yourself?

TYSON: Well, that feeling goes through everyone's mind, I'm sure, and if it doesn't I really must be crazy. Everyone thinks about that because sometimes, you know what I mean, it's just tough being a n****r and it's tough being a bad n****r, you know what I mean.

COSBY: But you're a rich one. You got a lot of stuff. You got a lot of people surrounding you.

TYSON: Can I tell you something? That adds to the depression. That adds to the false sense of security, you know. I got to be around all these - I don't know who loves me. I've been around - I've been in times where I've been around a guy for a long time and I'm trifling at times. I've been around a guy and I portrayed myself to be something I'm not to get what I want, and I'm not like these guys.

Because in my situation when I was younger it was detrimental when I was being kind to somebody, because at the end it was never a pretty sight. But I'm just saying, I don't know man, I have issues just like everybody else. Everybody probably needs, I probably need to talk to somebody, but how could I talk to somebody that just looks at me and says well - and when I'm really getting ready to feel this guy and put my heart out, time's up[. Go pay.

COSBY: So you think it's business?

TYSON: No. No.

COSBY: You think it's business for them? Time's up.

TYSON: No, let me.

COSBY: OK, go ahead.

TYSON: Hold it Mike, I'm sorry, drop the $20 off at the desk and my secretary and make an appointment for me to come back next week.

COSBY: So it's business is what you're saying?

TYSON: Regardless we know that, but I'm ready to pull out my heart with this White mother f***er. He just got me comfortable and I'm thinking he's real and I'm getting ready to - they all, I'm sorry, hold that thought. Go to Mary, pay the $250 and make an appointment for next week and we're going to make some leeways, Mike. I can see that coming.

COSBY: Now do you have friends -

TYSON: No. No. But you listen, you cut that issue.

COSBY: You what?

TYSON: You're asking me questions but it's a big story.

COSBY: But I'm asking you what about friends?

TYSON: No. No. No. It has nothing to do with friends. Right then, I leave that place that was supposed to help me and I leave more f***ed up than I am when I first went in there. Is this a f***ing game? You know what I mean, so I stopped going, you know what I mean, I stopped going. So now they put me on this Zoaf (ph) stuff, right, and I'm so - I'm really, I'm pathetic sometimes and real shallow. I'm so d**k conscious where you know, I'm taking Zoaf and I don't get an erection. I'm just gone then, man, I'm just gone.

I mean it's ruined and rot and then man and then you're talking about I got to still start taking this and I'm an extreme sexual type person. I got to start taking this stuff and it probably is making me feel a little better, but you know, it makes me feel bad because I like, you know, like I'm saying, I'm penis centered and it's just, I don't know. Now that's a big - that's a fight within itself right there and that's not even talking about what I really have to deal with. That's not the real problem, but that turns into it.

But now I got another problem to deal with and the real problem is not even been - it just hasn't been dealt with at all. It hasn't been addressed so to speak, and I say what the f*** do I do? No, really, you don't understand the severity of what I'm dealing with.

COSBY: Right, you're fighting in yourself.

TYSON: Yes, it's just man please. Let me just have a couple of my episodes, and since - if I'm going to be around, let me get all this money. Let me take care of my children. Let me screw as many women as I want. Let me smoke what I want. Let me do what I want. Let me live my life because I'm not going to let these people just tear me apart and the guys try to label me, label me a schizoid, label me a manic depressive, label me a crazy mother f***er. I'm probably more schizoid than I am anything. But if you label me so many things, you drive a mother f***er insane, you know what I mean?

COSBY: Do you think - you talk about you're not going to live long. Do you think you're going to die soon? Do you think you're going to have a short life?

TYSON: Listen, we're born to die. Why are we afraid of death? Death should be a celebration.

COSBY: But you're riding a fast life?


COSBY: Do you think it's going to be a short life?

TYSON: You never know, but if it is boy, my short life has been longer than anybody's. I've lived the life of a 90-year-old that's been around the world every day of his life.

COSBY: Let's talk about something you love. You love kids. I've been talking to your friends the last few days in Maui. You do a lot of good things for kids, why?

TYSON: I don't know. I think I want to have a lot of them. I may have 14. I want to have a lot of kids, yes.

COSBY: You have four now, right?

TYSON: Five.

COSBY: You have five.

TYSON: Yes, five.

COSBY: You have a newborn son, I understand, who is here?


COSBY: From a new woman you're dating in Vegas.

TYSON: Huh? Yes, I don't know. I don't look, you know what I mean, who am I? Look at my life, man I got kids here. I got women here. She's telling me I can't see my kids from her. She's mad because I have somebody else. It's not like she's been a virgin all her life and she's been pure and white, so now I can't have sex with somebody. Let her go have sex with somebody else. Maybe I don't know the whole organization or conglomeration of this legal stuff.

When I saw Michael Jordan, I just gave up. When he cheated on his wife, I said f***, and I ain't ever going to safe with nobody.

COSBY: Because you thought he was the ultimate role model?

TYSON: No. I'm just - I don't know what I thought he was. I just said f*** it, if he can do it, I'm going to do it too, and I've been - not like I wasn't doing it, but I said I'm going to do it even more now, you know what I mean.

COSBY: What kind of role model do you think you are for your kids?

TYSON: For my kids, I just give them the real as it is. I let them know, listen -

COSBY: Do you love your kids?

TYSON: Implicitly, but listen if that means I have to lie to them to protect them, they have to know. Listen baby, I love you, daddy loves you, daddy will die and kill but you're a n****r and the society will treat you like a second-class citizen for the rest of your life. So there are certain things that you must not get upset for, but you must fight.

You must be a fighter for your people. You must not cop out like daddy did, because you got to keep fighting and keep striving, you know what I mean because daddy copped out because daddy stopped wanting to be the socialist that he grew up to be and wanted to be greedy.

I got caught up like everybody. I want to be a capitalist. Being a socialist helping everybody, that's not going to get me to find the bad ass finance chick that I want to f*** or be seen with. That's not going to do this helping people out, no. I got to help her implicitly, her exclusively, you know what I mean. They're selfish. This is a selfish world, you know, love. If they see me up with her, well that's great, but how can I get him to help me exclusively. All that could be with me instead of going to 1,000 people or 100,000 people. How can I get the money of that 2,00 or 20,000 turkeys in my bank account?

I believe if people can't get it themselves and they're not smart enough or they don't have a Machiavellian approach about it, why should they get it. They should starve to death. Nobody should give anybody something. They should work for it. I'm willing to work. I'm willing to use my mind, my evil mind, my manipulative mind.

COSBY: You said evil mind. Do you think you're evil?

TYSON: I don't think I'm evil, but I think I'm capable of being evil like everyone else.

COSBY: You talk about your family. I talked to some people obviously who know you well, and what about your sister Denise who died?

TYSON: What about her?

COSBY: She meant a lot to you, right?

TYSON: Yes, but she's dead. I'll see her soon one day.

COSBY: You think you'll see her soon?

TYSON: One day. We're all going to see - you're going to see whoever died in your family one day too.

COSBY: What did she mean to you? What kind of an influence was she in your life?

TYSON: She was just a good woman that didn't want anything in life and I just wanted the world, you know.

COSBY: What about Camille, your sort of surrogate mom who died?

TYSON: She was just a woman that had been around the world. She's seen everything from guys like me, it's nothing. Camille's been around for 97 years, 98 years. She's seen guys - in her lifetime, she's seen guys like me come and go, loose canons come and go.

COSBY: You meant a lot to her. Were you sad when she died?

TYSON: No, because she lived a magnificent life. She was living great her entire life. She had a great life. I took care of her her whole life. She never paid a bill ever since she knew me, you know what I mean. She was treated like she was even - she was taken care of. She was a young 20-year-old girl being taken care of by a sugar daddy. You know what I mean, she had a great life, and I was glad to be a part of that life, because when I was unfortunate and I was unable to help myself, she helped me and I felt as a return and payback, I should help her until she died.


COSBY: Mike Tyson's sister Denise died in 1990 of a heart attack when she was in her 20s. He was very close to her. His surrogate mother Camille died last year. His biological mother died when he was just 16. When we come back, we'll have Tyson's response to his own comments in the interview that you just saw about the latest biting incident. Stay tuned.


COSBY: As you just heard in our interview, Mike Tyson admitted to biting Lennox Lewis during a press conference in January. Aware that this interview was going to run today, last night Tyson released this statement about the comments that he made to us, saying:

"I said I bit Lennox because that is what everyone wanted to hear. I will say anything to get under his skin. But on June 8, flesh will not be enough. I will take Lennox's title, his soul and smear his pompous brains all over the ring when I hit him."

We have more now of my explosive interview with Mike Tyson. Again, I want to remind you that these are Mike Tyson's own words. Some are explicit and may not be suitable for young people.


COSBY: You're a boxing historian. What kind of legacy do you want to leave behind? You know boxing so well. So many people I don't think realize how smart you are with boxing, current events. You and I talked about all these.

TYSON: Listen, the fact is it doesn't really matter no more. I crossed that line where I don't care anymore. You know, I won't accept - I won't accept introduction in no hall of fame, you know what I mean. I won't accept it because I don't respect those people because they don't respect me. Being in the hall of fame means you have the respect of the society. You should be able to fail. Are these people idiots? Do they see the overt racism and do they see the overt biases that I deal with in my life and no one comes, and I fought it all alone? You know what I mean.

I'm surprised I'm not suicidal, I haven't killed myself, but I wouldn't do that. I prefer to kill someone else than to kill myself.

COSBY: How do you want to be remembered?

TYSON: Just remembered. Just remembered. It's up to people what they think about me.

COSBY: Do you care what people think?

TYSON: No. At one time yes, you know, but hey listen I never won any beauty contests or anything. I never accomplished anything where someone thought about me, you know.

COSBY: Do you care what your kids think about you though?

TYSON: Well, they have no choice. I feed them. You know, I mean I feed them, I clothe them, I take care of them. If I'm Charles Manson they better love me and they will love me because it's just, it's common sense to love your benefactor.

COSBY: Mike, thank you so much.