Mike Tyson - News, Fakten und Gerüchte


Tyson sollte Williams boxen egal was Vitali mit ihm zuvor angerichtet hat,wegstecken kann der Williams genauso viel wie McCline.Ausserdem sollte Tyson nicht alles auf die verletzung schieben,wenn er mit so einer einstellung gegen einen wie McCline antritt kann das böse nach hinten losgehen.Fakt ist er ist nicht mehr der jüngste er sollte sich ernsthafter vorbereiten dann verletzt man sich auch nicht so schnell im gefecht.

Mein wunsch wäre Williams/Moorer/McCline,warum nicht,was sagt ihr dazu?

Jetzt gegen McCline zu boxen,ich weiss nicht? Ich halte viel mehr von McCline als die meisten hier,der könnte Tyson im moment durchaus auf distanz halten.


tyson selbst hat es nicht auf die verletzung geschoben soweit ich weiß! tyson kann zeigen das er besser ist als vitali indem er williams in 3runden auseinandernimmt! das er 6mal zu boden geht und wieder aufsteht! und der 7. soll dann son punch wie gegen botha sein das williams sich am boden rumweltzt und nicht mehr kann!


Wie sieht das denn mit den Antidepressiva aus, die Mike Tyson ja angeblich gegen seine Depressionen nimmt? Bekommt er eine Sondergenehmigung, dass er "unter Drogen" boxen darf? Denn solche Medikamente haben ja schon Auswirkungen auf die Schmerzempfindungen, Aggressivität etc.

Wie wird das gehandhabt, wenn er solche Medikamente nehmen muss?


tullipan schrieb:
Lieber Tobi, Dir ist - aufgrund des grammatikalischen Aufbaus Deiner Feststellung - schon klar, WEN Du hier als "Hosenscheißer" bezeichnest !??? :D


Wieso ist doch vollkommen richtig, wenn einer, dann Tyson!


hinterschmiding / nd.bayern
vbcompany schrieb:
... tyson kann zeigen das er besser ist als vitali indem er williams in 3runden auseinandernimmt! das er 6mal zu boden geht und wieder aufsteht! und der 7. soll dann son punch wie gegen botha sein das williams sich am boden rumweltzt und nicht mehr kann!
:ricardo: Meine Nominierung für den Grimme-Preis 2005 ! :thumb:

:crazy: Gruuuß


uhlan schrieb:
Hi Jisi,

jetzt versteh' ich Dein Statement auch nicht mehr.
Ist der Hosenscheißer jetzt Weichimir oder Iron-Mike???



Der Hosenscheißer (Entschuldigung, ist normal nicht meine Wortwahl) ist Iron-Mike, denn

Zitat von Tobi.G
Ich denke auch wenn Wladimir dem Tyson gegenübersteht *******t der sich erstma in die Hose!

Zitat von Tullipan
Lieber Tobi, Dir ist - aufgrund des grammatikalischen Aufbaus Deiner Feststellung - schon klar, WEN Du hier als "Hosenscheißer" bezeichnest !???

eine vollkommen richtige Feststellung, denn nach der Grammatik der deutschen Sprache, bezieht sich "der" grammatikalisch nunmal auf Tyson.


Dann habe ich mich halt falsch ausgedrückt! Ich meinte natürlich dass Wladimir sich in die Hose *******t!!


@Tobi und @Jisi

Danke für die Aufklärung! Jetzt habe ich das auch verstanden und darf meine volle Zustimmung verkünden. (Natürlich nicht im Bezug auf die Grammatik!!!)




Naja, finde Buddy McGirt als Trainer nicht so gut wie Freddie Roach.. Denke dass Roach eindeutig mehr aus Tyson rauskitzeln kann als McGirt..
Er hätte bei Roach bleiben sollen, vorrausgesetzt er wollte ihn noch trainieren..


NEO schrieb:
Naja, finde Buddy McGirt als Trainer nicht so gut wie Freddie Roach.. Denke dass Roach eindeutig mehr aus Tyson rauskitzeln kann als McGirt..
Er hätte bei Roach bleiben sollen, vorrausgesetzt er wollte ihn noch trainieren..

Woraus schließt du , daß Mc Girt nicht so gut wie Roach ist? Ich kenne Mc Girt nicht , aber Roach hat auf mich auch immer nen guten Eindruck gemacht.


Devil schrieb:
Ich gebe ja zu , daß ich mir auch nicht ganz sicher bin , daß Tyson gewinnen würde. Aber ich halte es für wahrscheinlich. Jedenfalls wäre das ja ne sehr interessante Paarung. Aber glaubst du , daß Weichimir diesen Blick überlebt: :saint:


ganz ehrlich nicht ich hab mal gelesen das tyson wen er einen gegner niederschlägt die noch 2 sekunden oder so anguckt und ich sehe immer die gucken ihn dann auch an die gegner kriegen dadurch schiss! und wenn er weichimir so angucken würde würde der glaube ich nen herzinfakt bekommen. vor dem kampf macht er das glaube ich auch und viele wollen seinen blicken ausweichen!


McGirt: Tyson training hard!

Saturday, January 15 2005

By Lisa Scott

Mike Tyson is back in the gym, working out three times a day in Vero Beach, Florida. "We've been working together all this week," world class trainer Buddy McGirt told Fightnews. "Mike is going to take Saturday and Sunday off and we go back to the gym again on Monday." McGirt said he doesn't know who Tyson is planning to fight next, but it doesn't make a difference. "There's no one out there who can beat him. I know that. When his mind is right, there's no stopping Mike. Right now, he's got the right attitude. And, with that attitude... all I can say is that I'm glad that I'm in his corner!" (More)

:jubel: :jubel: :jubel: :jubel: :jubel: :jubel: :jubel: :jubel: :jubel: :jubel:



"There's no one out there who can beat him. I know that" :rolleyes:

Ich will dir die Freude nicht nehmen , aber ich bin da etwas skeptisch. :belehr:


vbcompany schrieb:
ja das soll ja auch motivation sein! wenn er depressiv ist brauch er das! aber wenn er hart trainiert...

Vor dem letzten Kampf hat er angeblich auch sehr hart trainiert. Bleibt nur zu hoffen , daß er wirklich verletzt war. Ansonsten würde ich sagen , daß es keinen Sinn mehr macht.


Hier ist nochmal ein ausführliches Interview mit MCGird!
Checkt das aus!

McGirt: Tyson training hard!

January 15, 2005

By Lisa Scott

'Iron' Mike Tyson has the best curve ball in the sport of boxing. Weeks after telling the press that he no longer has an interest in fighting and that he may never step foot in the ring again, the former two-time heavyweight champ has hired James 'Buddy' McGirt to train him and has spent the week at McGirt's gym in Vero Beach - all amid rumors and statements from the legendary Roberto Duran that he was pegged to take over the role as Tyson's new trainer.
Initially, the 38 year old Tyson sought McGirt's services prior to his fight with Clifford Etienne in 2003. When McGirt declined, the highly respected Freddie Roach was brought in for Tyson's fights with Etienne and then Danny Williams last July.

Fightnews spoke to McGirt.

Are you now officially Mike Tyson's new trainer?
Yep. We've been working together all this week. Mike is going to take Saturday and Sunday off and we go back to the gym again on Monday. Let me tell ya, working with Mike has been really exciting for me AND it's a great learning experience. It's made me realize that every coach has their masterpiece... and Mike Tyson is Cus D'Amato's masterpiece. What Cus taught him... what Cus did with him... is truly amazing. I don't think Cus could have gotten the same results with of any other fighter. I always thought Cus' system was all about the peek-a-boo style. But it's not. It's about positioning yourself to throw punches... and Mike does it VERY well. Mike is extremely gifted and it's incredible to watch him. The other day Mike and I were walking down the street and I told him 'Man, you know... you're Cus D'Amato's masterpiece!' Mike agreed with me, and told me that Cus told him that he's one fighter that he never would have to protect.

What is your game plan for training Mike?
At this point in time, you can't have Mike try anything different. You have to get him back to what he used to do and what he knows best. There's no other way. The important thing now, is that Mike understands that.

What is you opinion on Mike's last fight with Danny Williams?
If Mike didn't injure his knee, I think he would have knocked Williams out. Once his knee went... that was it. Anyone could see that Mike injured his knee, because he grabbed it the minute it happened. Williams knew he had a hurt man in front of him and he took advantage of it.

How has Mike's knee been holding up during your training with him?
So far... his knee is looking good. He's been working out and it hasn't been giving him any problems.

What is Mike's training regimen like?
He's been working out three times a day! He does his running, conditioning and then boxing. But every day is different. He switches up and changes his routine around. But the important thing is that he is training. In the gym, he's working on trying to do the things he used to do, and to go back to the style that he used to have. He wants to get away from relying on one punch. He's focusing on a lot on combinations.

Do you feel that Mike has a renewed interest in fighting? Does he seem to enjoy or look forward to his training?
Yes. Absolutely! I can tell just by the way he talks and the things he works on in the gym. For instance, he'll keep working on something until we both feel that it's right. If I tell him his balance is off, he'll keep working until his balance isn't off. In other words, he'll keep doing something until he gets it done the right way. It's interesting, but most importantly... it's a lot of fun.

Mike has long been the object of much scuttlebutt. Yet a few months ago, a vicious rumor was purposely circulated that he was 'depressed' and involving himself heavily with 'cocaine.' In your time with Mike, has his persona or athletic performance indicated as such?
Not at all. Seeing the way that Mike has been working in the gym, the interest that he's been showing and all the running that he's been doing, it's hard for me to believe that he was doing all that stuff. People will always talk about other people, no matter what. Especially about Mike. If people don't know what he's doing, they'll take something small and make something big out of it.

I'm hearing that Mike's entourage consists of only himself. There are no more hangers-on and he's re-dedicated himself. Is this true?
Absolutely true. And... there's no music in the gym while he's training either! Mike was down here doing roadwork on his own. When he came to me (last weekend), he told me what he wanted to do. I told him: 'I'm here baby, when you're ready... let me know!' The next morning at 6:30, my phone rings. It's Mike. He tells me: 'Lets Go!' I said: 'I'll see you at the gym in a few minutes!' Ever since that day, I've been waking up at 4:30 and 5:00 o'clock in the morning... just so I'm ready to go to the gym! (Laughing).

You have a huge stable of fighters and many have upcoming bouts, namely Arturo Gatti. How is it going with Tyson now in the mix?
In the times that Mike has decided to do his gym work in the afternoons, he'll work out a little bit and leave when he sees Arturo (or others) getting ready to train. He'll say 'Buddy, I'll be back when they're done.' And... Mike comes back! I don't have to look for him or nothing! Mike is good friends with Arturo and he knows that Arturo has a big fight coming up.

In 2003, Mike asked you to train him for his fight against Clifford Etienne but you declined. What were the circumstances behind your decision to instead train Clifford?
I had just made a commitment to Clifford. Then, the next day Mike called me. I couldn't break my word to Clifford. But after that fight, Mike told me that he understood why I did what I did and that he respected me for it. It was the first thing he said when he hugged me right after the fight. Now, when Clifford and Mike see each other in the gym, they joke around with each other about that fight.

You've known Mike since his amateur days. What did you think when you first saw him fight?
The first time I saw Mike fight was in 1983 at Grossingers. He was sparring with Frank Bruno. He was 16 years old and kicking the shit out of Frank! I thought: 'This guy is a KILLER!' Kevin Rooney put him in there with no head gear... well, it was a little head gear , but it looked like NO head gear to me! Mike was 16 years old and ran Frank Bruno right out of the ring! I thought 'DAMN!' Then, Al Certo leaned over to me and said 'You're looking at the next greatest heavyweight champion.' Then in 1985 or 1986, we fought on the same card together.

Any word on when Tyson will be fighting next?
I don't know. I haven't heard anything. I'm just waitin'... that's it.

What is your 'wish list' of opponents for Tyson? Who would you like to see him fight and in what order?
Honestly? It really doesn't make a difference. There's no one out there who can beat him. I know that! When his mind is right, there's no stopping Mike. Right now, he's got the right attitude. And, with that attitude... all I can say is that I'm glad that I'm in his corner!