NBA-Draft 2010


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Chicago roundup and news at No. 2

Chad Ford schrieb:
Wall vs. Turner, One-on-One

Despite the fact Turner had the better season, I still can't find a GM who believes that the Washington Wizards should, or will, take Turner over Wall. [...] a Wizards source at the camp acknowledged to me privately that the team will take Wall barring any unforeseen complications with his physical.


Will the Sixers trade No. 2?

After talking to a number of teams in Chicago, I'm no longer convinced that Turner is a lock for the No. 2 spot.

There are a couple of things to factor in here. The first is that Turner isn't a perfect fit for the Sixers. While they could easily fix that by trading Andre Iguodala, the Sixers weren't blown away by the offers they got in February and don't think they'll see substantially better offers for Iguodala over the next month.

You can bet that new head coach Doug Collins is going for the "win now" approach and would like to use the pick to fill a need with an NBA-ready player or trade the pick to a team willing to offer a veteran who can contribute right away.

You can expect teams like the Minnesota Timberwolves, Detroit Pistons and Indiana Pacers, in particular, to make a strong push to get a deal done with Philly. As I wrote on Friday, the Sixers have been telling teams that they'll have to take back the remaining three years, $50 million of Elton Brand's contract to make it happen. But I wouldn't be surprised if the Sixers softened their stance by the draft. I don't see any team willing to take on Brand's contract at this point.

More measurement movement

Georgia Tech's Derrick Favors also got a boost from the measurements. He's a legit 6-foot-10, has a 7-2 wingspan and a 9-2 standing reach. Those numbers are actually very close to Dwight Howard and better than the Atlanta Hawks' Al Horford. If Favors projects as a center in the NBA, he too could get some strong consideration with the No. 2 pick.

"Favors doesn't have the offensive game that DeMarcus Cousins has," another GM told me. "But he's a better athlete, a better defender and when the two of them met head-to-head in high school, Favors kicked Cousins' butt. Had he got going earlier at Georgia Tech, he could've been, probably should've been, the No. 1 pick."

Another big man who got a little bump from the measurements was Georgetown's Greg Monroe. Monroe measured 6-11 in shoes with a 7-2 wingspan. That's plenty big to play center in the NBA and will likely temper some of the concerns about his lack of elite athleticism.

A pair of question marks

Whiteside is the draft's biggest "high risk/high reward" player. [...] He's been compared to everyone from Marcus Camby to Tyrus Thomas. Teams are looking at him as high as No. 6 but many teams believe he could drop into the mid-to-late first round depending on workouts and interviews.

A number of teams reported to me that their interviews with Whiteside were rocky. I can understand why. In the 15 minutes or so I spent with him one-on-one he projected a confidence that bordered on naïve arrogance. He compared himself to everyone from Dwight Howard to Hakeem Olajuwon

Day 2 dominators

Tiny Gallon looked much better in Day 2. Not only did he have a little more stamina, but when it came to more physical play in the paint, he dominated the other big men in the gym. Gallon has a lot of buzz right now.

Damion James also benefitted from the more physical play of Day 2. He's not going to be a great drills guy, but when the game is being played, he looks great.

Avery Bradley and Eric Bledsoe were both helped by two straight days of great shooting and hustle. I would love to see those two go at it in workouts. Their first one together is scheduled for Indiana in early June. If one really shines, he could convince the Pacers, who are in desperate need of a point guard, to grab him at No. 10.

Finally, Mississippi's Terrico White shot the lights out on both days and showed the type of handle that had some scouts calling him a point guard earlier in the year. I know the New Jersey Nets and Memphis Grizzlies both like him in late in the first round.

Philly's Finest

Chad Fraud sollte man das Schreiben verbieten. Die Punkte, die hier aufgezählt wurden (von Turner, "win now approach" bis hin zu Brand), wurden alle bei der Einführungspressekonferenz von Collins widerlegt. Mit etwas Common Sense sollte man auch die Logik seiner "Aussagen" hinterfragen, da "win right away" und Brand-Trade samt Pick für Flexibilität im kompletten Widerspruch zueinander stehen. Dazu würde Stefanski sich sein eigenes Grab schaufeln, wenn er Brand, den er verpflichtet hat, in Kombination mit dem Draftpick verramscht.


Chad Ford schrieb:
You can bet that new head coach Doug Collins is going for the "win now" approach and would like to use the pick to fill a need with an NBA-ready player or trade the pick to a team willing to offer a veteran who can contribute right away. [...] the Sixers have been telling teams that they'll have to take back the remaining three years, $50 million of Elton Brand's contract to make it happen. But I wouldn't be surprised if the Sixers softened their stance by the draft. I don't see any team willing to take on Brand's contract at this point.

Mit der Argumentation komme ich irgendwie überhaupt nicht zurecht. Wenn man wirklich im Win Now wäre und #2 verschifft, wieso muss dann Elton Brand, der in einem Chaos-Jahr 13/6 aufgelegt hat und dabei regelmäßig im vierten Viertel gebenched wurde, der auf der 4 verhältnismäßig gut verteidigen kann (und Collins da einen Schwerpunkt gelegt hat), und für den kein vernünftiger Spielzug gelaufen wurde, als gestandener Veteran mitverschickt werden, um einen anderen Veteranen zurückzuerhalten?
Was muss dieses Paket denn beinhalten, damit die Sixers nach dem Trade wirklich stärker dastehen? Einen Starting PF, der 1. Option sein kann?

Ich weiß ja, dass der Brand-Vertrag so unglaublich böse ist, aber den Deal, der das Team spielerisch besser dastehen lässt als mit #2 und Brand (man ist ja im win now), will ich sehen.

Edit: Phillys Finest war schneller, sehe ich genau so.


Chad Fraud sollte man das Schreiben verbieten. Die Punkte, die hier aufgezählt wurden (von Turner, "win now approach" bis hin zu Brand), wurden alle bei der Einführungspressekonferenz von Collins widerlegt.
Ford äußerte sich dazu in seinem letzten Chat:

Chad Ford schrieb:
ALL coaches want to win now. But older ones have even less patience in the rebuilding process. I'm not sure Doug is ready to be patient regardless of what he said in his press conference. We saw how well he developed Kwame Brown and Richard Hamilton in Washington. I think that's why you have to give a lot of creedence to the idea that the Sixers may trade the No. 2 pick.


Value vs. need for top five picks

David Thorpe schrieb:
let's look at the lottery from two perspectives -- need and value.

No. 1 Washington Wizards

Need: The Wiz need help everywhere. Their best player is Gilbert Arenas, but he'll be on the trading block every day for the rest of his contract, so there's no worry about his meshing with whomever Washington takes. And that person pretty simply has to be the best player from this class over the next five-plus years, not the best guy today. [...]

Value: The best prospect in this class, when character, maturity and talent are all mixed in, is clearly John Wall. If DeMarcus Cousins had Wall's head and polish, he'd be in the mix here. But Cousins showed up fat in Chicago, clinching the deal for Wall.

No. 2 Philadelphia 76ers

Need: The Sixers [...] have to love Jrue Holiday as a building block at a vital position -- point guard. The rest of the roster is muddled. Andre Iguodala is the best player, but just an average shooter; Elton Brand isn't living up to his contract; and Thaddeus Young is trapped between the two forward positions. Based on need, the Sixers should grab Cousins, Derrick Favors or Evan Turner, in that order.

Value: [...] Turner is the most NBA-ready player in the class, and his versatility would help him fit on this team (and pretty much every other). But there is a fair concern that he's too similar to Iggy as an all-around talent but not a shooting threat. That said, a trio of Iguodala, Holiday and Turner would excel defensively and could lead a fast team (especially with Young and Marreese Speights up front). There's actually a stronger argument for Favors. He's just 18, and in time, experts think he could end up being the second-best player in this class. Turner might help Philly win more games immediately, but a Sixers team featuring Holiday and Favors will almost assuredly end up with a top-five pick against next season. Much in the way Oklahoma City built its roster with additional lottery picks, I like the way the point guard/post combo sets up Philly's future by grabbing Favors here. Cousins, though, is the top value pick, as the best available player with the brightest upside, if he can be mentored.

No. 3 New Jersey Nets

Need: [...] this team still could use talent anywhere, but whomever the Nets get at No. 3 can't expect to start right away. Based on need, I'd suggest that Favors is the slight favorite.

Value: Either Turner or Favors will be here. Chad has the Nets grabbing Favors, and he'll have every opportunity to start alongside Lopez [...] I like Turner here better because he'll be ready to play right away [...] With Turner, and almost any solid free agent, the Nets should be the league's most improved team.

No. 4 Minnesota Timberwolves

Need: The Wolves have three main holes to fill: They need an organizing force at point guard, a wing scorer and some help in the paint defensively. [...] The Wolves would love Turner, who's a perfect match for Brewer, but they would settle for Wesley Johnson.

Value: Chad is going with Johnson currently, but I don't love his upside or his long-term prospects here. [...] Johnson would be an excellent backup, but that's a high price to pay for the No. 4 pick. Al-Farouq Aminu gets into the equation, as his ability to score around the basket gets utilized well in the triangle. His upside suggests more value here, so he'll have his chances at this spot.

No. 5 Sacramento Kings

Need: [...] their most pressing need is a front-line scorer who can help shore up a very bad defensive team. [...] Cousins is the perfect fit here. He's what they need on offense and the boards.

Value: Getting Cousins at No. 5, as Chad currently predicts, looks like it's a can't-miss proposition for the Kings. [...] The Kings are well aware of the red flags surrounding Cousins, and might look at Aminu to shore up their small forward spot. [...] Both guys have the upside to make them value picks at this spot, but Cousins gets a big edge in that department. It's possible that he could be a Day 1 starter and be the second consecutive ROY in Sacramento.


Chad Ford schrieb:
ALL coaches want to win now. But older ones have even less patience in the rebuilding process. I'm not sure Doug is ready to be patient regardless of what he said in his press conference. We saw how well he developed Kwame Brown and Richard Hamilton in Washington. I think that's why you have to give a lot of creedence to the idea that the Sixers may trade the No. 2 pick.

Das verstehe ich. #2 gegen Veteran, darüber kann man reden, vor allem wenn man auf die Ausführungen von David Thorpe schaut, der die Probleme der Sixers mittelfristig aufzeigt: Iggy, Turner (ich würde auch Young mit hineinnehmen) haben dieselben Stärken und Schwächen, zudem erwartet niemand von Turner eine Multiple-All-Star-Karriere.
Dazu will man Turner nicht entwickeln. Verstehe ich alles. Nur, wieso soll Elton Brand in diesen Deal? Klar, er hat einen zu hohen Vertrag für das, was er aufs Parkett bringt, aber er IST ein Veteran und er kann diesem Team sofort helfen.

David Thorpe schrieb:
No. 4 Minnesota Timberwolves

Need: The Wolves have three main holes to fill: They need an organizing force at point guard, a wing scorer and some help in the paint defensively.

Value: Chad is going with Johnson currently, but I don't love his upside or his long-term prospects here. [...] Johnson would be an excellent backup, but that's a high price to pay for the No. 4 pick. Al-Farouq Aminu gets into the equation, as his ability to score around the basket gets utilized well in the triangle. His upside suggests more value here, so he'll have his chances at this spot.

Das kann ich auch nicht nachvollziehen. Wenn an 1-3 Wall, Turner und Favors weggehen, dann ist doch gerade DeMarcus Cousins der Kandidat für die Wolves, oder nicht? Die Wolves könnten Al Jefferson (ihren einzigen großen Vertrag) entweder anbieten oder auch zeitweilig auf die 4 schieben und dann mit der Rotation Love/Jefferson/Cousins ähnlich wie Odom/Gasol/Bynum agieren. Warum sie dann unbedingt Wes Johnson für den Flügel ziehen sollten, verstehe ich nicht. Die Wolves brauchen einen potentiellen Star in der Draft, über die Free Agency bekommen sie eh nichts. Warum dann nicht mit Cousins denjenigen nehmen, den Thorpe dann mittelfristig (mit dem richtigen Mentoring) als #2 in der Draftclass sieht?


Meiner Meinung nach fällt der Draft mit Wesley Johnson zum ersten Mal richtig ab. Turner an 2 - wenn es denn so kommt - ist bereits ein Pick, der auf sofortiger Leistung beruht und weniger mit Upside zu tun hat. Wall an 1 sowie Cousins und Favors in den Top-5 gehören bei ihrem Talent alle auch da hin, aber Johnson?

Ich habe meine Zweifel. Johnson wird kurz nach dem Draft 23 Jahre alt werden, was für einen Rookie schon sehr alt ist. Außerdem musste er als transfer student ein Jahr aussetzen. Er hat eine starke Saison bei Syracuse hinter sich, gerade was die Wurfquoten betrifft, doch wenn man sie mit seiner Zeit bei Iowa State vergleicht, könnte sie sich als "fluke year" herausstellen und sein normales Leistungsniveau deutlich darunter liegen.

Johnson erinnert mich in seiner Vielseitigkeit an Danny Granger, als der bei New Mexico spielte, und ich glaube auch, dass er das Zeug zu einem guten Rollenspieler, vielleicht sogar zur dritten Option eines Playoff-Teams hat. Dennoch besteht für mich kein Zweifel, dass er im Draft hinter Cousins gehört, vielleicht auch hinter Aminu und Ed Davis. Ein Platz um Position 10 herum erscheint mir eher angebracht als die Top-5, wo er derzeit erwartet wird.

Chad Ford's Mock Draft, Version 3.0

Chad Ford schrieb:
This week a number of players expected to be drafted in the middle of the first round or sitting on the first-round bubble are competing in Minnesota in group workouts. From there, NBA teams will start their individual workouts in earnest.

Mock Draft 3.0

1. Washington - John Wall, Kentucky
2. Philadelphia - Derrick Favors, Georgia Tech

I've heard various sources make pretty forceful arguments that three different players are second on the 76ers' board: Evan Turner, DeMarcus Cousins and Derrick Favors. [...] from what I can gather, Favors has the lead if the Sixers decide to keep the pick.

3. New Jersey - Evan Turner, Ohio State

The team also is high on Syracuse forward Wesley Johnson. I'm told he's in the mix at the No. 3 spot, as well.

4. Minnesota - Wesley Johnson, Syracuse

The Wolves are exploring possibilities of moving up in the draft. Evan Turner is their target and they have the assets to make a deal with either Philly or New Jersey. If they keep the pick, Johnson seems like a terrific fit. [...] Some believe he's the next Shawn Marion.

5. Sacramento - Al-Farouq Aminu, Wake Forest

Cousins could make some sense here, but for now the word (albeit a shaky one) has Aminu in the lead.

6. Golden State - DeMarcus Cousins, Kentucky

Cousins has been compared to everyone from Shaq to Zach Randolph, but [...] could he be the next Moses Malone?

7. Detroit - Ed Davis, North Carolina

the Pistons are taking a big man. If they stay at No. 7, Davis makes some sense. [...] Greg Monroe and Ekpe Udoh are other possibilities here. Apparently Cole Aldrich really isn't in the mix here.

8. Los Angeles Clippers - Gordon Hayward, Butler

The latest tip to come out of Chicago pointed in the direction of Hayward. [...] Ekpe Udoh is also a real possibility here, as is Xavier Henry.

9. Utah (via New York) - Greg Monroe, Georgetown

He's not super-athletic, but he's the most skilled big guy in the draft [...] But don't ignore a coming challenge by Gordon Hayward.

10. Indiana - Avery Bradley, Texas

more and more scouts and GMs believe he could be this year's Russell Westbrook. Ekpe Udoh, Cole Aldrich, Xavier Henry and Gordon Hayward are also possibilities here

11. New Orleans - Cole Aldrich, Kansas

Aldrich could go as high as No. 5. I don't think he slides further than this.

12. Memphis - Luke Babbitt, Nevada

sources say the Grizzlies have locked in early on Babbitt -- and they're concerned he won't be there when they pick again at No. 25.

13. Toronto - Daniel Orton, Kentucky

Ekpe Udoh, Hassan Whiteside and Solomon Alabi will also get long looks here.

14. Houston - Ekpe Udoh, Baylor

Patrick Patterson and Hassan Whiteside are other possibilities here.

15. Milwaukee (via Chicago) - Xavier Henry, Kansas
16. Minnesota (via Charlotte) - Paul George, Fresno State
17. Chicago (via Milwaukee) - James Anderson, Oklahoma State
18. Miami - Eric Bledsoe, Kentucky
19. Boston - Solomon Alabi, Florida State
20. San Antonio - Damion James, Texas
21. Oklahoma City - Donatas Motiejunas, Lithuania
22. Portland - Patrick Patterson, Kentucky
23. Minnesota (via Utah) - Kevin Seraphin, France
24. Atlanta - Hassan Whiteside, Marshall
25. Memphis (via Denver) - Larry Sanders, Va. Commonwealth
26. Oklahoma City (via Phoenix) - Craig Brackins, Iowa State
27. New Jersey (via Dallas) - Keith Gallon, Oklahoma
28. Memphis (via L.A. Lakers) - Quincy Pondexter, Washington
29. Orlando - Willie Warren, Oklahoma
30. Washington (via Cleveland) - Jarvis Varnado, Mississippi State

Next Five In:Terrico White, G, Mississippi; Devin Ebanks, F, West Virginia; Stanley Robinson, F, UConn, Jordan Crawford, G, Xavier; Elliot Williams, G, Memphis
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Chad Ford schrieb:
3. New Jersey - Evan Turner, Ohio State

The team also is high on Syracuse forward Wesley Johnson. I'm told he's in the mix at the No. 3 spot, as well.

4. Minnesota - Wesley Johnson, Syracuse

The Wolves are exploring possibilities of moving up in the draft. Evan Turner is their target and they have the assets to make a deal with either Philly or New Jersey. If they keep the pick, Johnson seems like a terrific fit. [...] Some believe he's the next Shawn Marion.

Wow. Wes Johnson jetzt schon im Gespräch an #3? Wow. Ich dachte - vor dem Minnesota-Kommentar -, dass ich ihn vielleicht einfach ziemlich unterschätzt habe. Ich habe ja keine Workouts gesehen. Aber dann sagt Ford, dass er der nächste Shawn Marion werden KÖNNTE? Und für nen Roleplayer lässt man Cousins oder Turner liegen? Wow.


Meiner Meinung nach fällt der Draft mit Wesley Johnson zum ersten Mal richtig ab. Turner an 2 - wenn es denn so kommt - ist bereits ein Pick, der auf sofortiger Leistung beruht und weniger mit Upside zu tun hat. Wall an 1 sowie Cousins und Favors in den Top-5 gehören bei ihrem Talent alle auch da hin, aber Johnson?

Ich habe meine Zweifel. Johnson wird kurz nach dem Draft 23 Jahre alt werden, was für einen Rookie schon sehr alt ist. Außerdem musste er als transfer student ein Jahr aussetzen. Er hat eine starke Saison bei Syracuse hinter sich, gerade was die Wurfquoten betrifft, doch wenn man sie mit seiner Zeit bei Iowa State vergleicht, könnte sie sich als "fluke year" herausstellen und sein normales Leistungsniveau deutlich darunter liegen.

Johnson erinnert mich in seiner Vielseitigkeit an Danny Granger, als der bei New Mexico spielte, und ich glaube auch, dass er das Zeug zu einem guten Rollenspieler, vielleicht sogar zur dritten Option eines Playoff-Teams hat. Dennoch besteht für mich kein Zweifel, dass er im Draft hinter Cousins gehört, vielleicht auch hinter Aminu und Ed Davis. Ein Platz um Position 10 herum erscheint mir eher angebracht als die Top-5, wo er derzeit erwartet wird.

Chad Ford's Mock Draft, Version 3.0

Thx für den Mock Draft :thumb:

Der Draft wird wohl so richtig erst mit den 76ers starten.
Bei den Kader hab ich kein Plan, wen die nehmen.


NBA draft measurables
Chad Ford schrieb:
Player - No step vert - Max vert - Bench press (185 lbs) - Lane agility - 3/4 court sprint
Solomon Alabi 22.5 26.0 10 13.2 3.7
Cole Aldrich 23.0 28.0 10 11.48 3.35
Al-Farouq Aminu 27.0 33.5 13 11.3 3.3
James Anderson 30.0 35.5 14 11.9 3.2
Luke Babbitt 29.5 37.5 15 11.0 3.4
Eric Bledsoe NA NA 9 NA NA
Trevor Booker 31.0 36.0 22 11.2 3.1
Craig Brackins 26.0 35.0 6 11.7 3.4
Avery Bradley 31.5 37.5 2 11.5 3.1
Derrick Caracter 25.0 30.5 22 12.8 3.6
Sherron Collins 27.5 33.0 NA 12.3 3.2
DeMarcus Cousins 23.5 27.5 NA 11.4 3.5
Jordan Crawford 31.5 34.5 7 11.0 3.4
Ed Davis 31.0 36.0 NA 11.7 3.2
Devin Ebanks 23.5 32.0 6 11.7 3.4
Derrick Favors 31.5 35.5 14 11.7 3.3
Keith Gallon 23.5 28.5 14 13.4 3.7
Charles Garcia 24.5 30.5 2 11.7 3.2
Paul George NA NA 4 NA NA
Luke Harangody 24.0 28.5 23 11.8 3.4
Manny Harris NA NA 11 NA NA
Lazar Hayward 31.0 36.0 15 10.9 3.3
Gordon Hayward 30.5 34.5 10 11.7 3.2
Xavier Henry 28.5 36.5 8 11.1 3.2
Darington Hobson 29.0 34.0 NA 11.7 3.3
Damion James 29.0 33.0 13 10.9 3.2
Armon Johnson 31.5 38.5 18 11.3 3.2
Wesley Johnson 32.0 37.0 16 11.4 3.1
Dominique Jones 26.0 32.5 19 10.9 3.3
Jerome Jordan NA NA NA NA NA
Sylven Landesberg 28.0 32.0 8 11.6 3.4
Gani Lawal 27.0 31.5 20 11.6 3.2
Greg Monroe 25.0 29.0 15 12.1 3.4
Daniel Orton 24.0 30.5 13 12.3 3.4
Artsiom Parakhouski 25.5 26.5 16 12.1 3.3
Patrick Patterson 28.5 33.5 17 11.1 3.3
Dexter Pittman NA NA NA NA NA
Andy Rautins 23.5 30.5 8 11.3 3.5
Ryan Richards 25.0 28.5 4 11.3 3.4
Stanley Robinson NA 37.5 6 11.7 3.2
Larry Sanders 25.5 28.0 7 12.5 3.3
Jon Scheyer NA NA NA NA NA
Lance Stephenson 27.0 33.0 10 11.4 3.4
Mikhail Torrance 23.0 32.0 8 11.4 3.2
Evan Turner 27.5 34.5 9 11.0 3.3
Ekpe Udoh 31.0 33.5 10 11.2 3.3
Jarvis Varnado 29.5 32.5 3 11.6 3.4
Greivis Vasquez NA NA NA NA NA
John Wall 30.0 39.0 NA 10.8 3.1
Willie Warren 23.0 31.5 10 11.2 3.5
Terrico White 31.0 40.0 10 11.4 3.2
Hassan Whiteside 27.0 31.5 12 11.8 3.5


the big winner here is John Wall, who tested off the charts in just about every category but the lane agility drill. [...] If the NBA had kept a composite score, Wall would've won. His numbers are very close to the player he's compared to the most, Derrick Rose. [...]

Evan Turner's numbers were [...] Not exactly blazing, but not too shabby either. As far as guards go, his numbers are very close to John Salmons' in 2002 and Daequan Cook's in 2007.

Derrick Favors' numbers are [...] just slightly lower than those of Dwight Howard (same vert) and slightly above those of Al Horford and Amare Stoudemire.

Wesley Johnson came out looking good as well. [...] His numbers are pretty close to the Sixers' Thaddeus Young.

Luke Babbitt [...] blew away a few GMs I spoke with. The thinking was that he had poor lateral quickness. This measurement disputes that. We've had him No. 12 on our Mock Draft for two straight weeks. We might have him too low. [...]

And don't forget Clemson's Trevor Booker. For a big man, he posted, across the board, the best scores in the camp. The Jason Maxiell comparisons just won't go away. [...]

Of all the big men, Solomon Alabi was hit the hardest. But there's a caveat with Alabi: He's coming off a recent ankle injury and was just cleared to play right before the draft combine. That likely contributed to his poor scores.

Among the guards, Willie Warren and Sherron Collins didn't fare particularly well. Warren posted a weak 31.5-inch vertical (he's also coming off an injury) and Collins notched just a 12.78-second lane agility score. Ouch.
Die Resultate früherer Rookies gibt es hier.


Warum steht bei Cousins in der Rubrik "Bench press (185 lbs.)" NA? Hat er es nicht versucht oder nicht geschafft? panik: Letzteres kann ich mir kaum vorstellen...


Pittman war längst weg. Er reiste ab, nachdem sein Bruder erschossen worden war.

Zu Cousins gibt es Gerüchte, aber noch nichts Definitives. Er soll auf das Bankdrücken verzichtet haben, weil sein Agent es ihm geraten habe. Der Satz "I don't lift weights!" macht in den Foren die Runde. Chad Ford hat es bislang auch nicht aufgeklärt, sondern nur die Bedeutung des Bankdrückens heruntergespielt.

Ich kann Cousins' Entscheidung aber verstehen - gegen Luke Harangody, der auch dieses Jahr mit 23 Wiederholungen das Feld anführte, konnte er nur schlecht aussehen:




Naja, ob schlecht aussehen besser ist als sich gar nicht zu positionieren? Mich macht diese Aktion schon skeptisch, wenn er nicht einmal die Eier hat sich auf die kompletten Tests einzulassen.;) Was verspricht sich sein Agent davon? Sieht er etwa Cousins (hohe) Draftposition gefährdet, wenn er möglicherweise schlecht bei diesen einen (!) Test abschneidet? Sich gar nicht zu zeigen, macht ebenso keinen guten Eindruck (für mich sogar eher einen schlechteren, aber das ist natürlich vollkommen subjektiv). Selbstvertrauen sieht anders aus.


Wir könnten noch lange darüber spekulieren, doch am Ende würde unverändert dieselbe Erkenntnis stehen: Cousins ist der Hit-or-miss-Star dieses Drafts, irgendwo zwischen Kwame Brown und Moses Malone (die beiden extremsten Vergleiche, die ich gelesen habe).


Prospect gets big boost after combine

Chad Ford schrieb:
This year's combine darling? Nevada forward Luke Babbitt. [...] Based on what I'm hearing, Babbitt could be in play as high as No. 9 to the Jazz.

Here's to Your Health

League sources told that none of the top prospects have any serious medical issues that would affect their stock.

Let's See What You've Got

Just two days after the combine ended, a number of GMs and scouts made their way to Minnesota for the first of two large group workouts (the second will be held in Golden State next week). [...]

Craig Brackins, Willie Warren, Terrico White, Devin Ebanks, Keith Gallon, Stanley Robinson, Lance Stephenson, Jarvis Varnado, Jordan Crawford, Armon Johnson, Dominique Jones, Jerome Jordan, Gani Lawal, Darington Hobson, Trevor Booker, Derrick Caracter, Charles Garcia, Manny Harris, Sylven Landesberg, Andy Rautins, Ryan Richards, Latavious Williams, Matt Bouldin, Luke Harangody, Lazar Hayward, Luc Louves and Scottie Reynolds were among the participants in Minnesota. [...]

D-Leaguer Latavious Williams may have made the biggest impression. Williams skipped college and went straight to the NBDL last year. His numbers weren't awesome, but the scouts who saw him play there thought he had a chance at making the NBA. [...]

"He's a good athlete and I thought he really went out there and competed," one GM said. "I think he's got a bit of a chip on his shoulder. He's got to be in the mix. Another year or two of development and he could be a player."

Crawford lit it up the first day. He is a terrific scorer, and that stood out among his competition. "No one can get buckets in this group like Crawford can," one GM said. "He was unstoppable today."

Brackins also made a positive impression. "He was really showing off his face-the-basket game," one GM said. "If you pair him with a point guard who can really run the pick-and-pop he could have a long NBA career."

Stephenson continues to impress NBA teams after a strong combine. "As far as guys who just know how to play, he's it," one NBA scout said. "He's going to be great in iso situations in the league. If all the red flags about him weren't there, I'm pretty sure this kid's a lottery pick. He's going to tempt a lot of people."

Ebanks also had his fair share of fans. "I think we've probably been too hard on the kid," another GM said. "He played really hard, he can really defend and he was shooting the ball pretty well."

Finally, there was some love for Dominique Jones. "He doesn't do one thing great, but overall he's a guy who just really knows how to play and he competes really, really hard. If he was a better shooter or a little more athletic, I think we'd be talking about him as a mid-first-round pick."


Offensichtlich doch: 25 College-Dreier, 25 NBA-Dreier, 24 Würfe aus der Halbdistanz und dann so viele Midrange-Jumper aus drei verschiedenen Positionen, wie man innerhalb von jeweils 45 Sekunden werfen kann.

Diese Statistik ist zwar ganz interessant, besitzt aber nur geringe Aussagekraft. Im Spiel zu treffen, wo es Referees, Coaches, Fans und vor allem Gegenspieler gibt, ist etwas komplett Verschiedenes, eine völlig andere Druck-Situation. Ich würde diesem Shooting Drill auch keine zu große Bedeutung beimessen.


Crawford, Warren on first-round bubble

Chad Ford schrieb:
With the combine behind us and the first major group workout completed, teams are now moving into individual workouts [...] Individual workouts afford teams the chance to get up close and personal with players. They get to see prospects go head-to-head with each other, get private interviews and even get to take them out to dinner.


Right now, based on conversations with a number of NBA GMs, the top 23 players on our Big Board look like first-round locks.

However, another 20 or so players are firmly planted on the dreaded first-round bubble.

Solomon Alabi, 7-foot-1, Florida State

Alabi has the size NBA teams covet. He also has the motor. However, he's still raw and coming off knee surgery. [...] If he plays physical and does the dirty work in workouts, he should be a lock for the first round. He could be a great fit on a team that needs more size, such as the Celtics, Thunder or Spurs.

Robin Benzing, 6-10, Germany

Five teams -- the Wizards, Nets, Timberwolves, Grizzlies and Thunder -- have multiple first-round picks. Most likely, they'll want to stash a player overseas for a few years, let him develop and then hope to cash in. Benzing's big test will be at the Adidas Eurocamp. If he can show the same promise that he displayed at the under-20s in Greece last summer, he should be in good shape.

Trevor Booker, 6-8, Clemson

Booker is an undersized 4 but has a great motor, good athleticism and toughness. He needs to prove he can be an energy player in the mold of Jason Maxiell, Carl Landry and DeJuan Blair. How can he do that? The same way Landry did, by going into every workout and physically dominating.

Craig Brackins, 6-10, Iowa State

It's going to be critical that he knock down 18-foot jump shots and attack the glass in workouts. He'll also want to show off the athleticism he demonstrated at the combine.

Jordan Crawford, 6-4, Xavier

Everyone knows Crawford is one of the best scorers in the draft. What they don't know is whether that will translate to the next level. He has to show two things. The first one is coachability. [...] The second is attitude. Will he be content coming off the bench? If he will, he will be a very desirable pick late in the first round

Devin Ebanks, 6-8, West Virginia

Ebanks has ability, but his off-court issues combined with average combine scores have given everyone pause. However, Ebanks has already shown that he can be a terrific defender at the next level. He'll need to contain his instincts to launch 3s and try to do too much offensively and just lock down every player he guards in workouts.

Keith Gallon, 6-10, Oklahoma

Two things will be critical for him: One, he's in love with his jump shot right now. But no one is drafting a 6-9, 300-pound guy to launch 3s. Will he go into the paint and fight? Second, can he convince teams that he'll get in shape and stay there?

Armon Johnson, 6-4, Nevada

He was a proven scorer in college, and his combine numbers were off the charts. But is Johnson a point guard? [...] Teams also want some assurance Johnson can shoot the long ball.

Dominique Jones, 6-5, South Florida

Jones is a big-time scorer [...] He's been competing well in just about every workout, but he is going to have to prove he can sink the NBA 3-pointer

Jerome Jordan, 7-1, Tulsa

Jordan is huge and more polished on offense than you'd think. With him, the issues are all about toughness and motor.

Gani Lawal, 6-9, Georgia Tech

Lawal is a good player in a number of areas, he doesn't excel at anything in particular. In workouts, he's going to have to define for NBA teams who he is and show them that one thing that will translate to the next level.

Dexter Pittman, 6-11, Texas

Can he lose enough weight to be able to stay on the court for more than five minutes at a time? If team doctors believe the answer is yes, he'll leapfrog just about everyone else on this list.

Quincy Pondexter, 6-7, Washington

Of all the players on this list, Pondexter is the guy most likely to land in the first round. [...] teams want to see him shoot and handle the ball well enough to make defenses a little honest when they guard him.

Miroslav Raduljica, 7-1, Serbia

He's coming of a solid season in Europe and has the size NBA teams covet. [...] His contract situation is a bit of a mess right now, and no one is sure what his long-term intentions are.

Stanley Robinson, 6-8, Connecticut

Robinson is an NBA athlete all the way. But does he have the mental toughness it takes to succeed at the next level?

Larry Sanders, 6-11, VCU

Sanders, like Pondexter, is close to a lock for the first round. His size and shot-blocking ability give NBA teams a lot to covet. But can he take his raw abilities and turn them into NBA tools?

Lance Stephenson, 6-6, Cincinnati

is he mature enough to make it in the league? How Stephenson answers that question (via psych tests and background checks) will have a bigger impact on his draft status than anything he does on the court.

Jarvis Varnado, 6-10, Mississippi State

Varnado is a shot-blocking machine. But will he put in the hard work in the weight room to handle the tough duties of an NBA big man? He's still too thin and has never really gotten into great shape.

Willie Warren, 6-4, Oklahoma

he's trying to prove to NBA teams that he's changed his ways and could still be a lethal combo guard in the pros. Much like Stephenson, the questions will be answered off the court, not on it.

Terrico White, 6-5, Mississippi

White is one of the draft's best athletes [...] Does he have the motor and the desire to dominate every night? If he did, he'd be a lottery pick.

Elliot Williams, 6-4, Memphis

is he a 1 or a 2? He'll move into the first round if he can show he's a point guard. As an undersized 2, he's likely a second-round pick.