Und Babcock feuern?!Eigentlich müsste man in Toronto auch konsequent sein...
Und Babcock feuern?!Eigentlich müsste man in Toronto auch konsequent sein...
Hat er mit Noriaki Kasai irgendwie eine Wette laufen, wer länger seine Sportart betreiben kann (beide Jahrgang 1972)?
Man holt Babcock für gefühlte 3 Mrd. im Jahr nach Toronto und was kommt am Ende der Saison raus?Und Babcock feuern?!
was ein Rebuild ist, weißt du, ja? Toronto hat alles niedergerissen, die vermeintlichen Leistungsträger abgegeben, Draft Picks und Prospects gestapelt und die Saison mit vielen Plugs absolviert. Sieh dir mal den Kader an, hast du da ernsthaft Playoffs erwartet? Meine Güte.Man holt Babcock für gefühlte 3 Mrd. im Jahr nach Toronto und was kommt am Ende der Saison raus?
Ein Number One Pick im Draft! Wow. War das das Ziel der Leafs oder hieß das Play Offs (irgendwann mal)?
... ich weiß da erst mal gar nicht, was ich dazu sagen soll![]()
http://www.sportsnet.ca/hockey/nhl/nhl-teams-receiving-information-potential-expansion-draft/Among the previously unreleased details being distributed, as told to Sportsnet by multiple sources, is an experience criteria attached to the players each team leaves unprotected. A minimum of two forwards and one defenceman must be exposed who have played 40 games the previous season, or a total of 70 over the previous two. There is also a requirement that the 40/70 players are under contract for the first expansion season.
This was likely what deputy commissioner Bill Daly was referencing when he said before the Stanley Cup final that teams unable to comply with the draft rules would face a “significant” penalty. "It's a loss of draft picks and/or players," he said.
Each team will be allowed to protect seven forwards, three defencemen and one goalie – a breakdown that has remained constant since Daly first outlined the potential draft process to reporters in March.
Players holding no-movement clauses – including those modified by limited no-trades, such as Pittsburgh Penguins goalie Marc-Andre Fleury – count against the protection limit, provided that those contracts and clauses extend through the 2017-18 season. However, players with no-movement clauses on deals that expire June 30, 2017 like Calgary Flames defenceman Dennis Wideman or Minnesota Wild forward Thomas Vanek wouldn't have to be protected for a draft that is likely to be held a week or two beforehand. Teams will also be permitted to ask players to waive their no-movement clauses for inclusion in the expansion draft.
There is expected to be a lot of roster jockeying in the leadup to the anticipated June 2017 draft as teams try to best position themselves for it. The rules dictate that any player traded away during that period can’t be reacquired until after Jan. 1 the following season.
Players with two years of professional experience or less will be exempt from the process. Determining who that covers is based on the definition included in the collective bargaining agreement – meaning that 10 games played in the NHL at age 18 or 19 counts as a season, as does any American Hockey League or NHL season for players older than that.
ich gehe auch jede Wette ein, dass Fleury im Herbst in Calgary spielt ... das macht einfach für alle Seiten viel zu viel Sinn. Calgary braucht dringend einen fähigen Starter, Pittsburgh kann das Goalie-Luxusproblem mit Blick auf den Expansion Draft jetzt schon lösen und guten Value für Fleury bekommen. Und dieser wäre in Calgary die unangefochtene Nummer 1, während er sich in Pittsburgh mit Murray prügeln müsste.Es schwirren ja schon Gerüchte herum, dass die Flames und Leafs an MAF interessiert seien. Gut dass Ward schon in Carolina verlängert hat, damit ist eine Alternative für diese Clubs schon mal weg.![]()