O-Scoring: Nikolai Valuev vs. John Ruiz (+Undercard)


Valuev gegen Sam wäre so ziemlich der überflüssigste Kampf des Jahres. 12 Runden Geschiebe und am Ende gewinnt Valuev nach Punkten. Und wer will das sehen in der Vorweihnachtszeit?



sorry, aber das war nicht vereinzelt. Ich will die Pfiffe auch nicht überbewerten und es war mit Sicherheit nicht die ganze Halle, aber aus meiner Ecke und meiner subjektiven Wahrnehmung nach aus aus zwei, drei anderen Ecken bzw. Rängen kam da doch schon einiges.

ja anfangs kamen ein paar mehr buhrufe, allerdings nach meinem
geschmack nach nicht übermässig.

Ich habe übrigens gegenüber des ARD Studios gesessen, quasi einmal über den Ring drüber hinter der roten Ecke des Gastboxers. Wo war Dein Sitz?

irgendwo hinter dir.;)

Onkel Heini

hmm, sehen wir vielleicht eine 3. Kampf :rolleyes:

Team Ruiz protests outcome vs Valuev

Two-time World Boxing Association heavyweight champion John “The Quietman” Ruiz (43-8-1, 29 KOs), as well as his advisor/attorney Tony Cardinale and head trainer Manny Siaca, Sr., believe they faced sizable unfair disadvantages August 30 fighting Nikolai Valuev (49-1, 34 KOs) for the WBA heavyweight title in Berlin. Valuev recaptured the WBA belt by way of a 12-round decision clouded in controversy. Team Ruiz is demanding a full videotape of Valuev-Ruiz II to further review for evidence of alleged corrupt practices..

Points of contention include the following issues:

1. Judge Takeshi Shimakawa improperly kept a running score during the fight, which is prohibited by the WBA, as well as the only way he could have “corrected” his scorecard after the scores were announced (Shimakawa’s scoring changed from 114-113 in favor of Ruiz to 114-113 for Valuev.

2. Ruiz was not credited with a legitimate knockdown when he floored Valuev in the second round. Ruiz blasted Valuev with punches, knocking “The Giant” into the ropes, but the referee incorrectly ruled a slip when Valuev’s knee hit the canvas after he careened off of the ropes. Scoring that round would have been different, in Ruiz’ favor, if it was ruled a knockdown.

3. Judge Antonio Requena scored two rounds even, despite WBA instructions that there should be no even rounds scored in championship bouts. Ruiz would have been declared the winner if the two even rounds had been awarded to Ruiz in addition to the aforementioned second round scoring snafu being sorted out.

4. Most importantly, throughout the fight Valuev’s cornermen received judges’ scoring results as the rounds went on, something that happens regularly only in Germany, yet clearly constitutes major corruption in boxing.

In addition to demanding a full videotape of the fight for review, Team Ruiz plans to petition the WBA to rule the bout a no-contest and Valuev be stripped of the WBA title for a blatant violation of WBA rules. Team Ruiz will also seek sanctions against any officials involved in permitting these violations to happen, whether it’s enforced by the WBA or German Boxing Federation.

“The WBA needs to resolve this matter as quickly as possible,” Ruiz said. “Non-officials are not allowed to handle or read scorecards during the fight. Valuev should be stripped and a rematch ordered. It seems like everything possible has happened to me in boxing. Whether it was defending my title by disqualification (Kirk Johnson), my opponent testing positive for steroids (James Toney), or scores changed after a fight like this. It was chaotic after the fight. With all of the confusion going on, at one point while waiting to hear the results, I thought I was in Florida and the ‘hanging chads’ during the 2000 election.

“The WBA must investigate the judges and who was running the show, Sauerland. Everything was very weird at the end of the fight. The German people are wonderful and they’ve treated me very well each time I’ve fought there. They cheered loudly after the fight, but only when Valuev announced he was going to give me a rematch (He has since changed his tune and is talking about fighting an unnamed opponent in December.) They should hold Sauerland and the German Boxing Federation accountable. The great German boxing fans deserve much better. Things have to change in Germany, where everybody knows foreigners don’t have a chance of winning a close decision. I’m terribly disappointed with what went on over there. Boxing suffered another black eye.”

The Puerto Rican-American Ruiz is the first and only Latino heavyweight champion of the world. He has fought in 10 world championship fights and defeated three world heavyweight champions -- Evander Holyfield, Hasim Rahman and Tony Tucker – in addition to beating top contenders such as Andrew Golota, Fres Oquendo, Kirk Johnson and Jameel McCline during his 15-year pro career.


Lord Krachah

Points of contention include the following issues:

1. Judge Takeshi Shimakawa improperly kept a running score during the fight, which is prohibited by the WBA, as well as the only way he could have “corrected” his scorecard after the scores were announced (Shimakawa’s scoring changed from 114-113 in favor of Ruiz to 114-113 for Valuev.

Dann wäre halt ne SD, würde ja nichts am Ergebnis ändern. Zudem kann man wohl schwer Punktrichtern verbieten, sich zu merken, was sie so punkten.

2. Ruiz was not credited with a legitimate knockdown when he floored Valuev in the second round. Ruiz blasted Valuev with punches, knocking “The Giant” into the ropes, but the referee incorrectly ruled a slip when Valuev’s knee hit the canvas after he careened off of the ropes. Scoring that round would have been different, in Ruiz’ favor, if it was ruled a knockdown.

Das war kein Knockout, das dürfte Ruiz nach einem Videostudium wohl auch erkennen.;)
3. Judge Antonio Requena scored two rounds even, despite WBA instructions that there should be no even rounds scored in championship bouts. Ruiz would have been declared the winner if the two even rounds had been awarded to Ruiz in addition to the aforementioned second round scoring snafu being sorted out.
Das ist ne Soll-Vorschrift, man soll nicht aber man darf im Ausnahmefall.
4. Most importantly, throughout the fight Valuev’s cornermen received judges’ scoring results as the rounds went on, something that happens regularly only in Germany, yet clearly constitutes major corruption in boxing.
Das finde ich wirklich ne Frechheit, aber ich glaube kaum, dass das ein Grund für ein Rematch ist.
Team Ruiz will also seek sanctions against any officials involved in permitting these violations to happen, whether it’s enforced by the WBA or German Boxing Federation.

Die "German Boxing Federation", wtf gibt es jetzt noch einen Verband.:laugh2:
Da hat Johnnyboy wohl nicht so gut recherchiert.:D
valuev hat gleich nach dem kampf gesagt, dass er nochmal gegen ruiz boxen würde. aber das würde ich für albern halten. wer weiß, vielleicht stimmte ja die börse für alle beteiligten und wir können uns im nächsten jahr nochmal über die gleiche ansetzung "freuen".

Big d

Ich denke er hat einfach german boxing federation gesagt, da er nicht wusste wie der Verband hieß. Viele deutsche würden ja auch zum beispiel vom Amerikanischen Boxverband reden.

Ich hoffe bloß es gibt nicht noch ein Rematch. Ich will Valuev gegen Chagaev sehen und den Sieger gegen Klitschko, Peter(Vitali) oder Haye sehen. Das würde wirklich Sinn machen.


Es ist doch wohl mir selbst überlassen, Boxer wegen ihrer unprofessionellen Einstellung Spitznamen zu geben. SSS hätte weit mehr erreichen können, aber immer wieder mit 5-6 Kilo zuviel in den Ring zu steigen, verdient so genannt zu werden.

Es hat zudem auch mit der Peinlichkeit zu tun ihm für nichts einen WM-Kampf zu beschaffen.

5-6 Kilo? Ich denke 8-10 Kilo...;)


hmm, sehen wir vielleicht eine 3. Kampf :rolleyes:

Team Ruiz protests outcome vs Valuev

Two-time World Boxing Association heavyweight champion John “The Quietman” Ruiz (43-8-1, 29 KOs), as well as his advisor/attorney Tony Cardinale and head trainer Manny Siaca, Sr., believe they faced sizable unfair disadvantages August 30 fighting Nikolai Valuev (49-1, 34 KOs) for the WBA heavyweight title in Berlin. Valuev recaptured the WBA belt by way of a 12-round decision clouded in controversy. Team Ruiz is demanding a full videotape of Valuev-Ruiz II to further review for evidence of alleged corrupt practices..

Points of contention include the following issues:

1. Judge Takeshi Shimakawa improperly kept a running score during the fight, which is prohibited by the WBA, as well as the only way he could have “corrected” his scorecard after the scores were announced (Shimakawa’s scoring changed from 114-113 in favor of Ruiz to 114-113 for Valuev.

2. Ruiz was not credited with a legitimate knockdown when he floored Valuev in the second round. Ruiz blasted Valuev with punches, knocking “The Giant” into the ropes, but the referee incorrectly ruled a slip when Valuev’s knee hit the canvas after he careened off of the ropes. Scoring that round would have been different, in Ruiz’ favor, if it was ruled a knockdown.

3. Judge Antonio Requena scored two rounds even, despite WBA instructions that there should be no even rounds scored in championship bouts. Ruiz would have been declared the winner if the two even rounds had been awarded to Ruiz in addition to the aforementioned second round scoring snafu being sorted out.

4. Most importantly, throughout the fight Valuev’s cornermen received judges’ scoring results as the rounds went on, something that happens regularly only in Germany, yet clearly constitutes major corruption in boxing.

In addition to demanding a full videotape of the fight for review, Team Ruiz plans to petition the WBA to rule the bout a no-contest and Valuev be stripped of the WBA title for a blatant violation of WBA rules. Team Ruiz will also seek sanctions against any officials involved in permitting these violations to happen, whether it’s enforced by the WBA or German Boxing Federation.

“The WBA needs to resolve this matter as quickly as possible,” Ruiz said. “Non-officials are not allowed to handle or read scorecards during the fight. Valuev should be stripped and a rematch ordered. It seems like everything possible has happened to me in boxing. Whether it was defending my title by disqualification (Kirk Johnson), my opponent testing positive for steroids (James Toney), or scores changed after a fight like this. It was chaotic after the fight. With all of the confusion going on, at one point while waiting to hear the results, I thought I was in Florida and the ‘hanging chads’ during the 2000 election.

“The WBA must investigate the judges and who was running the show, Sauerland. Everything was very weird at the end of the fight. The German people are wonderful and they’ve treated me very well each time I’ve fought there. They cheered loudly after the fight, but only when Valuev announced he was going to give me a rematch (He has since changed his tune and is talking about fighting an unnamed opponent in December.) They should hold Sauerland and the German Boxing Federation accountable. The great German boxing fans deserve much better. Things have to change in Germany, where everybody knows foreigners don’t have a chance of winning a close decision. I’m terribly disappointed with what went on over there. Boxing suffered another black eye.”

The Puerto Rican-American Ruiz is the first and only Latino heavyweight champion of the world. He has fought in 10 world championship fights and defeated three world heavyweight champions -- Evander Holyfield, Hasim Rahman and Tony Tucker – in addition to beating top contenders such as Andrew Golota, Fres Oquendo, Kirk Johnson and Jameel McCline during his 15-year pro career.


Das hab ich gestern auch gelesen, fast schon schockierend, ich meine die Leute kriegen pro Kampf ne Menge Geld und sind nicht mal fähig sich an die vorgeschriebenen Formen zu halten, für was schickt man da egtl. nen Supervisor wenn der auch nicht dafür sorgen kann das alles korrekt abläuft. Schon schockierend das die WBA-Leute nicht mal ihre eigenen Regeln kennen.


Ja hast recht.Das Boxern wird(leider) immer mehr zur Lachnummer.Das Boxen ist unglaublich korrupt!

Da fehlt mir grad was ein.Mein alter Boxtrainer meinte mal das Boxen der korrupteste Sport sei den es übehaupt gibt.Was sagt ihr dazu?


Ja hast recht.Das Boxern wird(leider) immer mehr zur Lachnummer.Das Boxen ist unglaublich korrupt!

Da fehlt mir grad was ein.Mein alter Boxtrainer meinte mal das Boxen der korrupteste Sport sei den es übehaupt gibt.Was sagt ihr dazu?

Das meinte ich garnicht damit, gut ist natürlich schon klar das im Boxen manchmal betrogen wird, aber in diesem Fall glaube ich garnicht das Sauerland die Hände im Spiel hatte. Z.B. das er eine Punktrichter zweimal 10:10 scored obwohl die WBA diese Wertung nicht vorsieht, das bringt SE ja nicht, das zeigt einfach das der Typ nicht mal Ahnung von den Regeln in seinem eigenen Verband hat, mit solchen Punktrichtern macht sich die WBA lächerlich, genauso wie der Japaner, der nicht mal fähig seine Scorecard so zu gestalten, das man die Wertung auch vernünftig zusammenrechnen kann, das kanns jawohl nicht sein.


Moderator Boxen
das der eine Punktrichter zweimal 10:10 scored obwohl die WBA diese Wertung nicht vorsieht, das bringt SE ja nicht, das zeigt einfach das der Typ nicht mal Ahnung von den Regeln in seinem eigenen Verband hat, mit solchen Punktrichtern macht sich die WBA lächerlich, genauso wie der Japaner, der nicht mal fähig seine Scorecard so zu gestalten, das man die Wertung auch vernünftig zusammenrechnen kann, das kanns jawohl nicht sein.

Tja, die WBA sieht das anders. Punktrichter dürfen Runden unentschieden scoren, wenn es gar nicht anders geht. Bis jetzt hat sich Ruiz mit der Protestaktion ins Knie geschossen, WBA reagiert eher sauer:


Team Ruiz hat umgehend geantwortet:




Valuev hat sich in den letzten Monaten enorm verbessert
das ist Fakt
neuer Trainer Zimin gehört wohl zu den Besten in der Welt
die Vorbereitungszeit von Valuev zu Ruiz-Kampf
wahr nicht ideal (zwei Chagaev Absagen würden jeden umhauen)
Ruiz ist einer der unbequemsten Schwergewichtler der Welt
Klitschko würden gegen ihn NIE antreten
Wladimir Klitschko übrigens muss noch beweisen, dass ER die WAHRE Nummer 1 ist
wenn har er schon besiegt????
und die Frage: WANN hat er ehemalige "Top-Fighter" besiegt?
Wladimir hat immer noch richtig Angst vor K.O. Niederlage
hoffe der Kampf Valuev - Klitschko
wird nächstes Jahr kommen


Meehan ist als Gegner ganz okay. Gute Größe, kein schlechter Jab. Körperlich nicht so extrem unterlegen.