Les Selvage
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Ok, da "John Lennon" ja auch Fan der weltweit erfolgreichsten Band der letzten 10 Jahre zu sein scheint ( und wiedergeborenes Bandmitglied übrigens ) sind es dann schonmal zwei.
Finde die Jungs haben das perfekte Image für eine Rockstas: Kiffen, Saufen ( beides allerdings für Nicht-Rockstars keinesfalls zu empfehlen), exzentrischer Frontmann, Arroganz, Mädels, Prügeleien und füllen dazu noch ausverkaufte Stadien. Achja, und natürlich andauernder Streit zwischen den beiden Hauptmitgliedern (siehe "Beatles, The" und "Rolling Stones, The" ).
Dann ist da natürlich die Musik. Von den großen Hits wie "Live Forever", "Wonderwall", "Don't look back in anger" über "Rock and Roll Star", "Cigarettes and Alcohol", "Whatever", "Champagne Supernova", "Stand by me" oder "Some might say" bis hin zu "Acquiesce", "She's Electric", "Sad Song", "Where did it all go wrong" oder "Who put the weight of the world on my shoulders". Und es gibt wohl noch ca 25 weitere Songs die man hier nennen könnte und ähnliches Niveau haben. Neben den richtigen Rocksongs gibte s auch immer mal schöne Balladen, erst gestern hab ich "This Guy's in love with you) als Acoustic version gehört und das hat sich mehr nach Elton John/Sinatra angehört als nach Oasis. Wenn man kurz davor "Cigarettes and Alcohol" gehört hat käme man nie auf die Idee, dass das dieselbe Gruppe sein könnte.
Es wird zwar immer wieder kritisiert, das es zwischen den Alben keine große Entwicklung (obwohl das beim neuen Album eigentlich schon eine gibt) gab und die Songs alle in der gleichen Richtung angesiedelt sind, aber genau diese Richtung ist es doch wieso man eine Band hört. Noel hat letztens folgendes dazu gesagt:
"We're really pleased with what we sound like. We'r really pleased with what we are. The identity we've carved out over the best part of 15 years. That's not something that we're about to toss up in the air and become a space-reggae fuckin' band, because I'm not just into that. I don't want to challenge my audience because they're friends of mine. I don't want to be like fuckin' saying to them, 'Well, I'm on a musical journey come along if you want but it might go a bit jazzy.' It's like we make Oasis music man and you all know what it sounds like.
The songs are not tied to any particular era or the lyrics don't deal with any ... you know we've never had our George Bush era. Or our 'Let's save the world, famine-in-Africa, album,' or our weirdy-beardy album. The songs are timeless. The lyrics, they're either profound or it's nonsense. That always lasts forever."
Liam ist zwar nicht so der große Redner, aber dafür ist Noel durchaus ziemlich intelligent und gibt herrliche Interviews, die auch meist sehr lustig sind und sich oft mit meiner Meinung decken.
Einige nette Zitate:
»Glücklich verheiratet gibt es nicht. Du führst eine Frau zum Altar und gehst mit 'nem Drachen nach Hause.« Liam
"James Blunt is rubbish"- Noel
""Every time you put out a single or anything these days it's always accompanied by a fucking film. I fucking hate that because every album that comes out now, it's got a free DVD with it and it generelly means that your favourite band is sitting round the studio in fucking boxer shorts and socks playing bass guitar. Who wants to see Andy Bell putting down a bass part? That's what always fascinated me about The Smiths and The Stone Roses. I don't wanna know how they came to write that song, I've got it my head that it's magic. Now you can see it all happening it takes away the mystery for me... but I dunno. If it's shit, we won't put it out."- Noel
" Then there are the ones that come to you and say 'Can I have your autograph?' You say, 'Yeah, go on then', then you get, 'I haven't got a pen.' Well, you know, that's like turning up for a football match with no boots."- Noel
"Guns don't kill people, Rappers so. "What's masquerading itself as hip-hop-slash-R&B is horrible. These guys will go on the telly going, 'Hey kids, stay in school, don't do drugs,' and then they'll be shooting each other down at the shopping mall. The disregard for women, stuff like that, I find it quite sickening. And the clothes they wear, and it's all about 'Me, me, me.' Give it a rest you bunch of idiots."- Noel
""Within that realm of indie shit, Franz Ferdinand is about as good as it gets. Take Me Out is a tune that wins hands down but, really, it's fucking indie rubbish. We were at the NME awards last year and we were the only ones not sat there with shirts and ties on. Everyone else was there in school uniforms, it was like being at a school disco."- Noel
""I've kind of learnt that instead of arguing stuff out with him and ending up in a fight, I work on his psychology and he's completely freaked out by me now. He's actually frightened to death of me. I can read him and I can fucking play him like a slightly disused arcade game. I can make him make decisions that he thinks are his but really they're mine. Without fighting. It's an art I've learned.""- Noel über Liam
"'Ich verachte HipHop. Ich verabscheue ihn sogar. Eminem ist ein Idiot und ich denke, das 50 Cent der geschmackloseste Charakter ist, der mir je im Leben begegnet ist. Doch damit nicht genung. Noel meint darüber hinaus, dass die US Rapper einen Teil dazu betragen, dass die Gewaltbereitschaft bei Jugendlichen zu nimmt. 'Ich sage ja nicht, dass sie direkt dafür verantwortlich sind, aber so entstehen nunmal Gangs, die später dann Leute abstechen."
"Relationships between men are weird anyway, because men don't talk to each other, do they? They kind of skirt around the subject. If you're in a girl band, then that's different. That's why girl band's last about fooking 18 months 'cause they don't ever shut their fooking mouths, 'cause everyone's got a fooking opinion. 'You need to lose some weight. You need to fook off. I'm leaving.' Men are kind of different. Northern men - they suffer in silence."
"Bono über Oasis
Interviewer: Of course a new generation of bands is 'using' your songs too...
Bono: We're delighted, of course, that people are owning up to being U2 fans. There have been a lot of them over the years, just not many of them confident enough to say so, because our band was mega and mega could never be cool. I think Noel Gallagher changed that. He said bollocks to that, sales are good. He brought confidence back to British and Irish Music. But I think also when Oasis arrived, Noel Gallagher's songwriting was such a throwdown. You had this beautiful verse and then you had a bridge that was better than anyone's chorus. And then the chorus, which was better than that. An then the middle eigth ! We hadn't heard songwriting like this for many years. I was like Oh wow - I can do that ! I'm good at that ! You think OK, it's songs. Not ideas. Not sounds. Not sonic landscapes, which we can do 'til the cows go home'. SO the overarching concept of the last two albums is songs. Whenever rock music strays too far from the single, it gets into heavy water ..."
Liam Interview: http://www.the-oasis.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=694
Noel Interview: http://www.the-oasis.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1156
Noel- Interview: http://www.the-oasis.de/forum/viewtopic.php?t=455