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Zu Baldomir Funes gibt es eine gute RBR im ESB Forum vom User IntentionalButt

Round 1

Funes has two inches of height on Tata, but is giving up 4" of reach. He spends the first minute hopping in and out with both feet and holding a tight guard to his face. Baldomir watches him a bit, and mixes jabs with grabs. Funes is curling his back as he turtles up and hasn't been hit clean by a single headshot. He also isn't landing (or throwing) much. Baldomir keeps breaking the silence with his jab, doubling it at times. A 1-2 is blocked but backs Funes up. Funes does get off a combo including a long uppercut to the body. Baldomir starts double hooking hard at the gloves of Funes.

Baldomir on aggression, 10-9

Round 2

Baldomir sticks his jab into the chest and then the chin of Funes. Baldomir is pressing the action but holding back and stepping out after every launch. Baldomir leads with a few right hands that crash into the gloves of Funes. A left hook gets around the guard. Baldomir follows that with a flush stiff jab through the gloves a moment later. Funes badly misses both a sweeping hook and a big right hand that takes him off balance. Baldomir tosses a few right hands to the body. Funes lands his own cross hard on the face of Baldomir but the veteran shrugs at him. Baldomir feints with an uppercut, then fakes like he's going to switch to a jab to get Funes to lift his arms, and does rip another uppercut through underneath.

20-18 Baldomir

Round 3

Baldomir lands a left hook/right hand combo. Funes is springing around on his toes but not engaging. Baldomir lands several jabs. Funes tries to back Baldomir into the ropes with a few hooks but gets hit a few times in the process and covers his face, hunching his shoulders up and clearly not liking the feeling. Baldomir keeps jabbing off the backfoot, then zooms in when he starts to pierce the guard and tap Funes on the nose. Baldomir lands a hook. Funes throws an underhand left to the body but Baldomir rips a few shots to his face in the ensuing exchange. Funes is neither first nor last when they both open up, and Baldomir is landing harder.

30-27. It's weird to watch Tata outbox someone.

Round 4

Funes tries to establish his own jab, tripling it up but Baldomir quickly takes over the middle of the ring with steady punching. Baldomir complains to the ref about something, and staggers to the ropes as Funes blasts him with a hook to the head. Baldomir again complains about whatever it is but the official ignores him. Baldomir is now taking these tiny staccato baby steps and doesn't seem to have his roots firmly planted, getting turned and easily potshotted by Funes now with his balance in decline. Baldomir tries to initiate some of those exchanges that he was previously winning but Funes is simply blocking everything and waiting his turn to punch (and landing hard when he does).

Baldomir seemed distracted by something early on there, and he's allowed Funes back into the fight.

10-9 Funes

39-37 Baldomir

Round 5

Funes comes forward behind his shell and cautiously jettisons a few jabs and body shots. Baldomir is walked to the ropes and tries to time Funes with a big shot but mistimes and either misses his power punches or winds up pulling them at the last second realizing Funes has already reacted to them. They infight a bit, and both land to the body but Funes is able to bring a few hard hooks upstairs to send sweat flying off Baldomir's head. Just before the bell Baldomir headhunts himself and catches Funes a couple of times, and is held.

48-47 Baldomir

Round 6

Baldomir is holding his arms at his sides like they weigh a ton, and is shooting the right hand down the middle whenever Funes makes a forward move. Funes lands a huge right hand, and then blocks in between landing stiff jabs. Baldomir takes a short breather, circling wide with his hands low. He gets back in the trenches and throws a few arm punches at Funes and again is cracked with an enormous right to the noggin.


Round 7

Baldomir eats jabs walking forward but gets Funes up against the ropes and tries to put a hole through his midsection with a few hooks. Funes takes the action back out in the open and lands from several angles while Baldomir keeps looking to land his straight shots. They take turns leading and pressing behind their jabs. Baldomir is backed into the ropes and swallows a big combo delivered over his lazy jab. Baldomir rips a big hook at the head of Funes but hits glove. They have a big firefight just before the bell but each only gets off a couple of punches in time.

Round 8

Baldomir sticks a jab out and tries to keep Funes busy watching the birdie but still winds up getting out-moved by the nimble hopping turtle-sheller and isn't able to square up for any power. Funes isn't letting his hands go much this round. Baldomir throws a couple of short uppercuts without much on them but they're clipping the chin of Funes and are all that's really scoring. Baldomir keeps pressuring and just letting his hands go, touching Funes without trying to smash him.

Definite Baldomir comeback round.

Even again

Round 9

Baldomir keeps up the aggression with jabs and hooks, throwing them whether he's coming forward, backing up, or turning to keep lined up with Funes. The face of Funes is a little red and he looks uncomfortable with the constant activity of Baldomir and is reluctant to come out of his shell much. Single and double shots (mostly to the body) are followed by clinches from Funes. Baldomir triples jabs and wings a cross through that pins Funes' guard against his face. Baldomir hooks and inches forward. Funes lands a counter right and BALDOMIR CLOWNS!!!! HE STICKS HIS ARMS OUT LIKE AN AIRPLANE AND OPENS HIS MOUTH WHILE STARING AT FUNES!!! HOLY SHIT. I've never seen Tata clown before.:laugh2:

86-85 Baldomir

Round 10

Baldomir jabs, jab, jabs and throws a cross. He seems to have his balance fully regained from those middle rounds where he seemed unsure and clumsy with his feet. He's just shuffling back and forth, keeping Funes in front of him and punching, punching, punching. Funes is trying to leave his fists parachuting down while crab-walking around Baldomir but the old man is rotating right with him and giving as he gets, forcing Funes to cover up. Funes eats a right hand and misses a pair of his own. They slug it out down the stretch, both tired and slow in delivery and landing and getting hit. Good stuff.

96-94 Carlos Baldomir

98-92 Funes
97-93 Baldomir
98-92 Baldomir

The announcer just did the WORST JOB EVER announcing a split decision (in Spanish).

He basically said it like this:

"Judge So-N-So scored it noventa-ocho for Funes and noventa-dos for Baldomir. Ganador...Funes!

Judge SittingBitch scored it noventa-siete for Baldomir and noventa-tres for Funes. Ganador...Baldomir.

Judge Tiebreaker scored it noventa-ocho for Baldomir and noventa-dos for Funes.


Die Spannung unter den Zuschauern muss hier unerträglich gewesen sein :D

Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Lord Krachah

Serdar Sahin hat Lukas Schulz in der 6. Runde ausgeknockt. Soll ein klasse Kampf gewesen sein. Ich vermute mal, dass Sahin jetzt einen Vertrag bei Sauerland bekommt.


Former two-time BFPL-Champion
Andy Murray gewinnt einstimmig 98-92 gegen Lacerda, wenn ich es akustisch richtig verstanden habe. Musste in der 1.Runde aber mal runter. Hatte auch ansonsten ein paar Problemchen mit dem Brasilianer.


So gerade eben ist Tajbert-Aoh zu Ende gegangen.
Anscheinend ein sehr enger Kampf.

Aoh gewinnt nach Punkten!
Tajbert war wohl in der dritten am Boden.


Da hab ich bei der BFPL ja genau richtig getippt. Bei engen Kämpfen gilt auch besonders im Japan "im Zweifel für den Heimboxer"


Moderator Boxen
ist ansich schade, war aber nicht anders zu erwarten. Er hätte wenn überhaupt nur durch KO gewinnen können.


Hasegawa bestimmt anscheinend den Kampf gegen Burgos deutlich und Burgos lässt wohl hinten raus noch nach.
Open Scoring nach 4 Runden: 40-36, 39-37 & 39-37
Open Scoring nach 8 Runden: 77-74, 78-73 & 78-73 (Burgos hat einen Punkt abgezogen bekommen wegen unabsichtlichen Kopfstoß.)
Hasegawa gewinnt nach Punkten! (117-110, 117-110 & ?) (ohne Gewähr)

Die Scores bei Aoh-Tajbert waren anscheinend 117-112, 115-112 & 117-112 (ohne Gewähr).
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

jack blackburn

Ra’anana (Israel)
Ich hatte mir mal echt was von Tajbert versprochen......,aber hat sich echt ,wie geschrieben wurde ,gurkenmäßig entwickelt. Das er verloren hat.....,naja
Irgendwie kriegt er seinen Ausraster in der Stuttgarter Disco letzte Weihnachten auf fernöstliche Art und Weise zurück ;).

jack blackburn

Ra’anana (Israel)
Tajbert hat sich wohl in der zweiten Runde die rechte hand verletzt und hat wohl nur mit einer Hand kämpfen können .Pozwa und tajbert wollen auf Grund der Verletzung und der daraus resultierenden Niederlage ein Rematch anstreben......