Die übliche Episodenlänge hat Kurt Sutter wohl nicht gereicht, um die 5. Sons of Anarchy Staffel ordentlich zu beenden 
Season 5 at the moment consists of 13 episodes. Last season they added an additional episode to give it a total of 14. This season they are extending the last few episodes. Kurt Sutter announced via his YouTube Channel that episode 9 will be 75 minutes while episodes 10, 11, 12 and 13 will be 90 minutes. With an extra half hour across four episodes, that’s like getting two extra episodes.
Season 5 at the moment consists of 13 episodes. Last season they added an additional episode to give it a total of 14. This season they are extending the last few episodes. Kurt Sutter announced via his YouTube Channel that episode 9 will be 75 minutes while episodes 10, 11, 12 and 13 will be 90 minutes. With an extra half hour across four episodes, that’s like getting two extra episodes.
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