Lord Krachah
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Ist euch bekannt, ob Solis ein Angebot unterbreitet wurde? Ich bin zwar der Meinung, dass sich Solis erst gegen einen Top20-Mann (im Idealfall Top10-Mann) empfehlen sollte, aber lieber als Sosnowski wäre mir auch Solis.
Es wurde Solis wohl in der Tat ein Angebot unterbreitet. Arum hat sich jetzt dazu wie folgt geäußert:
"BOB ARUM: First of all, we were contacted by the Vitali Klitschko people when their fight with Valuev fell out and they almost agreed to do the fight with Solis but they went in another direction and are fighting a Polish guy. I think we may very well be up next. I think the Klitschkos are the real heavyweight champions, you can make an argument for either of them but Haye is a very good fighter and I know he has a belt and if we could make a match with Haye, we would certainly do that. Top Rank currently has two heavyweights that are in the mix – Sam Peter who fought in Dallas and Solis. Those are our two horses and we are ready to take on all the champions so matter who it is.
What happened in the Klitschko negotiations?
BOB ARUM: The Klitschko people spoke to HBO about doing the fight on June 5 rather than May 29 and if they did it on June 5, HBO said it would buy the fight but it would deprive the Yankee Stadium card of becoming an event and we declined that. They want to get back on American television and that was the good thing – if he fought Solis, it would be carried on HBO. Everybody is talking about Solis."
Auf Deutsch: Vitali wollte gegen Solis boxen. HBO wollte den Fight am 05.06. übertragen. An dem Tag wird nämlich ohnehin schon Cotto vs. Foreman bei HBO übertragen. Top Rank wollte dieses Event (auch in einem Stadion) aber nicht verwässern, daran ist dann der Kampf geplatzt.