naja anscheinend habens alles außer mir verstanden
fragen von fans sind ja so leicht zu beantworten

warum hat mikki eignetlich nie richtig chancen bekommen? der hat doch absolute topwerte in der kurzen zeit die er bekommen hat abgeliefert...
also nächstes rätsel:
[...] xxx pleaded guilty [...] to misdemeanor fourth-degree assault in a [...]clash with [an] [...] Airlines clerk. xxx [...] was sentenced to a 24-month deferred sentence, [...] and ordered to pay [...] court costs. He also agreed [not] to have further contact with [the airline or the clerk] for two years, lawyer John Henry Browne said. xxx lost his temper while trying to book a flight [...] to visit his sister[. She] was involved in a serious car accident, police spokesman Bob Parker said. xxx grabbed the clerk's tie and [pulled] him across a table, Parker said.