Orlando Magic - Dinge, die keinen eigenen Thread verdienen


So Jungs und Mädels, bei mir ist der Geduldsfaden jetzt gerissen und ich hab unserem lieben, netten GM erstmal eine Mail geschrieben. Ich weiß, es wird nichts nützen bzw. ändern, aber ich fühle mich jetzt schon viel besser. :D
Falls noch jemand der Magic Fans seinen Unmut äußern will, ich gebe die Adresse gerne weiter. :teufel:

Dear Mr. Weisbrod,

Before I go off on my rant, I would like to congratulate you for the great job you did this off-season in overhauling this franchise. Even though I did not agree with you on all the moves, I believe we are headed in the right direction. This is, without a doubt, the deepest team in Orlando Magic history.

Still, there are some lingering problems to be solved. My biggest issue has got to be our head coach. I must admit, I'm a litte baffled at your loyalty towards him, because this team is underachieving badly. I read an article in the Orlando Sentinal some days ago where you mentioned that you frequently are being approached by other coaches and general managers, who mention that this team is one of the deepest teams in the Eastern Conference. I agree wholeheartedly.

I could name at least a dozen games where our team seemed totally unprepared and lacking focus. This is inexcusable, and it's the coaches job to create accountability. If you're not doing your job, you sit. When has our current head coach once shown that kind of mentality?

A good coach always mentions that he wants to teach players. He wants them to become the best player they can possibly be. I have never heard our current head coach mention the word "teach" once since he took over the reigns. How is it possible that a team, which was the worst defensive team in the league, adds 3/5 from the best defensive team, but yet still manages to be the worst defensive team the year after? How is it possible that we win regularly against better teams (Spurs, Sonics, Wizards, Dallas, Pacers, Pistons), yet lose to the likes of the Bobcats, Bucks, Raptors, Knicks, Hawks and the Celtics THREE times?

My conclusion is the following: If it's not the players, it's the coaches fault.

One of our main problems is our lack of focus and preparation, we seem to take teams with lesser talent lightly and it's our coaches job to ensure that does not happen more than once in a season. These are so called "guaranteed wins" for a team with ambitions to reach the playoffs. Unfortunately, it already did happen countless times this season. Badly prepared teams do not win games against lesser talented teams in the NBA.

Even though I do like our offensive philosophy, there is a major flaw in the whole system: If you want to be a running team, you have got to stop opposing teams from putting the ball in the basket. You run an efficient fastbreak from MISSED shots, but if our opponent is hitting shot after shot after shot, then our philosophy becomes extremely vulnerable and uneffective.

Opposing guards are able to penetrate the lane whenever they want to, the reason for it being that our guards do not defend with their feet, but with their hands. That's baskebtall basics right there, I lost count of our guard's "reach in fouls" because of their lazy defense, which leads me back to the point of accountability: If you do not defend properly, you sit and watch. It's as simple as that.

Our games are becoming more and more frustrating to watch. Mr. Johnny Davis' substitution patterns are pathetic. I can't, for example, believe that he insists in playing Pat Garrity when he is not hitting his shots. When his shot is off, he is absolutely useless because he is a bad defender, a bad rebounder and a bad ballhandler. I don't know if you have noticed, but opposing coaches always seem to exploit this matchup. Let me again mention this, I really appreciate the job you have done, but I am of the opinion that if a Tracy McGrady can be traded, then in no way can a Pat Garrity be "untouchable".

Johnny Davis' in-game adjustments and his game management are horrible. He is frequently outcoached by opposing coaches. Let me give you just three examples, as I want to keep this email as short as possible:

  • Against the 76ers: Samuel Dalembert, who has been killing us the whole night, picks up his 5th foul with 9 minutes left in the THIRD quarter but stays in the game. One would think that our coach would tell our big men to attack him to get him to foul out, but guess what? He doesn't even REALIZE he just picked up his fifth foul. Clifford Ray, who by the way has done a wonderful job with our bigs, realizes this minutes later and tells our big men to go at Dalembert.
    Excuse me Sir, but this is just horrible. How can a head coach miss that fact? We won the game, sure, but it did not have to go down to the wire.
  • Againts the Hawks: Our offensive performance was a disgrace. No disrespect to the Hawks, but this is one of the worst teams in the league. Our team kept chucking up shot after shot instead of attacking the basket. Their frontline consisted of Antoine Walker, Obinna Ekezie and Predrag Drobnjak. Undoubtedly, one of the softest frontcourts in the whole league. Mr. Davis tells our team to attack the basket. Nobody does it. Mr. Davis puts Deshawn Stevenson into the game, who promptly attacks the basket, hits a layup and is fouled (but misses the free throw). In other words, he did EXACTLY what Mr. Davis had told them during the timeout. Still, three minutes later Deshawn is taken out of the game (for doing something right?) instead of Hedo Turkoglu, who was clanking shot after shot. Excuse me please if I have to curse, I promise it's going to happen just once in this email, but WHAT THE HELL is that? How can you create accountability when you yank the only player to do something right? What does that tell the rest of the team? As I said about three times already, if you're not doing what you are being told, you sit. But instead of doing this, Mr. Davis takes the only player out who did something right. Unfreakingbelievable.
  • Against the Celtics: Three games, three loses, three times totally outcoached by our former coach. Our former coach, who loves "small ball", changes his lineup to a smaller, faster lineup. What does our coach do to counter this effort? One would think he would keep our big lineup in the game to control the boards, to force matchups in the offense etc. but instead of doing so, he takes our bigs out and counters with our brand of "small ball". Once again, he let the opposing coach dictate the matchup instead of forcing their coach to adjust to our lineup. Poetic.

Good coaches realize that a quarter's most important minutes are the last three. A Phil Jackson coached squad always made their runs in the last three minutes, thus regaining momentum or building on their lead. Our team always loses focus and is outscored in the last three minutes.

I noticed that everytime our team builds a large lead, we let the opposing teams back in it because we slack off. We should not rest on our lead, we should approach it as if we were losing the game by 20+ points, and go for the "kill" at the beginning of the fourth quarter. But by then, every opposing team seems to be back in the game. I might sound very repetitive and obnoxious, but it's our coach's job to instill that kind of mentality.

One other thing I'm wondering about is the lack of plays called for Dwight Howard. I realize that he is very raw offensively, but he still has got to see some touches. If we make the playoffs, we stand no chance to advance without a decent balance between our inside and our outside game.

I would like to mention something else now. I think it's rather amusing that our starting point guard calls out his teammates after the loss against the Golden State Warrions, when he is the main reason that opposing guards (in that game, namely, DEREK FISHER!!!!) are able to break our defense down and penetrate the lane, because he does not keep his opponent in front of him. This happens EVERY game again and again and again.If my memory serves me right, one of the main reason's for trading Tracy McGrady was because he called his teammates out. How can it be that a lesser talented player like Francis can call his teammates out, or run his mouth as frequently as he has done this season? This is really starting to annoy me, at first he does not want to be traded to Orlando, then he is crushed by the Cuttino Mobley trade, and now it's his teammates fault that we're losing games. I hope he keeps his mouth shut, and starts to focus more on his defensive play, because he is really floating around and killing our big men by allowing frequent dribble penetration. If this is not possible, and don't get me wrong - I'm not trying to do your job here - then get him out of town. You might want to ask the Celtics, as there are many rumors regarding a possible Paul Pierce trade. Let me add the following: In no way do I think we should trade Steve Francis before we try hiring another, a better head coach.

Even though our record is much better than it was last year, let me add something: Last year was an anomally. The three season's before last season we did already win 50% percent of our games, with teams that possesed much lesser talent than our current squad does. I'm not sure if we can call a 40 to 45 wins season a success with this lineup, because realistically, we should be able to win 52 to 55 games, especially in the watered down Eastern Conference. I'm sure you realize this, but let my point this out nonetheless: If our team does not reach the playoffs or is, once again, eliminated in the first round, this failure is going to fall back on you, and not on the coach, because you where the one to revamp our roster.

I know that you said a dozen times that you do not care what others, especially the media, say, but I am still of the opinion that there would be no need for criticism if you change head coaches, because unfortunately, it doesn't get much worse than this. I am no friend of "on the job training", and I'm getting more and more the impression this is exactly what we're seeing with Mr. Johnny Davis.

I know you probably won't read this and much less reply, but nonetheless, I had to write you this email because I am starting to lose sleep over our team's perfomance. All I want for Christmas is a decent NBA Coach. And I'm not talking about next Christmas, I'm talking about last Christmas.

With best regards from Germany,

Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:


Hallo zusammen,

ich habe das spiel gegen 76´ers gesehen und kann sagen, dass der J. Davis total versagt hat. Er hat den Francis überhaupt nicht unter kontrolle, er macht das, was er will. Francis wollte einfach alleine gegen Iverson spielen. So gewinnt man kein Spiel. Philedelphia hat nicht gegen eine richtige Mannschaft gespielt. Und noch was; mit Doug ist die Defence nicht besser geworden. Und Cato ist so was von fett, das gibts nicht.


basketball.de Mitarbeiter
Fro schrieb:
With best regards from Germany,


ich sag nur eins: CAREER-HIGH von dir FRO!! :jubel:

ich hatte es gestern nur am rande mitbekommen, dass AI gegen uns 60 gemacht hat. wenn so etwas passiert, muss man sich bewusst sein, dass etwas schief läuft. mein herz schlägt nach den grundsatz "offense wins games, defense wins championchips" und bei der derzeitigen situation, brauch ich wohl n herzschrittmacher.

achja, wie schon erwähnt, herr saunders will sich heute auf dem arbeitsamt melden, gebt ihm keine zeit irgendwelche anträge auszufüllen, gebt ihm ein job als headcoach der ORLANDO MAGIC. period.


Aus unserm Forum, den Wahrheitsgehalt kann ich nicht beurteilen:

In an exclusive NBC marv albert interview in the West Indies. Phil Jackson has been quoted as saying that the Knicks don't have the correct personel to run his type of offense. He would desire a squad simialar to the Orlando Magic. He said he not taking any job to rebuild unless the right talent is available, he is not interested and would rather keep vacationing with Luke Longley.

What are you waiting for Weisbrod, time to give Phil Jax a call. Bring the triangle to O-town.


geiles email fro lol, ;)

Dennoch kann ich nicht ganz verstehen warum die leute Francis so hassen uns traden wollen, er macht doch einen guten job jungs....Orlando kommt wieder in die Playoffs und neben Grant Hill, ist das Francis' verdienst, das müsst ihr ihm lassen. Nein, ich will nicht dass Francis' getradet wird, ich will das man das Team um ihn herum verstärkt und mit dem Kern den man jetzt hat, versucht im Osten wieder eine Macht zu werden....denn Potential hat dieses Team, man muss nur die Tabelle ansehen.

so weit, so gut.


Ich fordere keinen Francis trade, ich fordere einen Coach, der ihm ein wenig mehr Dampf macht und besser kontrolliert. Wenn ich mir nur die Turnover-Zahlen anschaue, dann geht das so nicht. Zu welchen Zeitpunkten die auch immer kommen und vor allem, wie sie zustande kommen, ist nicht feierlich.
Da muß mal eine etwas härtere Hand her, ansonsten hab ich am Saisonende eine Halbglatze, und ich hab eigentlich recht volles Haar. :rolleyes:

Auch dieses Gelaber von wegen er sei der einzige, der mal hart foult usw. sind ein Unsinn, daß ist nicht zum aushalten. Er muss hart foulen, weil er seinen Gegenspieler vorher schon sehr faul und dürftig verteidigt hat. Schau dir das mal bitte an, alleine die letzten 5 Spiele im Schnitt (!) 5,2 Fouls pro Spiel, davon mindestens die Hälfte, weil er nicht richtig verteidigt und nur versucht, ständig irgendwie reinzugreifen. Der läßt unsere big men richtig schlecht aussehen, weil jeder Point Guard in die Zone penetrieren kann als wenn Tag der offenen Tür im Puff wäre. Deswegen soll er seine Klappe halten, und endlich den Arsch hochkriegen. Ansonsten: Ab dafür.

Philly's Finest

Fro schrieb:
Against the 76ers: Samuel Dalembert, who has been killing us the whole night, picks up his 5th foul with 9 minutes left in the THIRD quarter but stays in the game. One would think that our coach would tell our big men to attack him to get him to foul out, but guess what? He doesn't even REALIZE he just picked up his fifth foul. Clifford Ray, who by the way has done a wonderful job with our bigs, realizes this minutes later and tells our big men to go at Dalembert.
Nun, ich kann mich noch auf Kommentare des Spieles erinnern, in dem der Magic-Coach sagte, dass sie mehrmals versucht haben, ihm das 6.Foul anzuhängen.
Allerdings hat das nicht geklappt und Dalembert konnte mit Leichtigkeit den Frontcourt der Magic ausspielen.:D

Dein Bericht ist super geschrieben, aber ich denke mal, dass du etwas überreagierst. Die Magic spielten bisher eine fabelhafte Saison und ich hätte nie und nimmer gedacht, dass sie sich unter den besseren etablieren werden. Der Coach ist in der Tat eine Schwachstelle und auch er hat in Allen Iversons Rookiesaison keine gute Arbeit geleistet. Wie auch immer, die Magic sollen weiterhin verlieren, sodass sie hinter den Sixers landen. :clown:

Kobe 8

Mystikal schrieb:
Dein Bericht ist super geschrieben, aber ich denke mal, dass du etwas überreagierst. Die Magic spielten bisher eine fabelhafte Saison.../QUOTE]

Sie sind stark in die Saison gestartet aber mindestens genauso schnell wieder abgefallen. Niederlagen wie die gegen die Warriors sind eigentlich nicht zu akzeptieren. Genauso hätte man mit dem Kader die Sixers schlagen müssen (was Francis mit seiner grandiosen D gegen Iverson zu verhindern wusste) und heute hatte man das Spiel gerade so aus dem Feuer gerissen. Und sowas ist einfach nicht zu verstehen, wenn man sich den Kader ansieht. Wie Fro auch schon angesprochen hat, ist es größtenteils Davis' Schuld, dass er die Spieler vor Spielen gegen die Warriors und Hornets nicht richtig einstellt.

Geiler Brief, Fro. Ich wäre allerdings nicht so pessimistisch, Erick Dampier hat auch eine eigene Website mit seiner E-Mail-Adresse und er beantwortet (angeblich) auch alle E-Mails selbst. Zumindest immer Sommer, also vielleicht bekommst du etwas von Herrn Weisbrod zurück... :thumb:


Hm, bedanke mich für das Lob von allen Seiten.

Habe mir jetzt überlegt, Flip Saunders wäre eigentlich perfekt für uns. Er gehört nicht nur zu den besten fünf Trainern in der Liga, sondern hat auch Erfahrung, wie man einen High Schooler nach oben bringt. Auch das er mein Lieblingstrainer ist spielt eine gewisse Rolle. :D


Mystikal schrieb:
Dein Bericht ist super geschrieben, aber ich denke mal, dass du etwas überreagierst. Die Magic spielten bisher eine fabelhafte Saison und ich hätte nie und nimmer gedacht, dass sie sich unter den besseren etablieren werden. Der Coach ist in der Tat eine Schwachstelle und auch er hat in Allen Iversons Rookiesaison keine gute Arbeit geleistet. Wie auch immer, die Magic sollen weiterhin verlieren, sodass sie hinter den Sixers landen. :clown:

Ich will nicht abstreiten das ich manchmal vielleicht schwer zufrieden zu stellen bin, aber was seit ein paar Wochen abgeht, ist für mich nur ganz schwer zu ertragen. Nach dem Blitzstart von 13-6 stehen wir bei einer Bilanz von 14-18, was auf die Saison hochgerechnet eine Bilanz von 36 Siegen geben würde, wenn man nicht diesen Start hingelegt hätte. Glaube kaum daß das akzeptabel sein kann.


Es scheint langsam Bewegung in die Sache zu kommen. Aus dem Insider:

Orlando Magic: GM John Weisbrod doesn't like the direction in which his team is heading.

The Magic are ranked 27th in the league in points allowed per game.

"You can win based on emotion and fight -- and no one likes guys with heart, guys who compete and play with emotion more than I do -- but those are things you have to put on top of discipline. It can't replace discipline," Weisbrod told Florida Today.

"The bigger issue to me is that if you are a team that wins or loses based on emotion, you aren't going to be a successful playoff team," Weisbrod said. "We win the games we do based on emotion and fight and that's a great thing, but we rarely win games because we out-execute teams or because we have good, disciplined habits. I say all the time that the teams that win in the playoffs are the ones with the better habits and are conditioned to do things the right way whether they are on an emotional high or low. We're struggling to develop those habits, especially defensively, so it puts us at the mercy of our emotions."

Die Frage ist nur, wie man das interpretieren will, denn einerseits ist es ein deutlicher Fingerzeig an unseren Trainer, andererseits geht das auch klar in Richtung Francis und Cato. Wenn man dem Moderator aus dem Magic-Forum glauben darf, und der ist eigentlich sehr seriös (ok, bis auf die Geschichte wo er Hoopsworld aufs Korn genommen hat und dadurch sein Bruder bei den Cavs fast gefeuert worden wäre :laugh2: :jubel: ), dann war der Mann in unserem Trainerstuhl gestern auch nicht in seiner Coaching Show, und auch Clifford Ray nicht. Es ist was im Busch.


Orlando Magic: GM John Weisbrod doesn't like the direction in which his team is heading.

The Magic are ranked 27th in the league in points allowed per game.

"You can win based on emotion and fight -- and no one likes guys with heart, guys who compete and play with emotion more than I do -- but those are things you have to put on top of discipline. It can't replace discipline," Weisbrod told Florida Today.

"The bigger issue to me is that if you are a team that wins or loses based on emotion, you aren't going to be a successful playoff team," Weisbrod said. "We win the games we do based on emotion and fight and that's a great thing, but we rarely win games because we out-execute teams or because we have good, disciplined habits. I say all the time that the teams that win in the playoffs are the ones with the better habits and are conditioned to do things the right way whether they are on an emotional high or low. We're struggling to develop those habits, especially defensively, so it puts us at the mercy of our emotions."

Ja, das hört sich ja wirklich nicht schlecht an..... vielleicht hat er dein email doch gelesen, ;)

Kobe 8

Ich bin dafür, Texas Tech Coach Bobby Knight als neuen Head Coach der Magic zu engagieren. Der wird Steve Francis bei jedem Turnover und bei jeder schlechten Aktion in der Defense den Arsch sowas von aufreißen, dass er nach dem nächsten Training nicht mehr gerade aus gehen kann. :laugh2:

Cold as Ice

"Despite an unsteady past several weeks with the performance of the Orlando Magic, general manager John Weisbrod has no plans of changing the roster before next week's NBA trading deadline or replacing Johnny Davis as head coach. "I'm holding hands with Johnny and those players. We're in battle together," said Weisbrod, who will leave today on a scouting trip to Spain and Italy but is expected to return before the Feb. 24 deadline for making trades."

Daytona Beach News-Journal ; Dienstag der 15 Februar 2005 n. Chr. ; kopiert von Cold as Ice um 19:22 ; alle Rechte liegen bei Hoopshype und dem Daytona Beach News-Journal ; ich stütze meine Aussage durch diesen kurzen Abschnitt ; Link: http://www.hoopshype.com/rumors.htm

so dass ist für alle leute die quellen wollen und einen gleich fertig machen wenn man es vergist oder weglässt. :gitche:

Naj um zum inhalt zu kommen, Fro anscheinend wurde dein wunsch nicht erfüllt schade obwohl ich den brief nicht schlecht fand. Naja wenn sie noch die PO verpassen geschieht vielleicht was aber dann ist es eh zu spät.


Ha, es sind schon ganz andere Trainer entlassen worden, nachdem die Verantwortlichen sich hinter seinen Rücken gestellt haben. Mach's gut, schlecht angezogener Mann. :teufel:


Oha, daß war ja letzte Nacht schon fast "vintage" Grant Hill. :eek: :love: :jubel:


yep, er hat sich schon mal warmgeschossen, damit er dann beim ASG richtig brillieren kann ... einfach ein klasse Game von ihm :jubel:


When Magic news break....

Fro fixes them. :D :laugh2:

Quelle: USAToday
'Thank you for still believing'
By Grant Hill, Orlando Magic All-Star Forward

Five ankle surgeries. One staph infection, countless workouts, false starts and moments of self reflection have certainly given me a new-found perspective on life. My road back to the NBA was a long and strenuous one and has taught me many valuable lessons and one in particular —- to live each day as it comes.

I am truly thankful to be playing a game I love and thankful to be healthy. In a season of many positives for me, what really has special significance is the outpouring of affection from the fans and how they have embraced my return to the NBA. To be selected as an All-Star starter for the Eastern Conference by the fans means a great deal. It also serves as an affirmation to me that all of the hard work and sacrifice were worth it.

It is truly an honor to have people recognize what I've been through. We live in a world where it's 'out of sight, out of mind,' and I've been out of sight for so long — four years to be exact. To have a breakthrough and to have people appreciate my struggles is extremely rewarding. (Related item: All-Star start caps Hill's comeback)

During my travels with the Orlando Magic this season, I can't help but notice the warm receptions I've received in the cities we visit Even Philadelphia, where they're notoriously tough, was good to me. I hear positive comments from people in the crowd, whether it's during warmups or a break in the action. In Detroit, the fans overwhelmed me with their kindness in my first visit there this season. It was really unbelievable actually. I'm very thankful they appreciated the six years I played there.

However, I'm just one of 450 players from all over the world that play in the NBA and there are other inspirational stories of men who have overcome even greater odds than me to be an integral part of the action this season.

Zydrunas Ilgauskas of the Cleveland Cavaliers, who has had at least five foot surgeries and played in only 29 out of a possible 214 games in three seasons at one stage of his career, just earned his second All-Star roster spot in three years. In Los Angeles, Rudy Tomjanovich returned to the sidelines to coach the Los Angeles Lakers after a one-year sabbatical before deciding that his health came first and retiring.

Off the court, there are numerous players throughout the league who work behind the scenes in their respective communities with the goal of trying to make a difference.

In New Jersey, Richard Jefferson, who upon reading about a little girl who had her custom-made wheelchair destroyed in a hit-and-run accident, provided her with another one. In Seattle, Ray Allen, who founded the Ray of Hope Foundation, assists charities in several communities.

Steve Smith of the Charlotte Bobcats and Christian Laettner of the Miami Heat have each donated hundreds of thousands of dollars to their respective high schools and several million dollars to their college alma maters, Michigan State and Duke, respectively.

Dikembe Mutombo of the Houston Rockets has campaigned tirelessly to improve the lives of people in his native country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and has built a hospital.

In San Antonio, Tim Duncan has raised millions of dollars for cancer research. Adonal Foyle of the Warriors established Democracy Matters, a foundation to help college students stand up for progressive change in American politics. New York's Jerome Williams founded Positive Shades of Black, an organization whose mission is to motivate and educate students of all nationalities to embrace education and to equip them with life skills necessary to become productive citizens.

The true face of the NBA is the hundreds of hard-working family men who are loyal to their communities and fully-aware of how privileged they are to be paid to do something we all love. When thinking of the typical NBA player, I urge you to reflect on the many good deeds that players all over the world are doing in their respective communities.

And for those of you around the world who voted for me, thank you for still believing.

Grant Hill, the third overall pick of the 1994 NBA Draft, is in his 11th year in the NBA and fifth with the Magic. He was a two-time All-America and two-time national champion at Duke University, where he graduated with a history degree. Hill was Co-Rookie of the Year in 1995, a 1996 Olympic gold medalist and was named to the All-NBA Team four times between 1996 and 2000. A series of injuries limited the six-time NBA All-Star to a total of 47 games in the four seasons prior to this season.

Wie kann man diese Persönlichkeit eigentlich nicht mögen? :jubel:

Gelöschtes Mitglied 141

Menace schrieb:
geiles email fro lol, ;)

Dennoch kann ich nicht ganz verstehen warum die leute Francis so hassen uns traden wollen, er macht doch einen guten job jungs....Orlando kommt wieder in die Playoffs und neben Grant Hill, ist das Francis' verdienst, das müsst ihr ihm lassen. Nein, ich will nicht dass Francis' getradet wird, ich will das man das Team um ihn herum verstärkt und mit dem Kern den man jetzt hat, versucht im Osten wieder eine Macht zu werden....denn Potential hat dieses Team, man muss nur die Tabelle ansehen.

so weit, so gut.

Ich weiss gar nicht warum Franics soviele traden möchten! Steve spielt die beste Saison seines Lebens und bringt die Magic zurück in die Erfolgsspur, 28-24 Team Record. Das Hill daran grossen Anteil hat, das steht hier net zur Debatte!

Wie oft hat Steve in den entscheidenen Minuten die wichtigen Punkte gemacht, zuletzt erst gegen die Clippers, 4 Punkte in den letzten 17 sekunden oder gegen Seattle oder oder oder. Francis ist im Moment der beste Crunch Time Player der NBA, also genau das Gegenteil von T-Mac in der letzten Saison. Sicher ist seine TO-Quote um 1 TO per Game zu hoch, sicher ist er nicht der geborene Verteidiger, na und! Muss ein Team aus mindestens 2-3 guten Defendern bestehen um gute Defense zu spielen? NEIN!!! Team Defense, HelpSide ect., aber das liegt in der Verantwortung des blinden Coaches Davis.
Ich habe bisher 90% aller Magic Spiele gesehen, 2 mal Live in Boston, und da konnte man deutlich sehen, das nicht Steve allein für die schlechte Defense verantwortlich ist. Wie schon erwähnt , der Coach, der die fast alleinige Hauptschuld an der schlechten Defense trägt.
Ich würde mir endlich einmal eine feste Rotation für Jameer wünschen. Einmal 6 MInuten dann mal wieder 25. Interssant , immer wenn Nelson mehr als 20 MInuten spielt hat er super Stats, dazu noch viele Steals. Nelson ist ein geiler Verteidiger auf der Eins, aggressiv und eng am Spieler dran. Wie schon hier einmal geschrieben, Nelson & Francis müssen mehr Spielzeit zusammen bekommen. Auch weil man dann Hill entlasten würde, der doch sehr häufig den Pointfoward spielt.

Ich will auf keinen Fall das man Francis tradet, man sieht ja wie toll Teams ohne einen starken PG abschneiden. Utah zum Beispiel.