đŸ‡«đŸ‡ź Thread fĂŒr Finnen Fans



Wenn das klappt komm ich vorbei.

Ich war doch schon sooooooo lang nicht mehr in Finnland..:hmpf:


Wird morgen wohl zu weiteren Änderungen im Zeitplan kommen: Dass abends die Quali gesprungen werden kann, ist nahezu ausgeschlossen. Gut möglich, dass das auf den Vormittag/Mittag verlegt wird.

EDIT: Sollte eigentlich in den anderen Thread, sorry.
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Urheilulehti published their winter sport special. Long (and very, very good) stories about Janne RyynÀnen and Julia KykkÀnen, shorter about Matti HautamÀki. And predictions for Finnish jumpers this season. I may get back later to Julia story, it really is a good one, but I will now summarize what they have to say about male jumpers. Some interesting things, some light in the end of tunnel and some very worrying news. Rather harsh point of view, I have to say, but I'm afraid it may be realistic. :ueberleg: My comments in []'s:

-Should be Finland's number one, only Finn who can realistically be often in top ten
-How knee will hold up is the big question. And does it make him less sure in his jumps, very high risk for re-injury some point during the season
-Ruka will be scary, very tough for the knee, if he jumps long jumps, because long jumps come down from high (less snow means Ruka is worse for knees than usually, and it is always bad)

-Being back at Finland has worked well for him
-Physically better than ever
-Mentally most calm and stable training season of his career, will be seen if his maturation shows also in competitions
-If he is able to concentrate in his own jumping and doesn't get involved and distracted with every new thing someone else has, could be stable top 30
-Will anyway probably start in CoC

-Motivation is a question
-Training could have been lot better at summer
-Building a house and starting a family has never been good news to Finnish athletes' performances.
-Doesn't look too good, could be even out of the WC team after first competitions
-If does well at Ruka and Lillehammer, old warhorse could find his drive and have a good season anyway, but it is essential that the season starts well
-One shouldn't wait too much from him
[Yikes, these are those worrying titbits I mentioned... There are lots of things in which the ski jumper is wise to follow Rane's suit, but his last season wasn't one of them.]

Kimmo Yliriesto:
-Interesting guy
-Has find again his joy for jumping under Harri Olli's training and with that also the meters he lost long ago
-Embarrassed A Team at summer, is able to do it again at winter
-Could make a WC Team regular, but will start trying that through CoC

-Finland's second
-Much better than last season
-Physically much better, is a real ski jumper now
-Better balance which makes the technique easier
-More effective
-Jumping depends of his mood, but season opener at his home hill is a great plus
-He is only one in the whole competition who really knows Ruka hill and could do very well
-Every chance to be top 30 constantly and even be at the podium once or twice during the season
-Real exception among Finnish jumpers; bright and sunny character which really helps whole team

-Really unstable jumper
-Start of the season really important, because if not doing well, may loose his place and chances in the team

-Forever young and promising
-Good training season, will be better than last season
-Could be even top 30 at Ruka
-Other than that, main goals are at CoC

Jere KykkÀnen:
-Matured, decided to try how it would feel to play real athlete and has actually tried training
-Really great improvements especially physically
-Great flier
-Typical KykkÀnen clan's hole head especially with equipments
-Has something new and exciting with boots
-Real black horse, though will make it through CoC if will at all

Jarkko MÀÀttÀ:
-Finland's rare young talent
-Anyway after summer it seems this will not be his break through season
-His time is still on the future

Sebastian Klinga:
-Has suffered the most because of the snow situation
-No chance to show his current form and no chance to collect FIS points he would have needed to be able to jump at Ruka
-Will probably not have a chance to show his worth this season
-Unlucky for him, but put down the name, will be heard more in future

Kai Kovaljeff:
-Continues, continues, continues
-Will jump as he can and see how far it takes him

Ville Larinto:
-Watches telly and does rehab
-May jump at spring or may not
-Let's wait next year

-Unfortunate national binding and suit project has been buried in silence
-Every one has different equipments as they have wanted all the time
-Not enough possibilities for testing
-Those new boots mentioned earlier could be a big new thing, also something new and interesting in how skies are curved. In suits, new things are on underwear.
-Finnish equipment strategy is far back from the best countries as a system, but knowledgeable, innovative and enthusiastic people in the field make some up

-After last year disaster Pekka NiemelÀ has been able to take a long look in the mirror and has understood Finland is not France and he can not force Finns into the same line
-Has been able to humble down and listen also other people during the summer. His new attitude has helped to mend things and opposition is much quieter now.
-Screwing up with his big equipment project was a real embarrassment but has shown ability to learn from difficulties
-Still the biggest test is ahead. This will be a bad season, will he be able to handle the pressure, or will he loose it like last season?
-Last year the spirit in the team was really bad and there was lots of cliques and NiemelÀ really didn't help it, but made it worse, can he do better now, when jumpers really have to fight for positions in the WC Team
[Okay, that was rather harsh, but also hopeful, I think]

Training season:
-During summer new names really challenged A Team
-Finland has an even group of jumpers, difficult to name four best ones
-Physically they are much better than last season, but that is not be all and end all in jumping
-The spirit is better than last year, not yet great though

-The whole team has to fight even to get to the second round
-Only Havu has potential to the top, if he stays healthy
-They are lucky, if they can keep quota in four

Financial matters:
-Still working on those
-Lack of money still shows
-The worst is, that last year money was badly spent in the ineffective way
-The biggest problem is lack of money in testing equipment, they will use competitions to test
-Still, no reason to whine. If they would jump better, they would have easier time with the money.
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-Motivation is a question
-Training could have been lot better at summer
-Building a house and starting a family has never been good news to Finnish athletes' performances.
-Doesn't look too good, could be even out of the WC team after first competitions
-If does well at Ruka and Lillehammer, old warhorse could find his drive and have a good season anyway, but it is essential that the season starts well
-One shouldn't wait too much from him
[Yikes, these are those worrying titbits I mentioned... There are lots of things in which the ski jumper is wise to follow Rane's suit, but his last season wasn't one of them.]

ich wollte eigtl schreiben - geht doch... aber der zweite sprung war ja wieder zum vergessen... aber hey - weltcuppunkte!!! :p




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Pansendorf im Bumsland
Something highly positive (I hope):

Havu trained at Ruka very, very well after Ruka. Of course Pekka doesn't tell anything about speeds et cetera but still nice to know, he was able to jump well. Of course in Pekka's time we have had these positive 'trained awesome'-news before and... well, it haven't always meant much, but still something to be hopeful at.
Kann ich mir gut vorstellen, dass das so ist. Er selbst war mit den Wettbewerben alles andere als zufrieden und ich denke, gerade er kann sich ganz gut einschÀtzen. Jetzt kommt noch dazu, dass er nun weis wo er steht - immerhin Top 10 - und das wird auch seinen Kopf freier machen.


Second somewhat positive post from me today (yeah, I may be falling ill or something. I promise to shake off this very un- Finnish trend before Tuesday.)

I'm very happy with Anssi right now. He is doing constantly well and that is awesome. Especially the constantly part. :up: Havu also still promising.

Other than that: Voi Taivas!!! ;(


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Pansendorf im Bumsland
Is doch wirklich sch**. Kaum is einer wieder da (Havu), fĂ€llt nen anderer hinten runter (Matti). Und was mit Olli ist, weis er selbst nicht. Wohl noch der Fluch der bösen Hexe des Ostens. HĂŒbsch aussehen is seinem Fall nun nicht alles. ;) Anssi gefĂ€llt mir auch. Sag ja, der braucht nur Zeit.

Aus 4 mach 2...Wieder 2 weniger...

Ich muss zu Kalle mal was anmerken: Was er da in seinem Studium so entwirft kann sich wirklich sehen lassen. ******* aufs Springen. :pffft:


Second somewhat positive post from me today (yeah, I may be falling ill or something. I promise to shake off this very un- Finnish trend before Tuesday.)

I'm very happy with Anssi right now. He is doing constantly well and that is awesome. Especially the constantly part. :up: Havu also still promising.

Other than that: Voi Taivas!!! ;(

Anssi is certainly not helping me out of this un-Finnish state of mind :(

Very, very happy for him! :party:

And I'm also very proud of Julia :up:

*tries to get a grip*

=> He was lucky on the first round, many were very unlucky and this was probably quite near his best. And anyway. Other than Anssi and Julia:

Voi Helvetti!!!
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Dani and Swani: Now you are not helping :mad1:


Luckily at least my favourite hockey team is just now letting anyone and everyone try to freely shoot a goal a meter away in front of their very young and inexperienced goalie. It certainly helps keeping me grumpy... Then again, said goalie is doing awesome :nie:
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Um die Stimmung etwas aufzuhellen: Anssi ist grad noch so PQ fĂŒr nĂ€chstes Wochenende ;)


Hey, boys, there is no need to be so nice and let others have all the points. It's totally okay to have more than one Finn in top 30. Really! Others will not be too mad at you even if two or three of you make it to the second round. :pffft:
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